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Andrea Joy

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Status Replies posted by Andrea Joy

  1. Nothing to say...just listening to the masters of waves... 💖

    Greets Andrea

  2. Nothing to say...just listening to the masters of waves... 💖

    Greets Andrea

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Hm... now it works with one click.... Vorführeffekt.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Nothing to say...just listening to the masters of waves... 💖

    Greets Andrea

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      HP ... I want to mention:
      Everytime  I click "submit reply" to post a message here ... it does not do this procedure fully. It stays in a waiting position.  Only if I refresh the page  - the message ist posted.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Nothing to say...just listening to the masters of waves... 💖

    Greets Andrea

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      @Tonyno... I'm just listening.

      But If we listen we learn too :-)

      @admin Yes I heard this story. Rick Beato has an actual Video about him too.

      I like just this album from Pat Martino. The other music is not for my taste. Mabe the comes a time.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. I'm Still Alive...

    Setting up the Homestudio recording PC again. Learning to use the DAW (Cakewalk) once again. Years ago I did some recordings and this is the aim again.. to do my own songs. I hope it works with my average PC. The guitar is more in the background these days. Can´t drive to the practiceroom in wintertime so often. So my focus has changed again: Have to record at home, even if its a total other feeling to play the guitar with headphones.

    I will stay a subscriber here... and if mankind has luck - we have some more years together.

    SO I will learn more lessons.

    The political - corona - blackout thing is a mess. I don't get any shot - lol. My soul is my own 😇 not the devils 👺 and so i will stay.

    Greets Andrea







    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Hi HP..

      Shure I practice without an amp very often and I like it. Shure I have a good focusrite interface and a pc that works. It's all relative... with sound, crackles, and feeling...



      Greets Andrea


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm Still Alive...

    Setting up the Homestudio recording PC again. Learning to use the DAW (Cakewalk) once again. Years ago I did some recordings and this is the aim again.. to do my own songs. I hope it works with my average PC. The guitar is more in the background these days. Can´t drive to the practiceroom in wintertime so often. So my focus has changed again: Have to record at home, even if its a total other feeling to play the guitar with headphones.

    I will stay a subscriber here... and if mankind has luck - we have some more years together.

    SO I will learn more lessons.

    The political - corona - blackout thing is a mess. I don't get any shot - lol. My soul is my own 😇 not the devils 👺 and so i will stay.

    Greets Andrea







    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Thank you my friend!  "great video composition"

      It`s deep inside...the well is still full of joy...

      Jimi Hendrix – May This Be Love (Waterfall) Lyrics

      Nothing can harm me at all
      My worries seem so very small
      With my waterfall

      I can see
      My rainbow calling me
      Through the misty breeze
      Of my waterfall

      Some people say
      Daydreaming's for all the
      Lazy minded fools
      With nothin' else to do
      So let them laugh, laugh at me
      So just as long as I have you
      To see me through
      As long as I have you

      Don't ever change your ways
      Fall with me for a million days
      Oh, my waterfall
      .... I wish you a lovley day...Andrea



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Don't ask me whitch road I went...but I#m back from holiday.

    Greets Andrea


    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      1.Thank you HP - there are some people in my life - who don't want me back 😂

      2.With my guitar playing and learnig there are still big ups and downs - but I never give up to get where I really want.

      3a. I look forward to make a Video with a backingtrack of some of your lessons - the ....next time.

      3b. Still following my own path of music - therefore I spent much time with working on this - to satisfy my soul

       I think you understand 🙂

      Greets Andrea



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Don't ask me whitch road I went...but I#m back from holiday.

    Greets Andrea


  9. I'm Progressing more 😎

    Day 1 and 2 Took the wah out ...

    it leads me to sing the notes and connect deeper into the music. Tried it before - but this time it works 😍 Did it with overdrive.

    Day 3...

    after that I began to sing all the clean melodynotes while I was singing free lyrics to:

    All of me

    Day 4 tomorrow...

    I will do it again and again

    The next Days...

    I'll will try to capture sound and video ... good things need some good times 💥



    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Yes I realized  the playing is more intuitive - thinking can be less (only if wanted/needed) and I play melodies I never reached before. zB. with more chromatic notes.

      LG Andrea

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Bought a cheap Strat on ebay. Cleaning, adjusting, fret polishing etc...every instrument brings some new experiece.

