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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


About This Club

This is the club for the Farbmusik Community - Join Here and start to enjoy Music related to Colors.


Free downloads for club members here : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/files/category/11-free-432hz-meditation-files/

Here you find a documentation about the background of Farbmusik :


If you are interested to get more of my 432Hz healing & meditation piano music for download please follow this link here :


  1. What's new in this club
  2. Es findet bis Ende 2024 eine weitere Farbmusik Konzert Serie in der alten Kirche in Urdorf statt. Danke an die Gemeinde Urdorf , welche meine Konzerte unterstützt. Die Konzerte finden jeweils am Neumond statt und es werden reine Gitarren Konzerte sein. Hier die Daten : Mittwoch 02. Oktober / 20:00 Waage Neumond Freitag 01. November / 20:00 Skorpion Neumond Sonntag 01. Dezember / 20:00 Schütze Neumond Montag 30. Dezember / 20:00 Steinbock Neumond --------------------- There will be another color music concert series in the old church in Urdorf until the end of 2024. Thanks to the community of Urdorf for supporting my concerts. The concerts will take place on the new moon and will be guitar-only concerts. Here are the dates : Wednesday October 02 / 20:00 Libra New Moon Friday November 01 / 20:00 Scorpio New Moon Sunday December 01 / 20:00 Sagittarius New Moon Monday December 30 / 20:00 Capricorn New Moon
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Here I created a cinematic style meditation sound in 432Hz. The core of this sound experience is the hang sound together with a slow 60 bpm pulsing bass sound which is great to get into a meditative vibe. Try to sync your breath to the speed of this tune then you might experience the maximum meditation effect. Here are the themes which are attached to the color " violet " Faith, mysticism, transformation, timeless, spirituality, healing and serving. Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. If you love this work please support it with a donation here : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/clients/donations/ --------------------------- Hier habe ich einen cineastischen Meditationssound in 432Hz kreiert. Der Kern dieses Klangerlebnisses ist der Hang-Sound zusammen mit einem langsamen, pulsierenden Bass-Sound mit 60 bpm, der sich hervorragend eignet, um in eine meditative Stimmung zu kommen. Versuchen Sie, Ihren Atem mit der Geschwindigkeit dieser Melodie zu synchronisieren, dann können Sie den maximalen Meditationseffekt erleben. Hier sind die Themen, die mit der Farbe "Violett" verbunden sind Glaube, Mystik, Transformation, Zeitlosigkeit, Spiritualität, Heilen und Dienen. Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Wenn Sie meine Arbeit unterstützen wollen so können Sie hier eine Spende machen : If you love this work please support it with a donation here : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/clients/donations/
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find a sponatious piano mediation improvisation in 432 Hz to the color ( Farbmusik ) Violet. Here a nearer description around 432 Hz and the color Violet :
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find a very deep and blue guitar meditation in the color dark blue. The track is over 10 min long and I recorded it all first take in one row of 40 minutes. I was trying to just play the guitar in a meditative mindset and so this music turned out to become very deep and guided by the knowledge of the intuitiv inspiration. I have selected a tempo of 60 bpm because this is a good low heart beat ratio to get into a meditative state. While listening to this track, put your breath on the tempo of the tune. Then you should get the best meditation results.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is a spontanious improvisation on the acoustic nylon guitar tuned to 432Hz. I have added a meditative wide reverb effect on the gutiar and during the improvisation I visualized the color " Yellow ". If you want to know more about the 432Hz tuning you might visit this page here : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/files/category/1-healing-and-therapy-music/ Here you find an other yellow meditation song played on the piano if you want more of yellow music. If you want to share your meditation to the community please open a new topic and share it. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/forum/80-topics/
  7. There is now a new feature available for club members here. I will add some free 432Hz music downloads here in the club. They are available for FREE for all club members. To become a club member just register a free account and hit the " JOIN " button. This is now a first step to promote more music which I produce with 432 Hz tuning instruments and synths. The standard tuning is in fact 440 Hz but the experience has showing that music with 432 Hz tuned instruments have a way better healing and relaxation effect on listeners. But you can check it out yourself. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/files/category/11-free-432hz-meditation-files/
  8. Danke Dir - habe ich machen lassen. Eben mit so von Dir genannten LED Stripes und die Farbe lässt sich nahtlos verändern.
