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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Andrea Joy

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Andrea Joy last won the day on January 26 2022

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About Andrea Joy

  • Birthday 04/13/1967

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  • Location
    Germany, Bochum
  • Interests
    E & A Guitar Pop, Blues, Jazz Ballads, I play in 432 Hz Tuning

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  1. I'm Still Alive...

    Setting up the Homestudio recording PC again. Learning to use the DAW (Cakewalk) once again. Years ago I did some recordings and this is the aim again.. to do my own songs. I hope it works with my average PC. The guitar is more in the background these days. Can´t drive to the practiceroom in wintertime so often. So my focus has changed again: Have to record at home, even if its a total other feeling to play the guitar with headphones.

    I will stay a subscriber here... and if mankind has luck - we have some more years together.

    SO I will learn more lessons.

    The political - corona - blackout thing is a mess. I don't get any shot - lol. My soul is my own 😇 not the devils 👺 and so i will stay.

    Greets Andrea







    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. admin


      It should work on a normal PC - todays PC's are fast enough for audio recording software. All you need is an audio interface.

      You can practice guitar without amp - i sometimes do that.

      ...and yes the world is in a critical condition....

    3. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Hi HP..

      Shure I practice without an amp very often and I like it. Shure I have a good focusrite interface and a pc that works. It's all relative... with sound, crackles, and feeling...



      Greets Andrea


    4. admin


      Cool setup you have at home. You can work with that - and of course with tutorial of the HPCrazy Guitar Academy 😄 - i noticed 😄

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