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Andrea Joy

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Everything posted by Andrea Joy

  1. Bought a cheap Strat on ebay. Cleaning, adjusting, fret polishing etc...every instrument brings some new experiece.

    1. admin


      That's cool - always good to have a strat. I started on a Fender Strat. πŸ™‚

    2. admin


      I see you haver your first awards here - it's a cool feature isn't it ? πŸ˜„

    3. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      It's all about skills πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Peoples.... Comes a Time ..... a very nice Acoustic Song (Neil Young)
  3. Got it! β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’₯
  4. I don`t know - I don`t understand men thinking 🀣 But I like the tutorial!
  5. Live goes Up and Down: I'm on Level "Status Quo" again 🀣

    1. admin


      Good old Status Quo πŸ˜„ and I see you earned your first awards here πŸ˜„

  6. Good Mmorning HP...I wrote it allready.. and said HOW it is for ME. I'm pleased and thankful for all the lessons you allready DID - means: I wlll watch the new videos - but don`t have time and capacity to study everything I consume. When I think back to the past... I went to musicschool and librarys to find the knowledge - but nowadays I see me totally on the other side - with overflowing possabillities. I wish i was 16 years again πŸ˜€ and begin to play the guitar today. NO Im allready happy to enjoy new insights and for the days where I feel healthyenough so that I can play. Allaround...at least something more to answer your questions. 1. I began with Nylon Strings but prefer Electric or Acoustic Guitar lessons. 2. I'm interseted in: How exatly do you set your reverse delay for smoothjazz. 3. Shure I will support the academy as a premium member and hope everybody who is watching the videos is willing to effort at least 5,3,2,1 or more €uros Come on peoples - some more feedback into the forum would be easy! Whrere are you all? Are there any players from Germany Bochum/Essen/Gelesenkirchen/Herne? Greets Andrea
  7. 4-3-2-1 ...SchΓΆn zu hΓΆren! ich freue mich... LG Andrea
  8. Hello HP ... For me -Chris Rea was not the one, whom I thought of, was independend and shure he was't. "On the road to Hell"...BUT he HAS reach our hearts! I love his popsongs a bit more then his good blues music! So In one point I have another opinion: That it IS at least POSSIBLE, to really reach people deep inside, without playing the songs wich are not the ultimate music one feels inside! Maybe it's a lot more easy as we think it's true, as a musician with high claims. πŸ˜‰ To go on a lifelong journey and play music you don`t really like - yes this is sad. About the real reason of an illness I'm a little sceptic all the time - so I add something more... Who REALLY knows, C. Rea's Cancer was the result of his dissatisfaction? CAN be - I read, what the truth becomes - are our thoughts and what works out of the subconsciousness, projectet together with our feelings. This is a modern assumption - how creatin works. So yes: at least we should take account of this. About general music... I find it difficult to fulfill the claim: to be "in complete flow and emotional connected" all the time - over a long peroid of time. As much as I would have like it for myself - to play with this deep feelings - to be in the flow, all the time etc. : EXACT that was, at least for me - what made it even harder - sometimes πŸ˜‰ OK. That is what a virtuoso is made for! 🀩 What I can read and feel about your peronal story here - it's apparent that you are very true to your heart and that you are steering YOUR TRUE journey you really love. So I'm thankful to have found a musician and musicteacher, that is showing deep insights of his personal aspects and also his very touching grandpiano music! Fly on HP! This post is made with help of deepL πŸ˜‡πŸ€£ in english from a native German to a native Jamaican Swiss musican.
  9. OK more of my thoughts... even if they may stay more general as specific to your last question. And now I want to ask: INDEPENDENCE? What is this? What gives freedom AND security? What are the right working and living condidions? This is different for every men and also for every artist. I mean...from a higher point of view, from other perspectives, everyone recognizes and decides and judges different for himself. and That depends on believes, preferences, competence or habits, talent, needs, views of life. What's good for you can be unwanted for otherones. So there is no best general decision. It stays the own decision and own valuation. Examples: Does an artist who is working in the industry really have a helpful strong backbone? Can be: Yes and No! Are you really free and independend? Can be more or less! Can't an industrie artists touch people's emotions with their art? YES and NO! Can a good organisation and management etc. give the artist the free room: to "work" only the music, without to do the business things? YES! Isn't it hard to be in the industrie too? Shure it is! etc. What is more real - giving the best here ore there- if everyone gives the best in every situation? It's all relative! The more deep you look: It's all the same while it appears in a different shape. Ok... and maybe my view is very methaphysical too. That's whay i didnt want to make a dicussion of the topic and other peoples lifes. It's a very wide topic and at the same time very personal. I allready said : I can follow YOU very well and agree. AND it's the best way because πŸ‘ You did and do it your way! I admire that kind of attitude! For myself....To earn real money with music... Yes sometimes I thought about it, if I could make it possible. But to play over 30 years, allthough I knew and feel inside it's NOT coming easy - as other things, and my health condtion will not let it happen... I believe to live your attitude: the artist has to be VERY TALENTED AND VERY GOOD - and that is an can't be the case 😁 for the average musicians. Yes ...to serve the music. as you say IS a very clear and high statement! Chapaeu! Don't know, but hope that this message makes my view more clear for you now πŸ‘οΈ Andrea
  10. Hello HP! I sit really here for about 1 hourand want to write a comment. Try to bring more aspects, other sides of view...but fall into thousand possibilities... must come to the conclusion - your statement is very to the point. Yes: I can follow very well and agree. AND it's the best way because πŸ‘ You did and do it your way! I learned again ( as I observed me here yet) : To be able to make decisions fast and come straight to the points, is one good talent more! Good Luck and greets Andrea
  11. Not the best times this days. Got to learn some lessons in life. Not focussed in music. ... Im still growin. Greets AndreaΒ 

