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    Sara got a reaction from Randy in The Pentatonics   
    Thank you so much for this handout.
    For me, having them marked out on the fretboard with fingerings (as opposed to numbers on tablature) is easier to quickly remember the spacings and shapes.  Great excuse to perfect my memorising of the minor pentatonics and try to make a start with remembering the major pentatonics.
  2. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Share your story   
    Thanks.  Your Gibson Les Paul looks really awesome too.
  3. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Share your story   
    Hi Phil,  I got an annual full subscription to HP's Students Club in May and it has been great - my guitar playing has improved a lot.    I think you'll be very pleased with it.
    13 guitars?  Wow.  I only have one guitar.  Nice conversion on the Epiphone Studio Les Paul - it looks great and must sound even nicer.
  4. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Share your story   
    I was hoping someone else would tell their story first, but maybe others will also write intros too if I start things off?  ?
    Hi, I’m an English-born American living in Japan.  I recently (since the end of February) decided to take up playing guitar again after having stopped for more than a decade.  The photo I chose for my profile is a photo of my first guitar - I bought it when I was 15 years old with money from my first summer job.
    I’m grateful I found HP’s channel; I like his enthusiasm and how he manages to sneak just enough challenge in the lessons so I don’t get overwhelmed but still feel I’m improving.  Being a painter, I am also obsessed with colour and I like how HP uses colours in his music.
    Where are you from?  What is your history with the guitar?  What guitar technique are you working on at the moment?  What is the current technique you can’t get the hang of and need to improve?  For me, I’m really enjoying playing the Aeolian mode that I learned in the “Empty Bottle Blues” lesson and one technique I'm finding the most challenging is the “john lee hooker” lick from the “Blues Lick in E”.
  5. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Learning Notes on the Fretboard   
    Uncle Larry, thank you.  I think these are great suggestions - I appreciate your ideas.  ?
  6. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Learning Notes on the Fretboard   
    Thank you - I'll give it a try.  I appreciate your help.  ?
  7. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Learning Notes on the Fretboard   
    Thank you, HP!  I really appreciate it.  
  8. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Learning Notes on the Fretboard   
    Fellow students,  I've recently been trying to memorise all the notes on the fretboard.  I've been using this "Fretboard Trainer" internet game and I think I'm seeing some improvement.  I'd recommend it.
    How did you learn/are learning the notes?  Any other suggestions?  Thanks!  ?
  9. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Talk Box   
    Thank you HP, that would be great!  
  10. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Talk Box   
    Thank you for explaining - that really makes sense.  Seems like you are definitely taking advantage of the lockdown in a good way.  I hope this community continues to grow and exchange more.
  11. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Talk Box   
    Hi Michael, thanks for your reply. 
    I think your tip is a great idea.  Which extended scale is this, btw?  Did you make the diagram yourself or is it from a website/book?   Highlighting the root note with another color seems very helpful - thanks for reminding me to do that.
    Yeah, I think it is really awesome when you see results from the less fun theory or technique exercises like your experience with the licks from Miss You.  I am also trying to learn phrasing too and when I feel a little progress with my first baby steps into soloing, it is a great feeling.
  12. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Talk Box   
    Hi, I will try to start a conversation here.  I am curious if people here in the HPC Guitar Academy community have some guitar practice tips. 
    Are there some ideas you have discovered to make it more fun or effective?
    I have one.  After realizing I have a lot of trouble memorizing scales on the guitar, particularly remembering the intervals, I started using a keyboard (i just use the tiny one on my iPod) to work them out there first and then play them on the guitar right after.  I do this with guitar licks too.  It is easier to see the intervals on a keyboard I think and it is also easier to see which notes you are using.  I started playing the piano as a kid so I have a bit of an advantage with this approach I guess, but perhaps someone else could find it helpful.
    I hope others have some ideas too.  Thank you, HP, for getting the ball rolling.