  9. schön gemacht, LED Stribes eigenen sich da auch super, vor alldem kann da dann auch je nach Bedarf die Farbe eingestellt werden. mfg Christian
  10. Finally I have new LED lights which I from now on will use on any Farbmusik concert. These are custom made LED lights which allow me to switch between the colors during the concert and they really give the live audience the full sensation of color & music during the live concert. I am looking forward to the new concerts which are coming in the next year.
  11. Don't miss the next fullmoon meditation piano concert on June 14th at 8:00 PM ( Zürich Time ) - if you are near Zürich on that day you might want to visit the concert in person. It starts at 8:00 PM in the small church in Seegräben. If you are not around Zürich you might want to watch the livestream. From the middle of the concert on the audience in the church or online can request for colors which I improvise together with the energies of that fullmoon in Sagetarius which is in square with Neptun.
  12. I have decided to make the whole fullmoon concerts of the year 2022 as live concerts but with live-streaming. They will be held in the church of Seegräben. This is a tiny little church in the village of Seegräben. I used to live there for a few years and I must say it was the best time of my life and I really enjoyed this little church, which was always open and there is this old upright piano which has it's special tuning and I really loved to play and compose there alone in this little church. If you are from Switzerland you might want to join one of those concerts. Here is the list with the dates : If you can not attend the concert you still can join in the live streaming which will be announced here on my website. So here is the position of the church : and here 2 pictures :
  13. What does the 432 Hz tuning mean ? The standard tuning of instruments is the concert pitch A. This tone is vibrating at 440 Hz. This is an international standard and the further tuning of each instrument is adjusted based on the concert pitch. With the 432 Hz tuning the concert pitch A is tuned to 432 Hz instead of 440. The other tones of an instrument are then adjusted accordingly. What is the difference between 432 Hz and 440 Hz tuning ? Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, as well as other anthroposophists such as Maria Renold or Kathleen Schlesinger have done research on the 432Hz tuning and came to the conclusion that this tuning has an effect on the physical as well as mental well-being of people. Steiner established this connection before Winfried Otto Schuman, the founder of the Schumann Resonance, showed with the term earth resonance frequency that sounds can have a direct influence on the vibration of the earth. According to the findings of Steiner and other researchers, the 432 -tuning should have the following effects: Better physical relaxation Better mental relaxation Lightening of the mood More direct emotional influence Better contact with your own feelings Easier development and healing processes Feel music more than just listening to it These properties only correspond to empirical values and are not directly scientifically verifiable. Strictly speaking, one must therefore speak of an empirical science. However, many sources speak of the healing and relaxing effect of 432Hz music. Already Pythagoras defined the term sphere sounds and sphere harmony in connection with the vibrations of the planets. Nikolas Tesla also dealt with oscillation frequencies and fundamental vibrations in the universe. But similar to astrology, for example, these correlations can probably be established, but only in the sense of an experiential science. It is not possible to prove them physically, but through observation, experience and application, results are obtained which, through the sum of the experiences made, provide evidence of a connection. We represent the principle of quantum consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. This approach seems to be very aloof and far-fetched at first, but is again embedded in an experiential scientific framework. Interesting in this context is that Russian researchers, who have scientifically studied the properties of water, have proven that water and the structure of water can be changed by music, but also by the emotions and thoughts of people. Research has even shown that in the case of emotions and thoughts, the structure of water changes when the person who sent the thoughts and emotions was several thousand kilometres away. Since the human being consists of up to 75% water, it is obvious that the properties of water can be transferred to humans. Thoughts, emotions and focus have an influence on the near and far environment. Therefore the approach of quantum consciousness, i.e. the conscious emission and focusing of thoughts, emotions, images and colours is the relevant approach in the creation of colour music in general as well as in specific senses. We represent the principle of quantum consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. Russian researchers who have scientifically studied the properties of water have proven that water and the structure of water can be changed by music, but also emotions and thoughts. Research has even shown that in the case of emotions and thoughts the structure of water changed when the person who sent the thoughts and emotions was several 1000 km away. Since humans consist of up to 75% water, it is obvious that the properties of water can be transferred to humans. Therefore, the approach of quantum consciousness, the conscious emission of thoughts, emotions, images and colours in the creation of music is the approach that makes colour music and also 432 Hz meditation music what it is. Quantum consciousness in the 432 Hz music Consciousness creates reality : The principle of quantum consciousness also flows into the 432 Hz meditation music. How is this to be understood? By recording the music in a meditative state of relaxation, harmony and through appropriate colour visualisations, the music created in this way is inoculated with these qualities. The 432Hz tuning creates a harmonious framework in which the music and the inoculated properties can flow better. Therefore it is also important that the meditation music is recorded or played in a meditative state, with deep meditative breath. It is also important that a meditation CD or a meditation concert is played without interruption. This way the flow of colours and the flow of thoughts and feelings becomes freer and more harmonious. 432 Hz Piano Tuning With the 432 Hz piano tuning, the concert pitch A is tuned to 432 Hz and the entire piano is tuned according to the well-tempered tuning. There are still differences in the well-tempered tuning, which can vary slightly depending on the pianist or piano tuner, but this is the principle of the 432 Hz piano tuning. A piano tuned to 432 Hz sounds rounder, more harmonious and meditatively played piano on this tuning should facilitate and promote meditation and the harmonious flow of emotions. The crucial point, however, is that a piano tuned to 432 Hz is also played meditatively with the principles of Quantum Consciousness.
