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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Michael Bates

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Everything posted by Michael Bates

  1. I love this slow track. This is where I'm living these days with work and all!
  2. The track sounds great. I'm playing along, and I'm hearing that bass and it's blowing me away!
  3. I have been thinking of just getting one of the clips that holds your phone at the same time attaching it to the guitars headstock. That way I can get a recording of my song and you can see the fretboard. That's pretty simple 🙂
  4. Hello Charley, you may be a little older than I. However, I totally agree with you about music theory. Back at the beginning of time when I started playing guitar it was all about learning riffs, chords and what not. I played in bands live. However, I never learned the theory. Now that I am old and gray, theory is about all I really want to learn 🤣. It helps me understand what I'm playing and I play better knowing it!
  5. I really enjoyed this. It is great hearing more of your music!
  6. I'm thinking about buying one of the clips that attach my phone to the headstock of my guitar to see if that will do the trick. What do you think?
  7. A call and response lesson would be cool. HP plays the call and then we respond with our own licks. That would be fun!
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