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Status Replies posted by admin

  1. Hi HP :riffer:

    thank you as always for the latest lessons. They have been keeping me very busy on my journey !

    I have been wondering if you would put together a lesson in using double stop riffs with palm muting single notes in between. Why you may ask !! Well I’ve been listening to a lot of Metallica lately and have grown quite addicted to the song screaming suicide and am finding it very very hard to learn. But also I like this type of chugging double stop riff and palm muting they are doing. Also with the riff being played in f# minor low on the neck (I think) can it be used in other parts of the guitar and mixed well with the open or power chord positions?? 
    thank you as always and it may be a lesson or exercise idea for you !!

    stay safe mate 

    1. admin


      Hey Christopher, thats nice to hear. That's my job to keep you guys busy on your guitar journey :)

      I quickly checked out the song you suggested. I think that specific technique which I heard on the main riff is a good topic. I'll do that in the near future.

      If you have any other suggestions for tutorials you can use this topic here :



  2. Hi everybody 

    Ive been playing guitar on/off for 40years or so (sort of )

    I don't have a problem with chords but would now like to learn the frets board and start tying chords in with lead or scales

    Can anybody advice me on how to set up a practise regime to achieve this 

    Much Thanks


    1. admin


      Hey bruce - welcome here in the Academy. Cool that you have been playing for 40 years.

      Maybe to tell us which is your prefered style or genre you would like to achieve this goal. What I can already tell - the combination of chords and soloing over the entire fretboard is quit a task. Therefore you need to know some music theory - depending on the genre you would like to master.

  3. This question is for the Maestro HP

    I love Dr. Pink. I was wondering if you changed the pickups or are they stock? I have an Epiphone Traditional and it doesn't sound like the Dr. In fact Dr Pink sounds more like my Gibson Les Paul Standard but better.  

    Stay Crazy, 


    1. admin


      Well the hardware is only 50% so check my recommendations on playing technique to get a better guitar sound. :rolleyes::riffer:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. This question is for the Maestro HP

    I love Dr. Pink. I was wondering if you changed the pickups or are they stock? I have an Epiphone Traditional and it doesn't sound like the Dr. In fact Dr Pink sounds more like my Gibson Les Paul Standard but better.  

    Stay Crazy, 


    1. admin


      Hey Jimson, well Dr. Pink in fact is a Les Paul Studio... same quality and pickups. I got if from Gibson back in 2007 when I was an instructor there... and it's an Epiphone Elitist. There was a later serie with the Jay Jay French model which was a regular Epiphone.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. It is really great to be here.  I have learned so much from the HP Crazy YouTube channel  and I am looking forward to getting involved in the forums and learning more.  Keep it Crazy 🤪 


    1. admin


      Hey Jimson - thats nice that you never miss a show. Then I guess you have learnt quit some things - nice having you here. :rolleyes:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. It is really great to be here.  I have learned so much from the HP Crazy YouTube channel  and I am looking forward to getting involved in the forums and learning more.  Keep it Crazy 🤪 


    1. admin


      Hey Jimson, welcome :rolleyes: nice to have you here and I hope you will enjoy.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. I was wondering if suggesting a lesson on amp and peddle settings would be appropriate for this forum.  Not sure if other students have this issue but I randomly turn knobs in a failed attempt to find a pleasing slow jazz setting that would suit your “Blue Moon” piece I am working on.  Where to set the amp gain knob versus master volume, the coordination of settings of various peddles in conjunction with the guitar volume, tone and pick up controls etc. is the issue.  Usually I play around with various knobs in my search then give up and simply set the amp on clean acoustic.

    The practice amp I use is the “Spark 40” from “Positive Grid” which has an endless array of digital amps and peddles which can be adjusted in so many ways with a multitude of adjustable settings accessible in the cloud which simply add to the confusion.  For interest attached is a photo of my practice set up….