    Found some positive music today... somes songs you may like...


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. admin


      BTW : I grew up in Jamaika the home of Reggae πŸ™‚

    3. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Ich wollte immernoch dein Radiointerview hâren, was du hiermal gepostet hattest - was da bei bei Dir wohl noch alles zu Tage kommt? 😁  Ich dachte die haben dort alle Dreadlocks 🀣 - du aber nich.

      Interessantes Leben πŸ‘

    4. admin


      Ja das Radio Interview lohnt sich noch, wenn man mehr hinter die Kulissen schauen mΓΆchte. Ja in Jamaika gibt es viele Rastafaris ( die mit den Dreadlocks ) aber auch andere.

  12. Ich freue mich dein Concert noch in einer entspannenden Stunde anzuhΓΆren! β˜€οΈ Vielen Dank!
  13. Ah ok - that's interesting HP. What comes to MY mind is to tune the guitar in open Tunings and let the strings ring full - without the need to think about the "right tones" πŸ™‚
  14. Β 

    1. admin


      Good old Frank Zappa πŸ˜„

  15. If my intention is to calm down I meditate for a while. If I play music over a long time - more and more musical ideas are shown to me. After some days of playin a lot - my soul and body needs to calm down for a long time. Thats the circle I`'m in. If I play a lot I sometimes dream of little music phrases in the morning. If I meditate a lot I become more and more still inside. Where I wrap my mind around the well opens - for the possibilities that are here. Greets Andrea
  16. Thank you for sharing your thoughts HP. I wish ...everything will envolve into well-being! 🀩 Greets Andrea
  17. Song of the day...


    1. admin


      Cool - the singer looks a bit like Lemmy πŸ˜„

    2. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Life is hard and then you die....Johnny Winter 😁 πŸ˜‚

  18. Isn't that to heavy? I will place me for the Amp in the music rehearsal space and put the smartphone on a chair. Did that before - that will work.
  19. Alles schlÀft - nur wir sind wach. 🀠


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. admin


      Ja es ist etwas schwer die Leute zu bewegen teilzunehmen. Ich weiss das noch aus den Zeiten bei Guitartricks.com - wir hatten 1 Million Abonnenten aber im Forum lief nicht so viel. Trotzdem finde ich den Austausch hier wichtig.

    3. Andrea Joy

      Andrea Joy

      Ja.... du  kannst es  den Leuten nur anbieten. 😐

    4. admin


      Genau πŸ™‚

  20. To make a Video with good sound would be a challenge... never did that myself. Ok I was filmed sometimes or did a video with the smartphone. I could learn many things with that. ...that would be my award. I can try.
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