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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Andrea Joy

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Everything posted by Andrea Joy

  1. An orange is good food twoo - let`s listen how it could sound
  2. Hi HP... Now I'm curious Where/how did you learn to uses this tools professional? (with help from friends/by yourself & videos/courses? What are your best 3 Music Productions you did by yourself?
  3. Happy New Year... let god rain... more sex drugs rocknroll money love and power ... for men to wake up!
  4. For my taste... the steel drum AND your Piano - is way to much. That's Overstimulating.
  5. If I read your story, I must say I had the same experiences, not on this professionnel level, but I totally understand! Less musicians can be more to the music. The good feelings and good friendships can`t be paid with money.
  6. Yes that question was in my mind also... if you have some videos from your live concerts with other musuicians. I can understand to go the own way (solo) and that everything has it`s time - NOW I look forward and will enjoy your band activity! Greets Andrea
  7. Danke fรผr das interesannte ehrliche Gesprรคch HP! Es geht nur weiter in eine positive Richtung... auch wenn erst vieles geheilt werden muss...was nicht leicht ist! Danke fรผr Dein Sein. ich wรผnsche Dir eine Frรถhliche Weihnachtszeit und Alles Gute fรผrs Neue Jahr! LG Andrea
  8. Nothing to say...just listening to the masters of waves... ๐Ÿ’–

    Greets Andrea

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Hm... now it works with one click.... Vorfรผhreffekt.

    3. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      So what ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜›

    4. admin


      I know - i noticed that issue as well. Just ignore it. I guess it will be fixed within the next few updates. The message gets posted - just the page does not proceed properly.

  9. I went from this link: https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com over the red: JOIN HERE aera to this link: https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/index.php?/forum/7-hpcrazy-guitar-academy/
  10. Just want to mention... I think you'll have to change the new monthly price on the website: or did I get something wrong? Greets Andrea
  11. I'm Still Alive...

    Setting up the Homestudio recording PC again. Learning to use the DAW (Cakewalk) once again. Years ago I did some recordings and this is the aim again.. to do my own songs. I hope it works with my average PC. The guitar is more in the background these days. Canยดt drive to the practiceroom in wintertime so often. So my focus has changed again: Have to record at home, even if its a total other feeling to play the guitar with headphones.

    I will stay a subscriber here... and if mankind has luck - we have some more years together.

    SO I will learn more lessons.

    The political - corona - blackout thing is a mess. I don't get any shot - lol. My soul is my own ๐Ÿ˜‡ not the devils ๐Ÿ‘บ and so i will stay.

    Greets Andrea







    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. admin


      It should work on a normal PC - todays PC's are fast enough for audio recording software. All you need is an audio interface.

      You can practice guitar without amp - i sometimes do that.

      ...and yes the world is in a critical condition....

    3. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Hi HP..

      Shure I practice without an amp very often and I like it. Shure I have a good focusrite interface and a pc that works. It's all relative... with sound, crackles, and feeling...



      Greets Andrea


    4. admin


      Cool setup you have at home. You can work with that - and of course with tutorial of the HPCrazy Guitar Academy ๐Ÿ˜„ - i noticed ๐Ÿ˜„

  12. Don't ask me whitch road I went...but I#m back from holiday.

    Greets Andrea


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy


    3. admin


      glad to have you back ๐Ÿ™‚

    4. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      1.Thank you HP - there are some people in my life - who don't want me back ๐Ÿ˜‚

      2.With my guitar playing and learnig there are still big ups and downs - but I never give up to get where I really want.

      3a. I look forward to make a Video with a backingtrack of some of your lessons - the ....next time.

      3b. Still following my own path of music - therefore I spent much time with working on this - to satisfy my soul

      ย I think you understand ๐Ÿ™‚

      Greets Andrea



  13. Status: 1 month later

    I focused on the RocknRoll Feel Licks I found the last week. Tried on and on...

    Today I put the smartphone in front. I think Im on a good way ๐Ÿค 

    Jam in G 432Hz... to get it in my fingers.

    Used the Vertex Steel Surpreme Pedal in the Fame Memphis Blues Combo. It's a clean Amp.

    All of me in C 432Hz

    Very Slow Take of All of me ๐Ÿ˜Š

    I think I have to upload the 2. Video again, because I hear some defects.

    1. admin


      Yeah really cool and grooving ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜€

  14. I'm Progressing more ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Day 1 and 2 Took the wah out ...

    it leads me to sing the notes and connect deeper into the music. Tried it before - but this time it works ๐Ÿ˜ Did it with overdrive.

    Day 3...

    after that I began to sing all the clean melodynotes while I was singing free lyrics to:

    All of me

    Day 4 tomorrow...

    I will do it again and again

    The next Days...

    I'll will try to capture sound and video ... good things need some good times ๐Ÿ’ฅ



    1. admin


      Singing the notes you play is in fact THE key to a creative flow in improvisation !

    2. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Yes I realizedย  the playing is more intuitive - thinking can be less (only if wanted/needed) and I play melodies I never reached before. zB. with more chromatic notes.

      LG Andrea

  15. Yes HP - I don't MAKE the exercise I will DO it (language problem)
  16. Thanks for the roundup and the files HP ...it's a long way to the top ๐Ÿค“ For me...I only like some aspects of jazz music. . I took an will take some bits. Ionian and Aeolian Mode I allready have in my ears and hands. Mixo- and Dorian Mode with Fullscales I will look deeper now. WIll make an exercise to get the scale in the hand while play it to the chord. Bit by bit ๐Ÿ˜€
  17. Status - Iยดm progressing on my way ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  18. My practice goal for the next weeks is allredy set: Set up the Guitar, Pedal, Amp, in a good way. Set up a place with Smartphone & Light (the room is very dark) Play a song I like and don`t struggle to much Post it in the academy Future plan: Do this with some lessons (less is more for me here) Do this with my own Songs Then I look ahead further ...I don`t want to loose too much time with noodeling. Look more for the whole song & result. I f this works I can trust myself and maybe do something in a group. Today I'm at home with other work and football with a friend ๐Ÿ˜€
  19. Thank You HP ...Yes it needs some time to know all posibillities.
  20. I did this several times in my life... to make practice plans...mine were allways to ambitious. SO I learned something musically -but somthing more about myself: That I need shorter plans and to do it more regualary over a longer period. At least, to write things down it's the first step - to focous more on what will come in time. Best wishes to you Tony! It's funny early in the mornig ...today ...I thought about writing down the dayly exercises and themes, that come up while I'm playin. To rembemer and come back to them later. I HAVE big packs of paper allready ๐Ÿ˜‚ ... but some things/songs/themes are growing. I'll never give up playing and to get better focous on the things I want. If "learning" is fun - I'm in. Greets Andrea
  21. Status Now:

    Iยดm playing in the practice room more often in the moment. The last two days I set up some pedals and did the leveling with the guitar I use. I'm very picky with this but it works very dynamic now.ย  The next times I can focus more on the playing then on gear. I try to be more steady. The aim is to do some recordings and video snippets of the lessons.

    1. admin


      That sounds like a serious plan. Sounds very good to me.

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