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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


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Status Updates posted by admin

  1. The guitar nights are soon starting again. I am already in preparation and organisation process.

  2. Hey guys - check out the free downloads in the 2 clubs. They are available for all members - just hit the " Join Club " button and then you can download it.

  3. After a longer time of intense training and therapy my tennis arm is getting a lot better.  I got it from too much computer work and in fact hurted me a lot during guitar playing. I will not make the same mistake again. Guitar first and the computer work does not have to be perfect - the system is working now.

    If you have a tennis arm yourself - this method + a lot of sports to strenghen all muscles worked.


  4. Hey guys, after being sick for quite a while and having a tennis arm from the computer mouse I am slowly getting back to normal guitar practice routines - but I still need to keep it easy and slow. It was like a double whammy - I just ran into the problems with the arm and because I got sick I could not do my regular sports outside because the temperatures dropped to - degrees here in Switzerland. This kept me stuck for one month but now I am doing all regular again.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mick


      Thank You Hanspeter, I can understand your priorities, I will watch the tutorial. 

      Many Thanks


    3. diobriert


      MOJOHEADZ records.
    4. diobriert


      MOJOHEADZ records.
  5. I had a photoshooting yesturday. I have quit a few new foto's. So I updated my profile pic + the background image on my profile - check it out and let me know if you like it. :rolleyes::riffer:

  6. Tonight is once again a HPCrazy Guitar Night as a livestream @hpcrazy on YouTube. I will play a new program today with many solo pieces with Touch Technique and other playing techniques and I will play new pieces from the range, Blues, Blues Rock, Rock only in the trio formation. So only drums, bass and guitar. A little homage to Rory Gallagher, Billy Gibons ( ZZ Top ), Jimi Hendrix or Stevie Ray Vaughan.

  7. I brought back my post with guitar practice routines to live with a new entry :


  8. Hey guys, my longer time-out is over and I am going back to work now - regarding my plan to take creativity more into my focus again and not just going for online traffic. I believe that creativity can also lead to traffic :rolleyes:

  9. Sorry for not playing the past 2 HPCrazy Guitar Nights. I was so busy with familly affairs since my mom passed away and since my sister also passed away last year I am the only remaining member of my familly - so this took all my energy and I did not pick up the guitar so much and I felt I am not ready to play a professional guitar concert. I will soon start to practice again and will be back with the Guitar Nights approx. Sept. 22

  10. Now there are 2 students awards available. Blues Intermediate & Rock Intermediate.

  11. The first playing level award is now available - Blues Intermediate

  12. Finally I made things ready to do a HPCrazy Guitar Night again. The next one will be on April 22th.

  13. getting back to work :riffer:

  14. I wish everybody a nice x-mas and a happy new year. 🎄

  15. Opened up the new section of the rhythm studies - you can also make an exame now once you finished all exercises.


  16. Yesturdays concert really was flowing wonderful.


  17. Start to add tags to the lessons here. This will help you to find the proper tutorial which fits your level. The blues section is already done.

    1. admin


      Still tagging all lessons....

    2. admin


      Now all lessons have tags - the new system is complete now. 😄

  18. Hey guys - the Guitar Night is postponed to the 31.10. - it will be a Helloween special. Here a preview to the vibe. 🙂


  19. Started to share inspirational guitar videos in the HPCrazy Students Club - you can also share yours if you want.

  20. Hey guys, finally I am fully back to work. Was really consumed by private stuff in the past 2-3 months.

  21. I think the system is now perfect here on this website. If anything is missing - please let me know. 🙂

  22. Sorry guys, I will cancel this months guitar night again. First real summer day this year.  But I for sure will do one next month.

  23. I am really proud of the next level of the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. Was 2 years of hard work and 20 years of experience in professional online guitar education. Please let me know if you feel anything is missing or can be done better.

  24. Hey guys, found my joy for guitar playing again. Has been a while since I lost it...

  25. Hey guys . after a time of going through personal matters I am slowly getting back to work. 🙂

    1. Charley


      Me too.  :)  rock on brother!


    2. admin


      yeah indeed I am starting to rock on again. 🙂

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