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About TonicScale

  • Birthday 06/13/1957

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  • Location
    Northern Nevada, USA
  • Interests
    Music, Amateur Radio, Webdesign and Music... May seem narrow but I think Music <br />about covers it... :)

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  1. I'm back ... wow!

    1. admin


      Nice to have you back :-)

  2. ahhh, set up.. back at it... Study night!!!

  3. Made it to 53! what a trip. Had a Great Jam with some friends... I love playing... I recommend everyone play everyday!

    1. tzer


      I do play everyday bro it's my medicine :D

  4. Warm summer sounds are taking hold. Time to Rock... Jimmy!!! What up!!!

    1. tzer


      Sup brotha!!! Need you back bro.

  5. I am back! :) Going Back to DSL, Cable in this area is bad. I'll be back to working Vids and the JT site in a week or so... Yesss... Peace...

    1. admin


      Glad to have you back :)

  6. Ditto on the Friggin Brilliant!!!
  7. LoL... yeah I was adding the link when it appeard... I deleted my entry so it wouldn't be double. Tis a great Progression! Love it!
  8. Excellent Vid, would be awesome for the FB page...
  9. ditto on the backing track and tab! There should be more rock'n Christmas songs in the world...
  10. tis a far better thing to be who you are, than be who they want you to be for sure. as an artist this is also a good example you set. to live your dreams and work smart and not exaust yourself... anything we can do to assist here you know we got your back. peace... stevo
  11. hi dana, this is brilliant! remember, you get out what you put in. i like the adding of fun and rest. don't forget to stretch. a point i stress of most importance. aggressive stretching (especially if you've never done it) can do damage so just a light stretch before and after until you find what works for you. this plan is excellent! stay with it. peace... stevo (ts)
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