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Michael Bates

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Everything posted by Michael Bates

  1. Hey Tony you can find some samples of the jazz stuff on Gary's first solo album as well as every style he played. I'll find it for you if you want?
  2. Some video examples of why I think they are great?
  3. Just face palmed myself...........Mr Jeff Beck #1
  4. This tutorial kinda reminded me of a Robin Trower break down. Although without the different keys and all the effects that he uses!
  5. Rory Gallagher, Brian May, Rick Derringer, Larry Carlton, and Billy Gibbons. I have no problem posting examples of why I think they should be added to the list. Actually it would be fun to do that!
  6. Amazing list of guitarists....can I add a couple more to this list? I agree with all of these, however, you missed some.
  7. Hi Tony, Michael is still an inspiration to me everything he did....from the 1970's to now.
  8. Yes, I got to have itGot to have itGot to have it!
  9. I wish this was private.....however, this is where I remember Walter Trout from :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Michael Bates
    3. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      I like this one much more!, because it is more relaxed and fine Vocals.

      I like Suzanne Vega too and this reminds me a little bit.

      Thanks may friend.



      Today I met some musicans and I will play bass in this new starting band. ?

      One older guitarplayer, the right one (singer) in this video... the other new members are not in the video. We will do some rock 70-80s covers and  songs from the guitarist.

      I olayed alone a long time - and think take the chance ? ---the rehearsing room  is 10 min from me - so what - why not



    4. Michael Bates

      Michael Bates

      Awesome have fun, and let me know how it goes!

  10. Old Pat Travers did a smoking version of this song years ago. Check it out!
  11. Great heavy track....love it!
  12. Hey HP, can you tab out the funk chords you were playing? I can watch the video over and over, however, it would be cool to have some tabs...please and thank you
  13. I've been waiting for this.............very cool!
  14. I just think at this point in my life keep it simple and build up from there
  15. Good question Sara. Back in my 20's I was a big gear hog. However, I was playing in bands and had the money to buy pretty much whatever, I felt I needed. Today, I have become a get up a go player. If I want to play electric I just turn on an amp. I have 2 amazing Modeling amps that pretty much give me what I want for what I want to play as far as effects go. If I want to go outside and play I just grab my acoustic. Pretty simple
  16. I do have an Ibanez, acoustic electric that i play like crazy. I have a Line 6 that gets used as a live amp....too loud to use at home!
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