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Everything posted by TonicScale

  1. I'm back ... wow!

    1. admin


      Nice to have you back :-)

  2. ahhh, set up.. back at it... Study night!!!

  3. Made it to 53! what a trip. Had a Great Jam with some friends... I love playing... I recommend everyone play everyday!

    1. tzer


      I do play everyday bro it's my medicine :D

  4. Warm summer sounds are taking hold. Time to Rock... Jimmy!!! What up!!!

    1. tzer


      Sup brotha!!! Need you back bro.

  5. I am back! :) Going Back to DSL, Cable in this area is bad. I'll be back to working Vids and the JT site in a week or so... Yesss... Peace...

    1. admin


      Glad to have you back :)

  6. Ditto on the Friggin Brilliant!!!
  7. LoL... yeah I was adding the link when it appeard... I deleted my entry so it wouldn't be double. Tis a great Progression! Love it!
  8. Excellent Vid, would be awesome for the FB page...
  9. ditto on the backing track and tab! There should be more rock'n Christmas songs in the world...
  10. tis a far better thing to be who you are, than be who they want you to be for sure. as an artist this is also a good example you set. to live your dreams and work smart and not exaust yourself... anything we can do to assist here you know we got your back. peace... stevo
  11. hi dana, this is brilliant! remember, you get out what you put in. i like the adding of fun and rest. don't forget to stretch. a point i stress of most importance. aggressive stretching (especially if you've never done it) can do damage so just a light stretch before and after until you find what works for you. this plan is excellent! stay with it. peace... stevo (ts)
  12. Greetings to all... I'm kinda out of action as far as practicing with hands on the guitar for now and will post about this in another area. I would like to take a moment to reflect on what one does when he/she sets up a practice plan. It is good to, let's say, set up to practice starting with 1/2 hour a day and work my way to, say, 2 hours. Every day. You design your stretch time warm up (chromatics what ever) work scales, then chord progressions then play or continue writing a song. What did you accomplish? do you know what you accomplished? Along with your routine it (in my humble opinion) would be essential to set a goal. This goal could be for each practice (short term) or each week or month/year (long term). Something to do with what it is you are practicing and where you want to go with your music (what ever level you want to achieve. Weather it be to play a scale in all positions continuous with out stopping. To play coils at a certain tempo with your metronome, or bring a lick into a song you are writing which comes from a scale you are practicing. You can rack up time and say "I've practiced for 1 hour today, 7 hours this week, 30+ hours for the month", and do the math from there for the amount of hours you put in for the year or your lifetime. But, what did you get out of it and what were you trying to achieve? My recommendation, start short term and easy. Bring yourself up and really think about what you would like to achieve. Especially with self motivated study, you need to set goals to push yourself to the next level. Get with Hans for advice on where it is you think you are. He is more than happy to listen to short clips of your current playing ability. A private lesson with HP is Highly advised. Post a question to HP or to your peers here at the school. Keep yourself and others pumped! This is a good thing... There are many tools here to help you motivate and grow, not only in the school but for personal gratification. Stay focused and work your plan and create goals. Peace To All... TS...
  13. This is probably one of the most important parts of your "Hands On Study"... Athletes stretch before every workout so they do not pull or tare muscles and ligaments. Some of us get into Guitar Gymnastics... At any level, at any time you are going to play your guitar, it is imperative you stretch. There are many methods to stretching and depending on you, and what it is you would like to do, it is a very good idea to make stretching a part of your daily practice routine.. Here is a few examples... http://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/guitarschoo...?showtopic=1065 Remember, just like playing go into your stretch, slow, learn and know your body... Be Great! Peace.. TS
  14. JD! did you know if your fingets are shifted to the right just one key your nick would be Ko, F :)


