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Everything posted by AGAPY4EVER

  1. A tear for my past a smile for my future



    The secret is Humility and being your self HP we all look for mentor's in this world to follow, who inspire us not by words but by their actions. you don't have to sell yourself to anyone, It is who HP is in each video presentation that we look at and truthfully in order to enter the kingdom, you must have the heart of a child and you do have this, mine was taken away at an early age, But then I was given the chance back to love life and completely my life was renewed by realizing I am nothing without all you friends in this world. Being a cancer survivor makes you realize how important you are to others in this world, but getting your life back and living simple makes life so worthy of stopping and smelling the rose's in the garden. Keep up the great teaching don't get behind we look for new exciting ventures in every video we watch.
  3. I'm Really New here but been playing since 1975

    1. admin


      Welcome here :-)

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