  14. on many requests I will do the concert on piano - but I will do the songs I started to compose for this concert in one of the upcoming HPCrazy Guitar Nights.
  15. The fullmoon in Leo meditation concert on Feb. 16th will be played on guitar. I have a few inspirational idea's which work great for this concert and it will be played with a on 432 Hz tuned guitar. It will start at 8PM Zurich time. If you enter the chat you can interact with me during the concert which makes the concert a greater experience for everybody. Find all information about the concert here : Meditation Concert 432Hz - Leo Full Moon The Leo Full Moon of 2/16/22 occurs in square to the Lunar Node axis. Fateful things may manifest on this day. At the same time there is a Venus - Mars conjunction in Capricorn. The feminine and masculine meet and may have a serious debate or argument. Livestreaming Link If you loved the concert please make a donation here : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/clients/donations/
  16. Hier ist now the list with the astrological constellations on those days which will go into the music : 16. Feb. 22 / 8 PM - Leo Fullmoon - Venus Mars Conjunction in Capricorn 18.March 22 / 8 PM - Virgo Fullmoon - Neptune Jupiter Conjunction Square Lilith 16. April 22 / 8 PM - Libra Fullmoon - Square Pluto in Capricorn 16. May 22 / 8 PM - Scorpio Fullmoon - Scorpio Full Moon on the Rising Moon Node 14. June 22 / 8 PM - Sagetarius Fullmoon - Supermoon square Neptune 13. July 22 / 8 PM - Capricorn Fullmoon - Square Chiron 12. August 22 / 8 PM - Aquarius Fullmoon - Conjunction Saturn Square Uranus + Ascending Moon Node Square Chiron 10. September 22 / 8 PM - Pieces Fullmoon - Square Mars 09. Oktober 22 / 8 PM - Aries Fullmoon - Conjunction Chiron, Opposition Venus, Square Pluto 08. November 22 / 8 PM - Taurus Fullmoon - Conjunction Uranus, Moon Node, Opposition Venus, Mercury 08.Dezember 22 / 8 PM - Gemini Fullmoon - Conjunction Mars, Square Neptune
  17. Concert Plan 2022 - Fullmoon meditation concerts 432Hz ( Piano & or Guitar ) The new concert plan for 2022 is out now. This year I will add more guitar into the livestreaming meditation concerts. I have a few idea's - but we will see what will come. When the weather gets warmer I also plan to do outdoor concerts with the electric guitar and my brand new solar panel akku set. That will be fun I think. If you have any suggestions, questions or comments please let me know.
  18. An orange is good food twoo - let`s listen how it could sound
  19. I am planing to release more music for meditation in 432 Hz. I have several ideas. But since this is some work to do you can tell me which colors you prefer. There are sereral choices possible.
