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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


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Status Updates posted by admin

  1. I have updated the " Best Use " for the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. Read it HERE

  2. You will now find additional information about the livestreaming concerts when you click on the concerts and then the " community " tab.

  3. Got back in intense  practice work on guitar - got pretty rusty I must say after being stuck into techical things on my websites over weeks. But my playing abilities are coming back quickly.

    1. Michael Bates
    2. admin


      Yeah my GF got me back to  practice - she said I need  to focus again 😄

  4. After extended technical updates in the HPCrazy Studio's I am getting back to creativ work with concerts, composition and new ideas for tutorials.

  5. Check out my new planed award system and let me know what you think about it.

  6. I had a total computer crash - I was able to get the basic funtions back, but it will take probably one week till my new computer is here and I get back to normal workflow.

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Uiii  😬 🙃  grrr...

      At least good that your guitar skills ar not stored in the Computer Hardware 😉

      I wish you good luck with the new Computer HP! 👍

      Thanks for the Info!


      Greets Andrea

    2. admin


      Thanks - well computer stuff always take a lot of my attention. Somehow I was able to do a video today but it was on the edge I must say. 👨‍⚕️

  7. After a longer creative break where I was busy with technical stuff related to the HPCrazy Guitar Academy I will get back to creativity. It will be fun.

  8. HPCrazy Guitar Academy 2021 - many cool new things to come.

    1. admin


      I have added the first new feature - the rhythm course. Please check in the students club and let me know what you think either with your vote or your comment.

  9. I have reorganized the member section a bit. Check the " Best Use " article in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy.

  10. I just had an idea yesturday when I was checking my new Fractal Audio FM3 - Meditation Rock Guitar. What do you guys think about that ? 🙂

  11. Re-Arranged the whole system now - hope you guys love it !

  12. Hey guys, I have opened up this status update widget where you can post your status. Do you guys like the feature or not ? Tell me your opinion.

  13. The new lesson of the month is here - Easy Rock Guitar Secrets

  14. The new lesson of the month - Cool Tricks with Major Pentatonic :-)

  15. The new lesson of the month is here - sorry for the delay.

  16. Have a new foto. :-)

  17. The Wes Montgomery tutorial is here.

  18. The new lesson of the month is here.

    1. admin


      and here ist the next :http://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/guitarschool/index.php?showtopic=1465

  19. I just love the new design on my online guitarschool :)

  20. Finally the new system is online - if you have any problems with the new payment system please let me know.

  21. The new lesson of the month is here now :-)

  22. Starting a new series now :)

  23. The new lesson of the month is here :http://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/guitarschool/index.php?showtopic=1426

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