  8. I was wondering if suggesting a lesson on amp and peddle settings would be appropriate for this forum.  Not sure if other students have this issue but I randomly turn knobs in a failed attempt to find a pleasing slow jazz setting that would suit your “Blue Moon” piece I am working on.  Where to set the amp gain knob versus master volume, the coordination of settings of various peddles in conjunction with the guitar volume, tone and pick up controls etc. is the issue.  Usually I play around with various knobs in my search then give up and simply set the amp on clean acoustic.

    The practice amp I use is the “Spark 40” from “Positive Grid” which has an endless array of digital amps and peddles which can be adjusted in so many ways with a multitude of adjustable settings accessible in the cloud which simply add to the confusion.  For interest attached is a photo of my practice set up….



    1. admin


      Funny - I just made some main adjustments for a jazz sound with my new live-guitar today. :)

      Well finding the right sound is quit a journey and it depends on many factors such as your guitar, the pickups, how you use the volume on the guitar and of course your playing technique. Then you also need to decide if you want your own sound or you want to go for a traditional sound. Shall it be clean or slightly distorted ? So I need more information about that.

      But I can give 2 general tips :

      Don't use chorus or any modulation effect - only if you really love that sound.

      Put the EQ potis of your amp on a neutral position and then move from there on.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Greg

    Greg    admin

    Recently I have been working on 7b9 scales in the 5 positions as part of my present practice routine……Curious, would you happen to have an associated lick for this scale?  It would add some variety other than rote repetition….

    Any help or suggestions would be more than appreciated..

    Kind regards,


    1. admin


      I see Greg - well music theory is one thing and just playing stuff by ear can work too - why don't you use the Students Club to ask things - I have seen that today in fact somebody started a conversion. That would be interesting for others as well :rolleyes:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Greg

    Greg    admin

    Recently I have been working on 7b9 scales in the 5 positions as part of my present practice routine……Curious, would you happen to have an associated lick for this scale?  It would add some variety other than rote repetition….

    Any help or suggestions would be more than appreciated..

    Kind regards,


    1. admin


      Hey Greg, why not posting this question in the HPCrazy Students Club ? I can add something there. I might be of general interest. You also have to define if you are using the altered, the harmonic minor V ( phrygian nat. 7 ) or the diminished scale.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hey guys, after being sick for quite a while and having a tennis arm from the computer mouse I am slowly getting back to normal guitar practice routines - but I still need to keep it easy and slow. It was like a double whammy - I just ran into the problems with the arm and because I got sick I could not do my regular sports outside because the temperatures dropped to - degrees here in Switzerland. This kept me stuck for one month but now I am doing all regular again.

    1. admin


      Hey Mick - check todays tutorial. There are most of the things mentioned about rock guitar sound.

      You must understand that a direct reaction to requests is only for private online students. I have so many things to do and so I focus on priorities which take various factors into account. But that tutorial will come.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hey guys, after being sick for quite a while and having a tennis arm from the computer mouse I am slowly getting back to normal guitar practice routines - but I still need to keep it easy and slow. It was like a double whammy - I just ran into the problems with the arm and because I got sick I could not do my regular sports outside because the temperatures dropped to - degrees here in Switzerland. This kept me stuck for one month but now I am doing all regular again.

    1. admin


      Hey Mick, yes I remember now. Sorry I was in such a rush these days. I will make that video in the next weeks. Today is an other rock guitar tutorial.



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hey guys, after being sick for quite a while and having a tennis arm from the computer mouse I am slowly getting back to normal guitar practice routines - but I still need to keep it easy and slow. It was like a double whammy - I just ran into the problems with the arm and because I got sick I could not do my regular sports outside because the temperatures dropped to - degrees here in Switzerland. This kept me stuck for one month but now I am doing all regular again.

  14. Thanks so much for sharing the cool blues riffs! Just wanted to let you know that some of the chord diagrams in the PDF are labeled with the wrong fret numbers. Was wondering why it didn't sound right until I watched with the video again! Keep your awesome lessons coming!

