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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Andrea Joy

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Andrea Joy last won the day on January 26 2022

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About Andrea Joy

  • Birthday 04/13/1967

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  • Location
    Germany, Bochum
  • Interests
    E & A Guitar Pop, Blues, Jazz Ballads, I play in 432 Hz Tuning

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  1. Sorry guys ..I need a break because of some health problems - I`ll be back - hopefully soon.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Thanks guitarfriends - Got more problems with my shoulders - what hinders me to play as I would like to.

      I know I have to reduce time with my instrument. Thats not what I really want - so Im not very motivated and see me in a "little" conflict.

      I observe this problem for some years now.

      Thats not serious for life. I can play for hobby and thats ok. I will take some playin tips from HPs lessons and be fine - without too much aspiration.

      greets Andrea

    3. admin


      Hey Andrea, I am sorry to hear that. Maybe check this video here for medical advice



    4. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Thanks HP -  I will give it a try and integrate it in the morning gym!

      LG ANdrea

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