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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Andrea Joy

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Andrea Joy last won the day on January 26 2022

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About Andrea Joy

  • Birthday 04/13/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Germany, Bochum
  • Interests
    E & A Guitar Pop, Blues, Jazz Ballads, I play in 432 Hz Tuning

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  1. Don't ask me whitch road I went...but I#m back from holiday.

    Greets Andrea


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andrea Joy
    3. admin


      glad to have you back 🙂

    4. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      1.Thank you HP - there are some people in my life - who don't want me back 😂

      2.With my guitar playing and learnig there are still big ups and downs - but I never give up to get where I really want.

      3a. I look forward to make a Video with a backingtrack of some of your lessons - the ....next time.

      3b. Still following my own path of music - therefore I spent much time with working on this - to satisfy my soul

       I think you understand 🙂

      Greets Andrea



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