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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Michael Bates

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Everything posted by Michael Bates

  1. Fun song to play. Classic blues progression and the simplistic lead. Amazing!
  2. I love these creative guitar lessons. I really getting a lot of useful ideas from them! I may be a practicing guitarist for the rest of my days. However, I want to be craetive at the same time and these lessons help. Thank you as always HP!
  3. Merry Christmas to you all!

    1. admin


      Merry Xmas to you too - and everybody else 🙂

    2. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy


      Merry Christmas Michael... It's me the Original Santa


  4. It reminds me of Accept also........which I love \m/ Michael rocks that solo!
  5. David can sing! Don't get me wrong. However, it didn't seem to work well with that track. Now have the singer from Dirty Honey sing that.......awesomeness \m/
  6. Nice message Sara, thank you. I will get around to sharing that video soon. There is a lot of Christmas stuff going around at my house right now. But until then I will continue learning that track!
  7. This is a staple song of mine......however, you showed me some good ideas to add to my playing of this one!
  8. I remember this track of yours. I learned it awhile back. Now you have pushed me on to play lead with it.
  9. Hey friend, I really hope you know I have only been joking about this. I think it's a great idea! And I have been kidding the whole time. I have to figure out how to use what I have here to record video and audio to enter into the fun! Dust my Broom was very inspiring!
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