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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


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Phil last won the day on September 27 2019

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About Phil

  • Birthday 08/02/1956

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  • Location
    South Wales / UK
  • Interests
    Cars, Bars and Guitars!!!

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  1. Really loved this lesson .... I look forward to working on it.
  2. Really enjoyed this lesson ..... sweet tune for Christmas. May I wish Hans Peter, and all my fellow HP Crazy members, a very Happy and Prosperous 2020 ...... thanks for all your efforts in 2019 for the benefit of us newbies HP, here's hoping the site will go from strength to strength in the months/years ahead!!
  3. Just got home from two weeks in Majorca, and having been stressfully involved with the Thomas Cook holiday firm collapse, this video was a refreshing "welcome home" treat. Absolutely loved the backing track, and I look forward to getting into the lesson over the coming days. Thanks professor ....
  4. Hi guys .... For those of you concentrating on, and getting involved with the theory side of guitar, here's an interactive tool relating to The Circle of Fifths that you may find useful. Find it here ... https://www.randscullard.com/CircleOfFifths/ I hope this helps ..... (And HP doesn't mind me promoting it on the site?) ✌️✌️
  5. Cheers HP .. you're a gentleman!! So I had the correct shape and position, I just should have used the low E strings' 13th fret F (pinky), or A strings' 8th fret (pinky) as the root notes?
  6. Beautiful Professor ... just beautiful. Is there a TAB available, or did you just play ad-lib? If my fretboard lessons are progressing, and some knowledge is being absorbed, would I be correct in guessing that that was played in D minor? I had trouble establishing if you were playing Pentatonic Shape 1 on either fret 5 or fret 10 ..... I gambled on 10? Please put me out of my misery ... whether good or bad news.
  7. Really enjoyed this HP, I think I could get very interested in jazz. I think the fretboard speed would suit me well .... I'm certainly never going to be a shredder with my arthritic fingers. ??
  8. Congratulations to Hanspeter in reaching and exceeding the 100 member barrier, this must have been a nice addition to your birthday celebrations. I would encourage all our new friends to visit the introduction post at "Share Your Story" https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/index.php?/topic/2451-share-your-story/ and maybe tell us a little about yourselves, your instruments, and your musical tastes. Welcome to you all !!!
  9. Yes, I'll be watching that .... 23:15 British time isn't it? Reminder has been set .....
  10. Happy Birthday for tomorrow Hanspeter ... try and put recent events behind you, and thoroughly enjoy your day ... you deserve it !!!
  11. Hi guys, I just thought I'd tell you about this very useful FREE tool that I've been using for quite a few months. It's called "Chordfinder.com" ... and can be used for not only finding out about various chords shapes/positions, but also different tunings, triads, arpeggios, and scales ... it's even got a built in "Quiz" to test your knowledge and progress. You can locate it here, I hope you find it useful too .... https://www.chordfinder.com/guitar-scales.php
  12. Enjoyed this lesson, I think I could get into jazz ... back in the seventies I was a big fan of John McLaughlin of Mahavishnu Orchestra fame. He was involved with many genres, including Indian classical, Western classical, flamenco and blues, but I remember him most for his "electric jazz fusion" on albums I still own, "Inner Mountain Flame" and "Birds of Fire". Those were very happy days in the seventies .... God I'm feeling old!!!
  13. All your videos bring a smile to my face .... thank-you for being there for us newbies HP !!!
  14. I've spent some considerable time learning the mode shapes/patterns, but never concentrated much on the actual note names. After watching this lesson, this is now going to change ....
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