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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Erol Germann

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Everything posted by Erol Germann

  1. Ladies & Gent

    As you might have noticed I am a newbie on the Sight and I hope to improve my playing with the help of your kind association on this here HP Kruesi Platform.

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    2. admin
    3. Erol Germann

      Erol Germann

      Thank you HP; I still have to learn how to pull the ropes on this Webpage but no problem, thank you for the welcome notice !

      I would love to accomplish my dream of closing the learning circle of the Blues & add some Beepop to the mix! I think I am in the right place here.... Premium membership is on my mind too got to find out the price!

      Regards from 🇧🇷


    4. admin


      Hey Erol, yes if you don't know the system it's a bit of an effort to find out. Why not checking the best use video ?

      Yes you're at the right place for that combination. New material is coming soon. For the premium membership - since you are going for a long term learning curve I recommend the yearly membership. Thats 45 US$


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