  11. Not the best times this days. Got to learn some lessons in life. Not focussed in music. ... Im still growin. Greets Andrea 

    Found some positive music today... somes songs you may like...


    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Ich wollte immernoch dein Radiointerview hören, was du hiermal gepostet hattest - was da bei bei Dir wohl noch alles zu Tage kommt? 😁  Ich dachte die haben dort alle Dreadlocks 🤣 - du aber nich.

      Interessantes Leben 👍

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Not the best times this days. Got to learn some lessons in life. Not focussed in music. ... Im still growin. Greets Andrea 

    Found some positive music today... somes songs you may like...


    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      I love Reggae very much - but not everyday - don't know why.

      For a tutorial... better write it: Reggae  ( I always had to google this crazy word)  🤓

      Liebe Grüße Andrea

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Song of the day...


    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Life is hard and then you die....Johnny Winter 😁 😂

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Alles schläft - nur wir sind wach. 🤠


    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Ja.... du  kannst es  den Leuten nur anbieten. 😐

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Alles schläft - nur wir sind wach. 🤠


    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Das Forum schläft nur Wir zwei sind wach 😎

      War heute seit länger Zeit im Proberaum - der Schnee ist weg - ich fahr  jetzt wieder öfter dort hin. Zuhause ist E-Gitarre nicht das wahre.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. I had a total computer crash - I was able to get the basic funtions back, but it will take probably one week till my new computer is here and I get back to normal workflow.

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Uiii  😬 🙃  grrr...

      At least good that your guitar skills ar not stored in the Computer Hardware 😉

      I wish you good luck with the new Computer HP! 👍

      Thanks for the Info!


      Greets Andrea

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Status:  ...it's a rainy day here...good to play the guitar 😀

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Im Ruhrgebiet ist das denke ich nicht ungewöhnlich Gewitter zu haben.

      Ich halte das aber nicht nach - unsere Gewitter nach Jahrezeiten.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Status:  ...it's a rainy day here...good to play the guitar 😀

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      I had a blitz all over may pedalboard and pulled the wire for half an hour! ☠️

      Its all working now 🤠

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Merry Christmas to you all!

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy


      Merry Christmas Michael... It's me the Original Santa


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Im better...ALIVE & PICKING ☀️

    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      HI MIchael...

      Im play themes or some vamps from here and there ...--> into the looper and find my ways to solo and have fun. If I try to hard to play exercises -  I loose my own ways. I listen what comes out of my playing and go on that way, BUT I keep in mind - what I have learned here... and get better over time...

      HPs work has given me much input, but for me I can grow on 2-3 themes for long time.

      In the last years and during this corona wahnsinn, I have been in politics in my head and more & more unable to be in a steady good mood - to do music as usual.

      Life and my mind is changing constantly and I am happy to have the guitar by my side and I will play on without pain in my shoulders if I do my gym and dont take everything too serious.

      On the other side I like to check out gear, pickups, do some DIY, listen to music.

      I had the new NUX MG 300 here for 4 days but sent it back. It is very good for the money, but I prefer my 5Watt Tube Amp because of the feel & dynamics.

      I'll keep on picking & learnig but not so hard 😄

      If I make a little plan with some regulary exercises and study ca. 3 new Jazzstandards and some "styles" about the next year it will be fine.

      I dont have to make a music race, although I like Trash Metal & Hardcore (sometimes). But this fast music does not come out of myself. If I would study all things I like I would need some more lifetimes. So... its always a compromise.

      I am no professional musician - so ... I will begin to take it more easy now - Im 53years and will stay healthy. I did enough songs - and so ..the new morning brings a new song - I will play it and maby forget it again later 😁.

      Michael ...I stop writing now. Sorry my english is just from school.

      Keep on rocking ....or what do you do Michael ?


      Greets Andrea




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  21. Sorry guys ..I need a break because of some health problems - I`ll be back - hopefully soon.


    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Thanks HP -  I will give it a try and integrate it in the morning gym!

      LG ANdrea

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Sorry guys ..I need a break because of some health problems - I`ll be back - hopefully soon.


    1. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Thanks guitarfriends - Got more problems with my shoulders - what hinders me to play as I would like to.

      I know I have to reduce time with my instrument. Thats not what I really want - so Im not very motivated and see me in a "little" conflict.

      I observe this problem for some years now.

      Thats not serious for life. I can play for hobby and thats ok. I will take some playin tips from HPs lessons and be fine - without too much aspiration.

      greets Andrea

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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