  20. This is a meditativ played green song in the key of Gb which is in fact a very soft and smooth key on the piano. The piano was tuned on 432Hz which creates more smooth and harmonizing frequencies. Green is a harmonizing color. The schading starts from a bright spring green and ends in a mediterean green. Green is a color of growth. When you watch it in nature you get a good impression how different green can be. This can also be heard in the music. Related expression for green are : Joy, freedom, hope, nature, growth, calmative, fresh & new, earth. The footage was taken in a little wild forest valley near the place I live. It's one of the rare remaining pure spots around Zürich. It's called the Erlenbacher Tobel and it has magical energies there which fit best to this music.
  21. As a musician one of my goals was always to catch eternity with music. Piano music and Farbmusik and 432 Hz meditation music are perfect for this. But it happens only rarly when you can catch eternity with music that when you meditate with the music in fact you feel eternity. So this is one of those rare moments where I was lucky that the recording button was on. The color is violet - since this is in fact the color of eternity.
  22. I want to share my experience from yesturdays concert a bit. Yesturday was really flowing wonderful and I felt music going through me in an original way. When I improvise on piano it sometimes ( often ) happens that things are created instantly in a way they never were before. And this concert - maybe due to the lunar ecplise was flowing really nice and wonderful. Some tunes were pure originals which I don't even remember now - thats the how music should be. Catch the moment of a situation and transfer it into music.
  23. Piano Meditation 432Hz - Taurus Full Moon / Eclipse The Taurus Full Moon - Eclipse of Nov 19 21 marks a time of things ending or things beginning. The energies of the Taurus Full Moon / Eclipse are square to Jupiter. So this may indicate a time when one may be in tension with material goods. One can tend to exaggerations or also see his sense too much in these things. With the color violet I try to create a bit of a balance to the spiritual world to counteract this. Join this concert to meditate about things you wish to acomplish and things you wish to let go. The best moment to do that is during the concert to focus the energies. If you have any constelations on 27 degrees taurus in your astrological chart then you will feel these energies highlighted. If you love the Farbmusik Meditation Concerts you can support it with a donation. There is a lot of work needed to prepare such concert. I am checking the astrological constellations and meditate about the energies and I need to prepare the music which fits perfect to that specific moment that you can get the maximum benefit from the livestream. I am doing these concerts as livestreams because I want to reach people around the globe and help to harmonize and heal. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/index.php?/clients/donations/
  24. Now my first set of therapy music is ready. 7 colors to meditate : red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and violet. The pieces can be used with any form of color therapy or other therapy work. They are played and recorded in 432 Hz - it was a bit difficult to make the pieces available like this because the official music stores like Apple, Spotify and co. don't accept music of this kind anymore. Therefore the pieces are now exclusively available on my website. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/index.php?/files/category/1-healing-and-therapy-musik/ What does the 432 Hz tuning mean ? The standard tuning of instruments is the concert pitch A. This tone is vibrating at 440 Hz. This is an international standard and the further tuning of each instrument is adjusted based on the concert pitch. With the 432 Hz tuning the concert pitch A is tuned to 432 Hz instead of 440. The other tones of an instrument are then adjusted accordingly. What is the difference between 432 Hz and 440 Hz tuning ? Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, as well as other anthroposophists such as Maria Renold or Kathleen Schlesinger have done research on the 432Hz tuning and came to the conclusion that this tuning has an effect on the physical as well as mental well-being of people. Steiner established this connection before Winfried Otto Schuman, the founder of the Schumann Resonance, showed with the term earth resonance frequency that sounds can have a direct influence on the vibration of the earth. According to the findings of Steiner and other researchers, the 432 -tuning should have the following effects: Better physical relaxation Better mental relaxation Lightening of the mood More direct emotional influence Better contact with your own feelings Easier development and healing processes Feel music more than just listening to it These properties only correspond to empirical values and are not directly scientifically verifiable. Strictly speaking, one must therefore speak of an empirical science. However, many sources speak of the healing and relaxing effect of 432Hz music. Already Pythagoras defined the term sphere sounds and sphere harmony in connection with the vibrations of the planets. Nikolas Tesla also dealt with oscillation frequencies and fundamental vibrations in the universe. But similar to astrology, for example, these correlations can probably be established, but only in the sense of an experiential science. It is not possible to