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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


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Status Replies posted by admin

  1. Hey guys . after a time of going through personal matters I am slowly getting back to work. 🙂

  2. Greg

    Greg    admin

    I’m sorry to read about the loss of your sister...so very difficult.....I can’t even imagine.

    You are in my thoughts.


  3. Hi all, I just came across Run Bitch Run on YouTube... absolutely awesome. It’s 4am here and I’m getting my guitar out and going to nail this tune thanks 

  4. Got back in intense  practice work on guitar - got pretty rusty I must say after being stuck into techical things on my websites over weeks. But my playing abilities are coming back quickly.

  5. Song of the day...


  6. Alles schläft - nur wir sind wach. 🤠


  7. Alles schläft - nur wir sind wach. 🤠


  8. Alles schläft - nur wir sind wach. 🤠


  9. I had a total computer crash - I was able to get the basic funtions back, but it will take probably one week till my new computer is here and I get back to normal workflow.

  10. Im Playin' all night and day...following my inner voice...the blues is by my side  😁


  11. Status:  ...it's a rainy day here...good to play the guitar 😀

  12. Where are all the club members?

  13. Status:  ...it's a rainy day here...good to play the guitar 😀

  14. Status:  ...it's a rainy day here...good to play the guitar 😀

  15. Joined Jan 2021

  16. Joined Jan 2021

  17. Hi from the UK, pleased to be on here and thank you Hans-Peter for doing a great job, keep it going !

  18. HPCrazy Guitar Academy 2021 - many cool new things to come.

  19. What about slide guitar, did you make experiences?

  20. HP makes me crazy, because you are a good teacher.

     I joint Smooth Minor Jazz Guitar, and now i am a member!




  21. Merry Christmas to you all!

  22. Sorry guys ..I need a break because of some health problems - I`ll be back - hopefully soon.


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