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Everything posted by Sara

  1. Yes, you are totally right about how it is frustrating to start, but I will keep at it. Thanks! ?
  2. I loved this lesson. Thank you so much. I think it was helpful when you talked at the end of the lesson about listening to what you are playing. It seems like something so simple, but it is not simple for me. I have been recording my practice sessions and I sometimes am very surprised by how different my solos sound from how I think it sounds when I am in the middle of playing. I do feel like I am improving bit by bit though, so that is encouraging. Also, I am glad you reminded me to sing with my guitar more often - I think that will help too.
  3. Me too, Andrea! Do you think HP is gonna sing it? I hope so. ?
  4. Yes, I did watch it live. I am glad you plan to do more live Farbmusik concerts. ?
  5. Great news! Farbmusik is also great, especially your recent live concert on the YouTube channel. Looking forward to seeing how it all develops. ?
  6. HP, thank you so much for this tutorial. I think until today I did not really understand how important it is to memorize not only the different positions of the minor/major pentatonics but also the intervals. I mean, I knew I should do this, but somehow until today I did not understand why.
  7. Thank you HP, that would be great!
  8. Thank you for explaining - that really makes sense. Seems like you are definitely taking advantage of the lockdown in a good way. I hope this community continues to grow and exchange more.
  9. Hi Michael, thanks for your reply. I think your tip is a great idea. Which extended scale is this, btw? Did you make the diagram yourself or is it from a website/book? Highlighting the root note with another color seems very helpful - thanks for reminding me to do that. Yeah, I think it is really awesome when you see results from the less fun theory or technique exercises like your experience with the licks from Miss You. I am also trying to learn phrasing too and when I feel a little progress with my first baby steps into soloing, it is a great feeling.
  10. Hi, I will try to start a conversation here. I am curious if people here in the HPC Guitar Academy community have some guitar practice tips. Are there some ideas you have discovered to make it more fun or effective? I have one. After realizing I have a lot of trouble memorizing scales on the guitar, particularly remembering the intervals, I started using a keyboard (i just use the tiny one on my iPod) to work them out there first and then play them on the guitar right after. I do this with guitar licks too. It is easier to see the intervals on a keyboard I think and it is also easier to see which notes you are using. I started playing the piano as a kid so I have a bit of an advantage with this approach I guess, but perhaps someone else could find it helpful. I hope others have some ideas too. Thank you, HP, for getting the ball rolling.
  11. Thank you so much. I totally understand what you mean about the airplane - really looking forward to your tutorial on this subject.
  12. Hi HP, I would like to make a request for a new tutorial. Could you make a tutorial with guitar licks that are good for the endings of jazz and/or blues songs? I couldn't find any tutorials that you did on that subject - did I miss it? I find that the songs that go over the best when I play for others are the ones with well thought out, very obvious endings. Besides stealing ideas from recordings, I wonder if there are some strategies to ending songs well. And/or strategies for ending a song all at the same time when you are playing with others - I am very clueless about that. Thanks for your consideration and also for the amazing lessons - especially during the last few weeks it has been a great thing to look forward to.
  13. Hi Uncle Larry, I'd recommend this lesson if you like blues - a nice mix of rhythm guitar and soloing...
  14. Thank you for this amazing tutorial - I love jazz blues. Also, I really liked that you introduced the idea of scat singing. It was easier to do than I thought it would be and fun too. ?
  15. Uncle Larry, thank you. I think these are great suggestions - I appreciate your ideas. ?
  16. Thank you - I'll give it a try. I appreciate your help. ?
  17. Thank you so much for this handout. For me, having them marked out on the fretboard with fingerings (as opposed to numbers on tablature) is easier to quickly remember the spacings and shapes. Great excuse to perfect my memorising of the minor pentatonics and try to make a start with remembering the major pentatonics.
  18. Thanks for your advice. I am definitely going to start training myself to change direction with those string bends. ?
  19. Amazing lesson! I liked your tips about using the fingertips and hook technique for fingerpicking - that was very useful. I had a question: is it best when doing bends to bend the high E and B string towards the low E string direction? I didn't realise before but I naturally bend the B string up towards the high E string and maybe that is not the best technique? Thank you and I hope you do more fingerpicking lessons in the future like this - I really like them. ?
  20. I really love this piece, particularly the moment the drums come in. The photo is gorgeous too and really captures the mood I think. Thank you for sharing!
  21. Thank you for making a recording of your recent Farbmusik concert available. It sounds wonderful to me.
  22. Welcome back, Phil. Yes, it looks like a great lesson. ?
  23. I'm very grateful to hear your guitar ballad this morning. You made Dr. Pink sing with so much emotion and feeling I think. ?
  24. This is so cool. I was just listening to a few podcast episodes about the album "Kind of Blue" last week. http://jazz-insights.com/kind-of-blue/ ? Looking forward to hearing HP's version.
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