  15. Great to have you here! Hope all is well!


  16. Practice / Study Practice is, pretty much, the result of what you study. We Study then put into practice the various themes and movements in what ever it is we study. In this case, it is music. Even deeper in relevance, we are studying guitar. This paper will be in many parts. Posting all of them at the same time would be, well, like something I would do. So if it does you good Great. If you disagree then we can only perfect this paper and that is the purpose of it all isn't it? So If you disagree we will change where everyone sees fit. In essence, it will bring you to one end... Practice, Study and Play! So far I have this broken down into almost 20 posts. We shall see how it goes... With HP's help we will be able to really dial this in for everyone to benefit. Practicing the Guitar! So ya wanna play guitar? Or, you wanna get better. Wanna Shred, wanna play each note, PERFECT, down to the last beat. There is only one we to do this. Practice! In this forum, we have a teacher that brings the study to us and this brings us to practice what he is teaching. In this paper Practice and Study are the same thing. Level? If you have never played an instrument then you are pretty much a Beginner. Other than that how, do you tell what level you are? Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced? What makes you a Beginner, this is kind of self explanatory... New to the instrument, new to music, or have a little knowledge. This is where it all begins and where the "Foundation" is set. (there will be much on foundation). Intermediate/Advanced? HP help us out here. What constitutes these levels? Getting into what to practice at what level comes next By the way. I left out Professional because I've known intermediate at best, playing for money. This is what a Professional is. A person that works for money. So we'll just leave that out. What ever level you are you can play for money... This is the first of many for practicing plans... We are all different but there is one foundation to follow in order to achieve the next level. You will have to practice practice practice.... The Study is in between... Next will be Beginner level practice plan possibilities. When this is all said and done, there will be a download-able "novel" for all to use as a plan for growth.. Peace... TS
  17. I've been working a hectic schedule at work only just to be there in body. I finished all the spreadsheets weeks ago but I have to be there to work those that have no clue about entry. so I've spent much time at work cruising the net on issues down these lines also studying... Pretty cool. I'm editing one now, mostly to keep it simple and where to break it up. don't think it's good to post 20 pages all at one time... Hope all is well. I'm going for rest... Off for the next three days.. ahhhh... nice... peace... TS...
  18. Hi This My take for now... As most know I injured my Elbow and Wrist in a fall. I'm still healing but am able to play. However, I'm only able to play for about 20 mins a day. I have not really been able to pick up my guitar for about two months! This really suk'd more than you know. I did take this time to practice one handed touch on the upper frets, as well as theory. This was a great time to get into it with a little midi controller the theory that is here at the school and a lil book called "Music Theory for Dummy's"... So in this time of recovery I'm doing this... 10 to 15 mins of stretching. 10 mins of teaching my hand take a different grip (my old grip is painful), while playing 5 positions of pentatonic scales in a few different keys. I may throw a few different positions of the Ionian scale. about 5 mins playing just chords that are easy to grab, like, the E7-5 Hendrix (which is a cool movable chord) and D7-5 then about 5 to ten mins of just playing around with all to the about slowly for fun... then back to a light stretching. I'll start to mix it up a bit and add more as my arm will let me... I'm starting with basics as I have to revamp my entire playing style due to this injury. It's all good! I will emerge from this a stronger player... I know it! Peace... OBTW... Starching should be a part of your practice regiment. I'll be writing another article on this soon as well as how I work the online guitar school for maximum potential. This is a slow road... Worth it... Never put it down! it will never put you down for sure! Peace... TS...
  19. Hey Mr. get on the stick and get unstuck... I dig Lucky Man! I saw ELP At Cal Jam 1 Back in the 70's. they did that and most of Brain Salad Surgery. Nice... It's all good brother... get it when ya can. At least you haven't done what I've seen alot do. Winding up in the closet only to see their way to ebay or something... I've gone back to basics... Next msg... Peace Bro! steve...
  20. I shall... I think it should be a major part of our agenda... Being a big Covey fan, I think planning is most important to success. With planning there is focus or F.O.C.U.S. "Follow On Course Until Successful". Pretty cool eh... anyway, This well be the mainstay of my "focus" for sure... Be great! peace.. TS
  21. I think I'm going to try to count just how many lessons, vids, tabs are on this site. There has to be 1000's is seems. Every time I look I find something new and most helpful in what I'm working on. I love this place!!! Peace... TS
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