    1. admin


      Hey Didi, nice having you here in the HPCrazy Guitar Acadmey - and thanks for the nice words about the blues riffs. Which chord diagrams are wrong ? I should not be wrong but maybe it was an older tutorial.

  15. I'm currently learning to play Autumn Leave Smooth Jazz, and working through HP's lesson.

    Also working on the Minor Pentatonic Patterns 1 - 5. 

    Watched the lesson on Technical Exercises. Need to watch it again. There was quite a bit of info there.

    Working on How to Sound like a Pro with 3 Licks. This is going to take a while. This is at intermediate level. I'm a beginner, but I like to look ahead and start early. My hands are too small and too slow at this stage. Will need to focus on exercises to improve speed.

    Need to focus on just a few things and not spread myself out too thin.

    1. admin


      Hi Otman, yes that's the perfect tutorial to work through the pentatonic positions. Just practice them regulary.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. I'm currently learning to play Autumn Leave Smooth Jazz, and working through HP's lesson.

    Also working on the Minor Pentatonic Patterns 1 - 5. 

    Watched the lesson on Technical Exercises. Need to watch it again. There was quite a bit of info there.

    Working on How to Sound like a Pro with 3 Licks. This is going to take a while. This is at intermediate level. I'm a beginner, but I like to look ahead and start early. My hands are too small and too slow at this stage. Will need to focus on exercises to improve speed.

    Need to focus on just a few things and not spread myself out too thin.

    1. admin


      Hey Otman, thanks for letting us know what you are working on. I think it's really good when you know the pentatonic patterns 1-5. So that's a great thing to work on - also work out the major pentatonic patterns 1 -5.

      Technical problems are very common on most beginners. Just take your time and practice technique regular and with disziplin - thats the fastest way to overcome the difficulties which appear for nearly everyone at the beginning.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hello everyone I am from Nova Scotia Canada. I just joined today August 14/2022

    1. admin


      Hey Kenneth, you better get a guitar back :riffer::rolleyes:

      Here you find easy blues lessons : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/tags/blues guitar easy/

      and here intermediate blues lesson : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/tags/blues guitar intermediate/

      The lessons are for free - only the files attached to the lessons require a premium membership upgrade.



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hello everyone I am from Nova Scotia Canada. I just joined today August 14/2022

    1. admin


      Hey Kenneth - greetings to Canada and welcome here :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hi 

    love playing but never seem to get where I want to be

    I never seem to manage a full song just loads of riffs and improvisation (help)😎🙈

    1. admin


      Hey Mark, thats a common problem. Did you only learn on YouTube or did you also take a few lessons ? One thing to fix that is for sure to start to play full songs.

  20. Hello… we live in Tampa Fl. USA, age 73, playing 60 years. 


    1. admin


      Wow you are playing 50 years - thats great :riffer:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. Where are the member lessons please???? Cannot find


    1. admin


      Thanks for the nice words about my tutorials :)

      I of course know Interlaken - a very nice place. Let me know when you are in Switerland. I live near Zürich.



    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. Where are the member lessons please???? Cannot find


    1. admin


      yeah I was an instructor at guitartricks.com - I know the system. In fact I changed the system a few months ago. There was one available with such player and the other one which I have now. I decided to take the current one for quite a few reasons.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. Where are the member lessons please???? Cannot find


    1. admin


      Hey Steve-O,

      you just need to click on the download button and when a backing track is attached you find it as a .mp3 file. That one should work on any device.

      And yeah maybe at the beginning it's a bit tricky - but I tried to make it as user-friendly as possible.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  24. Where are the member lessons please???? Cannot find


    1. admin


      Hey Steve-O,

      they are all here https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/forum/7-hpcrazy-guitar-academy/

      then click on the genre of your choice and you find a whole bundle of lessons. :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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