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Everything posted by TonicScale

  1. This is a brilliant Article. A must read! Still healing from an injury, my practice Plan is modified. However I subscribe to the, 20 min. practice / 5 pause / 20 min. practice / 5 pause / 20 min. practice / 15 min. pause - then start from the beginning. At this time, I can only do 15 mins / 5 pause / 15mins then off for at least an hour. With light work. Have to focus on light touch and position of my arm, wrist and pressure being used. Getting better everday, but one must be very cautious when playing while recovering from an injury. Peace... TS
  2. From what I see your earning what ever color you want. I think you deserve it... Peace... TS
  3. My Sister in-law is with Taxi. I think I have a bit more to learn before taking that step. I think it's time for that Ferreri, No? what color was that again... Rock on Hans!!! TS
  4. Very much like Michael Hedges Style. there are a few that have been around for many years with touch acoustic style. Some of these are some 20 or more years ago... I Met Michael many years ago in my travels... I played on the same stage he did in RedRocks Colorado (it was daytime and had a small audience of people just check'n out redrocks just like me and my girl) ... But I can say I played there, it was a blast... the acoustics are aweseme! I was just playing my acoustic guitar no power... anyway, Michael was a great player... Killed in a tragic car accident in the Rockies He was great player of this techniques. Erick is a follower and is adding his own taste to it. It's good to see the style being carried on. Another player of this style is William Ackerman. I wrote a tune called Michael's hammer in honor of Michael. You can here it here http://www.myspace.com/lastgenerationrock It's called Michael's hammer... HP's technique is a bit more like Jordan's but he has his own flare and touch. There should be more lessons in this area. I've been practicing with my right hand since my left is injured, and will be some time before it's healed, I've only just found out. but it will not keep me from playing! Peace... TS...
  5. Cool, thanks.. I'll try it and let you know...
  6. Sweet! thanks for that info just downloaded it I think i'll buy that player as well for my website. we don't do anything serious mostly just my drummer and i goof'n off... that player is a great addition to the site. full screen is excellent and really looks good on my 21' Densyl has one to... Large flat screens are great for music study and working with daw's... have a great day... peace ts
  7. HP What program do you use to render your vids to flash? Love the player, just wondering what you use to get vid's into .flv have a great day... stevo
  8. day late (as usual) but I gotta agree with every one else... the load time is much faster the res is perfect. full screen is pretty good, over all, Love it... this will make each future lesson very nice. Excellent HP.. Thanks! TS
  9. I for one am thuroughly impressed. Most Excellent Hans. Supurb job on the score, I can see why you must be exausted, I had no idea there were so many pumps... I'm sure I've shared that my girl is an artist. We've been connected for many years and have created side by side, she with color and brush and each has inspired the other to a degree or another. We never knew there was a word for it but this makes much sense... thanks for sharing this, maybe now we can bring out even more... You sire, are Brilliant Peace... stevo...
  10. Hello to all..., Just wanted to let the folks that are coming and check'n out this School that join as members, you can ask questions. There are students here such as myself and others that are more than happy to help or communicate the school, some techniques... Once a Full Student of the School you can join in with us in the Student area... I've been here a few months but checked out the free area for a while. I too didn't do any posting here but now I see where it may have helped. There is so much to learn here... Hanspeter is a great teacher. And Much fun to be had... Be Great... Peace... TonicScale...
  11. Hi HP... Wow, awesome! This is why I work so hard, and thanks for your help. you play most excellent! Very nice picture as well. I know when I listen to your music it helps me to relax and be inspired. Very cool... Peace... TS
  12. This is my dream someday, to write for Motion Pictures, and maybe even Plays. This is Awesome! A Ferrari! Oh Nice... I think I would go with Red... Snazzy ... Actually I was out looking at a viper. I showed my wife and all she had to say was "So, what are you going to get for the other foot" LoL... I'm kind of a big guy. Viper is out... Outstanding work HP, You deserve what ever you decide... Even Orange...
  13. how is it I miss all this stuff always a month behind... I love the colors presentation... Poster? Don't students get a poster of their head master? kidding... but that would be cool... Anyway... As usual HP... U rock... have a great one... TS
  14. I'll bet... I'm not scared.. just had a great jam with a new friend... It's been over 15 years since I've played with another guitarist. for now I must sleep I'll tell ya all about it when I wake... Nighty night... ( I know it's like afternoon there, but we gotta sleep sometime. been up since yester day 0800 PDT. Will tell ya this much the Jam was from 1930 to 0445. very nice... ttyl... Peace... PS, I think I'll share that in the student forum. with just a short time of working your excercises, I've pulled into a entirely new relmn of playing style. I mean it was excellent... I have much work to do to attain my goal but the jam was excellent... (not getting to big of my britches) Peace again...
  15. This is Great News! Congrats HP... I wanna do that when I grow up... Seriously, I have always dreamed of composing. Yet another reason I'm here every day. Sometimes longer than I should be. Didn't get much sleep this week... hehe.. Great for you Hanspeter. I keep it going! Be Great! TS
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