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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Andrea Joy

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Andrea Joy last won the day on January 26 2022

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About Andrea Joy

  • Birthday 04/13/1967

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  • Location
    Germany, Bochum
  • Interests
    E & A Guitar Pop, Blues, Jazz Ballads, I play in 432 Hz Tuning

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  1. Im better...ALIVE & PICKING ☀️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Michael Bates

      Michael Bates

      Hey, so are you learning some new songs?

    3. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      HI MIchael...

      Im play themes or some vamps from here and there ...--> into the looper and find my ways to solo and have fun. If I try to hard to play exercises -  I loose my own ways. I listen what comes out of my playing and go on that way, BUT I keep in mind - what I have learned here... and get better over time...

      HPs work has given me much input, but for me I can grow on 2-3 themes for long time.

      In the last years and during this corona wahnsinn, I have been in politics in my head and more & more unable to be in a steady good mood - to do music as usual.

      Life and my mind is changing constantly and I am happy to have the guitar by my side and I will play on without pain in my shoulders if I do my gym and dont take everything too serious.

      On the other side I like to check out gear, pickups, do some DIY, listen to music.

      I had the new NUX MG 300 here for 4 days but sent it back. It is very good for the money, but I prefer my 5Watt Tube Amp because of the feel & dynamics.

      I'll keep on picking & learnig but not so hard 😄

      If I make a little plan with some regulary exercises and study ca. 3 new Jazzstandards and some "styles" about the next year it will be fine.

      I dont have to make a music race, although I like Trash Metal & Hardcore (sometimes). But this fast music does not come out of myself. If I would study all things I like I would need some more lifetimes. So... its always a compromise.

      I am no professional musician - so ... I will begin to take it more easy now - Im 53years and will stay healthy. I did enough songs - and so ..the new morning brings a new song - I will play it and maby forget it again later 😁.

      Michael ...I stop writing now. Sorry my english is just from school.

      Keep on rocking ....or what do you do Michael ?


      Greets Andrea




    4. Michael Bates

      Michael Bates

      Hello, I do appreciate your letter here. I do have a return letter for you. I just want it to make sense before I send it to you :) 

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