prove them physically, but through observation, experience and application, results are obtained which, through the sum of the experiences made, provide evidence of a connection. We represent the principle of quantum consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. This approach seems to be very aloof and far-fetched at first, but is again embedded in an experiential scientific framework. Interesting in this context is that Russian researchers, who have scientifically studied the properties of water, have proven that water and the structure of water can be changed by music, but also by the emotions and thoughts of people. Research has even shown that in the case of emotions and thoughts, the structure of water changes when the person who sent the thoughts and emotions was several thousand kilometres away. Since the human being consists of up to 75% water, it is obvious that the properties of water can be transferred to humans. Thoughts, emotions and focus have an influence on the near and far environment. Therefore the approach of quantum consciousness, i.e. the conscious emission and focusing of thoughts, emotions, images and colours is the relevant approach in the creation of colour music in general as well as in specific senses. We represent the principle of quantum consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. Russian researchers who have scientifically studied the properties of water have proven that water and the structure of water can be changed by music, but also emotions and thoughts. Research has even shown that in the case of emotions and thoughts the structure of water changed when the person who sent the thoughts and emotions was several 1000 km away. Since humans consist of up to 75% water, it is obvious that the properties of water can be transferred to humans. Therefore, the approach of quantum consciousness, the conscious emission of thoughts, emotions, images and colours in the creation of music is the approach that makes colour music and also 432 Hz meditation music what it is. Quantum consciousness in the 432 Hz music Consciousness creates reality : The principle of quantum consciousness also flows into the 432 Hz meditation music. How is this to be understood? By recording the music in a meditative state of relaxation, harmony and through appropriate colour visualisations, the music created in this way is inoculated with these qualities. The 432Hz tuning creates a harmonious framework in which the music and the inoculated properties can flow better. Therefore it is also important that the meditation music is recorded or played in a meditative state, with deep meditative breath. It is also important that a meditation CD or a meditation concert is played without interruption. This way the flow of colours and the flow of thoughts and feelings becomes freer and more harmonious. 432 Hz Piano Tuning With the 432 Hz piano tuning, the concert pitch A is tuned to 432 Hz and the entire piano is tuned according to the well-tempered tuning. There are still differences in the well-tempered tuning, which can vary slightly depending on the pianist or piano tuner, but this is the principle of the 432 Hz piano tuning. A piano tuned to 432 Hz sounds rounder, more harmonious and meditatively played piano on this tuning should facilitate and promote meditation and the harmonious flow of emotions. The crucial point, however, is that a piano tuned to 432 Hz is also played meditatively with the principles of Quantum Consciousness.
  25. Ein paar Worte zum Meditations Konzert zum Fische Vollmond vom 20.9. - Die Farben werden vorallem Violett und Dunkelblau sein. Dies sind beides mystische Farben. Dunkelblau stellt die Verbindung von unten nach oben her und Violett ist die Auflösung, das Spirituelle, das Göttliche. Dieses Konzert soll also diese Aspekte musikalisch betonen. Bei den Meditations Konzerten improvisiere ich jeweils zu den entsprechenden Themen und die 432 Hz Stimmung des Piano's soll den emotionalen Effekt noch verstärken. In einer Zeit wo viele Menschen die Verbindung zu sich selbst und ihrem übergeordneten Sein verloren haben, möchte ich mit diesem Konzert einen kleinen Gegenpol setzten. Das Projekt ist neu und läuft seit 3 Monaten - das Improvisations Konzept gibt es allerdings schon lange und ist Teil meines Farbmusik Konzeptes. Musik ist Farbe und umgekehrt. Musik ist das direkteste Tor zum emotionalen Zentrum und zusammen mit den Farben und dem Vollmond von morgen soll dieses Konzert dieses emotionale Zentrum anregen. 🙂 --------------------- A few words about the meditation concert for the Pisces full moon of 20.9. - The colors will be mainly violet and dark blue. These are both mystical colors. Dark blue represents the connection from below to above and violet is the dissolution, the spiritual, the divine. So this concert is to emphasize these aspects musically. In the meditation concerts I improvise to the corresponding themes and the 432 Hz tuning of the piano is supposed to intensify the emotional effect. In a time where many people have lost the connection to themselves and their higher being, I would like to set a small counterpole with this concert. The project is new and has been running for 3 months - but the improvisation concept has been around for a long time and is part of my color music concept. Music is color and vice versa. Music is the most direct gate to the emotional center and together with the colors and the full moon of tomorrow this concert shall stimulate this emotional center.

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