  13. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Concepts and new creative paths   
    Yes, I did watch it live.  I am glad you plan to do more live Farbmusik concerts.  ?
  14. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Concepts and new creative paths   
    Great news!  Farbmusik is also great, especially your recent live concert on the YouTube channel.  Looking forward to seeing how it all develops.  ?
  15. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Creative reset and strategy 2021   
    Great news about the CD - looking forward to it!  🙂
  16. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Creative reset and strategy 2021   
    What a nice area to go to and plan things out for the future.  
    It sounds exciting.  I am looking forward to the new changes and developments - especially the livestreams - thanks!
  17. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Creativity and Meditation   
    HP, yeah I think it explains creativity well.  Thank you for your inspiring words.  I feel I am improving with your lessons for sure - so sometimes I am able to translate some of what is in my head musically.  I am happy you are doing another Guitar Night - I wont be able to watch it live, but it will be something to look forward to tomorrow morning.  😀
  18. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Creativity and Meditation   
    It is interesting to learn more about your feelings on meditation and creativity.  I really like that quote about Michelangelo and I always felt his "unfinished sculptures" (image attached) were actually intentionally unfinished in order to demonstrate this idea.  I have tried to meditate but have always found it difficult (blaming things like the constant city noise, ect.) but maybe I should try again. 
    I am starting to hear music in my dreams sometimes - that is very exciting.  Difficult to capture the ideas when they come but I try.  The problem that I find is that I have too many music recordings with ideas and not enough time to organize them or improve them - I have to be more selective perhaps and concentrate more on one thing but it is difficult to know which path to go down.

  19. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Favorite Guitarists   
    Thanks for sharing, she is awesome!  Wish I could have seen this when I was 16.  🙂
  20. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Rhythm Course   
    Thanks!  It is kind of rare but I have seen examples (Joscho Stephan and Robben Ford) and I find it motivating to play rhythm with great guitar leads like a jam session - it is easier to tell when I make a mistake and it is more fun.  However, I am sure I will enjoy whatever you chose to teach, so either way, I am happy.  🙂
  21. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Rhythm Course   
    Hi, I think it would be wonderful to get more instruction on rhythm guitar playing.  I have already benefitted a lot from your past lessons.  Thank you for asking our opinion. 
    I hope you do not mind if I mention an idea having to do with rhythm guitar lessons.  I really love your backing tracks and I was thinking that it might be interesting if you did some backing tracks that have only your lead guitar playing so that we could play rhythm guitar along with your lead guitar.  I totally understand if you have other plans and/or would rather not do this, it just seems like it would be a fun way to practice - thanks!
  22. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Extra Content for Premium Members & Award System   
    I like your idea.  BTW, there are parts of the latest Autumn Leaves backing track that are good for doing "call and response" practice with his piano lines if you are interested in practicing that.  🙂   
  23. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Extra Content for Premium Members & Award System   
    Sounds good!  Thank you for all the effort you put into producing content for the guitar academy.  🙂
  24. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Extra Content for Premium Members & Award System   
    Thank you for asking our ideas.  Actually, I am really very happy with everything I am getting already from my membership and the amazing lessons you have posted so far this year.  Here are a few things that might be fun to add if you have time.
    1. Alternative ways to solo on lessons that are posted on your YouTube channel - for example, showing some arpeggios or licks you can add to a simpler pentatonic blues lesson.
    2. Extra extended jam/solo session on songs (like you do at the end of the regular lesson) for inspiration - maybe adding mp3s of your version of some of the songs we are learning for premium members - that would be really awesome.
    3. History or interesting facts about songs you post or gear you use - vlog style
  25. Like
    Sara got a reaction from Randy in Backing tracks?   
    Hi Tim, the backing track is here:
    You need to upgrade to Premium membership to download backing tracks and the tab/score for all the lessons.  I think it is totally worth it - his notes and backing tracks are really excellent.
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