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Free Community Files

Here Club Members can download free Farbmusik community files.

4 files

  1. Free
    Here I created a cinematic style meditation sound in 432Hz. The core of this sound experience is the hang sound together with a slow 60 bpm pulsing bass sound which is great to get into a meditative vibe. Try to sync your breath to the speed of this tune then you might experience the maximum meditation effect.
    Here are the themes which are attached to the color " violet "
    Faith, mysticism, transformation, timeless, spirituality, healing and serving.
    Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing.
    If you love this work please support it with a donation here :
    Hier habe ich einen cineastischen Meditationssound in 432Hz kreiert. Der Kern dieses Klangerlebnisses ist der Hang-Sound zusammen mit einem langsamen, pulsierenden Bass-Sound mit 60 bpm, der sich hervorragend eignet, um in eine meditative Stimmung zu kommen. Versuchen Sie, Ihren Atem mit der Geschwindigkeit dieser Melodie zu synchronisieren, dann können Sie den maximalen Meditationseffekt erleben.
    Hier sind die Themen, die mit der Farbe "Violett" verbunden sind
    Glaube, Mystik, Transformation, Zeitlosigkeit, Spiritualität, Heilen und Dienen.
    Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können.
    Wenn Sie meine Arbeit unterstützen wollen so können Sie hier eine Spende machen :
    If you love this work please support it with a donation here :
    2 0
  2. Free
    Here you find a sponatious piano mediation improvisation in 432 Hz to the color ( Farbmusik ) Violet.
    Here a nearer description around 432 Hz and the color Violet :
    10 0
  3. Free
    Here you find a very deep and blue guitar meditation in the color dark blue. The track is over 10 min long and I recorded it all first take in one row of 40 minutes. I was trying to just play the guitar in a meditative mindset and so this music turned out to become very deep and guided by the knowledge of the intuitiv inspiration. I have selected a tempo of 60 bpm because this is a good low heart beat ratio to get into a meditative state. While listening to this track, put your breath on the tempo of the tune. Then you should get the best meditation results.
    21 0
  4. Free
    This is a spontanious improvisation on the acoustic nylon guitar tuned to 432Hz. I have added a meditative wide reverb effect on the gutiar and during the improvisation I visualized the color " Yellow ".
    If you want to know more about the 432Hz tuning you might visit this page here :
    Here you find an other yellow meditation song played on the piano if you want more of yellow music.
    If you want to share your meditation to the community please open a new topic and share it.
    6 0
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