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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


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admin last won the day on September 17

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About admin

  • Birthday 09/05/1967

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    Egg b. Zürich - Switzerland

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  1. Where are the member lessons please???? Cannot find


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. admin


      yeah I was an instructor at guitartricks.com - I know the system. In fact I changed the system a few months ago. There was one available with such player and the other one which I have now. I decided to take the current one for quite a few reasons.

    3. Steve-O


      HK, Without question you have by miles the best tutorials available. Your choice of instructional pieces is spot on. But your personality and presentation makes the difference. 

      We were early in the Kenneth Cole Shoe business in Switzerland and plan to get back to Interlaken soon hopefully this year, hope we can meet. And yes I figured you have explored all the backing track methods. The cost of this technology is astronomical. You Chose wisely.

      Best Regards,

      Steve Shirley, 

      3908 Northampton Way,

      Tampa Fl. (If you are even in this area.) Regards,…Be Well

    4. admin


      Thanks for the nice words about my tutorials :)

      I of course know Interlaken - a very nice place. Let me know when you are in Switerland. I live near Zürich.



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