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Andrea Joy

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    Andrea Joy reacted to admin for a file, Yellow Healing Meditation Piano in 432 Hz   
    This is a yellow healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of sun, light, peace, warmth and illuminance. It is played in the key of G major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html
    This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Yellow " : 
    Sun, Light, Peace, Warmth and Illuminance
    Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing.
    This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me.
    Dies ist ein gelbes heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll das Sonnenlicht, Frieden, Wärme und Erleuchtung zu spüren. Es wird in der Tonart G Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html
    Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Gelb einhergehen. 
    Sonnenlicht, Frieden, Wärme und Erleuchtung
    Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können.
    Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte :  Email
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    Andrea Joy reacted to admin for a file, Technical Exercises ( Chords, Modes & Patterns ) Minor Scales   
    Here you find the diatonic chord progression in the key of C minor and G minor. This is a real working sheet for you to learn :
    The diatonic chord progressions ( minor scales ) The chords with root on the A and E string The attached modes The intervals of the modes Please  take your time to learn all parts in this working sheet by heart. Learn the chords and the attached modes. The modes are 3 note per string patterns to make the whole thing easier to understand. It's not needed that you learn to play the scales fast, but learn then with the intervals which are displayed at each of the patterns.
    Here you find a tutorial related to those exercises here :
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    Andrea Joy reacted to admin for a file, Technical Exercises ( Chords, Modes & Patterns ) Major Scales   
    Here you find the diatonic chord progression in the key of C and G. This is a real working sheet for you to learn :
    The diatonic chord progressions ( major scales ) The chords with root on the A and E string The attached modes The intervals of the modes Please  take your time to learn all parts in this working sheet by heart. Learn the chords and the attached modes. The modes are 3 note per string patterns to make the whole thing easier to understand. It's not needed that you learn to play the scales fast, but learn then with the intervals which are displayed at each of the patterns.
    Here you find a tutorial related to these exercises :
    Here you find another tutorial about modes :
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