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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


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Posts posted by Greg

  1. 6 hours ago, medikon said:

    Hey Hanspeter, thank you for this tutorial!

    I have a possibly odd question. But it made me crazy for a while, because i suggested that my guitar would be out of tune.

    So I reall worked hard on the tuning device. And i tested the turnaround on higher strings as well....
    But finally it just seems to me, that the turnaround (Ab, A, Bb up to B7) sounds in my ears a bit better or maybe just a bit more natural, when i play after the A the next note not as Bb, but as  a 1/4 bended A.

    Is there any theoretical explanation for this, or is the reason just an old man's bad hearing in this case? I hope my question isn't totally stupid :unsure:

    Have a nice evening and thank you!

    Excellent catch!

  2. 1 hour ago, admin said:


    It was really about time that I overworked the entire website now and made the whole thing as compact and cooperate identity look style as possible. Now I am proud to announce that the new website is online now.

    Check : http://www.hanspeterkruesi.com

    The idea was always to pull all my services and all my work to one website and now it's done. One of the main hard tasks was that there are in fact so many services and projects. They are still all out there but all roads and links will now lead to this website here.

    This important update is also part of my new strategy I worked on since more than one year to free myself from all social media plattforms. I don't believe that they will have a consistant future as they had in the past. Many users are upset by them changing community guidelines all the time only for their advantage and the abuse of there personal data on this plattforms. Here on this website your personal data is completly save and will never be used for something else then the monthly newsletter and you can completly delete your data anytime.

    Also digital music distribution is overgoing dramatic changes. Spotify announced that only artists over 1000 streams per song will get any royalities payed out. Then earning of the artists which are below that will go to the bigger artists. That's something I can not support anymore. And there are now more and more restrictions for artist who want to distribute there music in Spotify and other plattforms.

    I will do special edition distribution here on this website - for music which is not allowed in the official stores anymore or just because I want to make my music faster available for users. So this is a major shift in my online and digital strategies. And as a personal note - when Facebook and co came up I knew this would be lead to something good and it was in fact a mistake to spend so much time keeping up on social media strategies. In these days the situation has changed so much that the ammount of time you have to spend to reach as much people as before as exceeded a healthy balance in the workflow.

    So this website is now my personal anwser to the develpments which started to go in the wrong direction since 2018.

    Excellent……love this…..easy to find your way around as to what you have made available…..mmmm on another note, I looked for something on “comping” but could not find such an exercise, do you have such a tutorial?

    Kind regards



  3. On 6/11/2024 at 8:48 AM, admin said:

    This is the first tutorial of the series " Guitar Sound Lab " where I talk about the pure sound of the guitar. I talk about the dynamic range of your equipment and what you can figure out by selecting different guitar pickup settings and settings of your volume. The pure sound tutorial is the most important one because it defines what kind of guitar signal you will send into your effect chains.

    Here you find the backing track I used in this tutorial. It's only drum & bass that you really can figure out your guitar sound. The chord progression is :

    Em / Em / C / C / Am / Am / D / D

     I certainly appreciate this tutorial and looking forward to other tutorials on this same topic.
    Curious…..….as a senior (76 yrs) and as my hearing is becoming somewhat less than ideal particularly in the higher register, I am considering purchasing hearing aids.  Any thoughts on this with respect to amplified sound and I  am sure that other seniors have the same issues and concerns.  



  4. On 6/14/2024 at 2:51 AM, admin said:

    Ueberall auf der Welt wird so viel gestritten und Krieg geführt. Hier ein Stück als einen kleinen Beitrag zum Frieden.

    Hier habe ich angelehnt an den Stil von Hans Zimmer eine cinematische Komposition umgesetzt, welche auch live mit etwas Gitarreneffekten gespielt werden wird. Die Tonart F# Moll ist sehr emotional und ausdrucksstark und passend zur Farbe " Violett ". Den Titel habe ich angelehnt an eine Szene aus Kevin Costners Film " Postman " genommen.


    Everywhere in the world there is so much fighting and war. Here is a piece as a small contribution to peace.

    Here I have created a cinematic composition based on the style of Hans Zimmer, which will also be played live with some guitar effects. The key of F# minor is very emotional and expressive and matches the color "violet". I based the title on a scene from Kevin Costner's movie "Postman".

    Perfect…..thank you!

  5. On 4/16/2024 at 9:23 AM, admin said:

    If you have done the Spider Walk ( Spider Legs ) on guitar for a while and you want to move on to the next step. This exercise is what I recommend to my intermediate - advanced guitar students.

    Here you can download the tabs associated to this tutorial :


    Hi HP

    I have been working on these Arpeggios for over a year now and I agree that the diminished arpeggio is the most difficult…not too smooth yet but I consistently work at each of these arpeggios and include this file in my daily practice routine.

    Personal request:  I was wondering if you would be kind enough to add the chord shapes to this download.  As a relative newby to Jazz, my senior memory for the progressive shapes is significantly less than perfect and I believe this addition would be very helpful in my efforts.

    Kind regards



  6. 2 hours ago, admin said:

    Slowly the holiday season is over and I will be starting with the full scale work by monday 8th january.

    I have used the holiday time to make a full analysis of my entire artistic and educational work. This also included a study of the competion. Normaly I don't really check what others are doing because I believe in the power of the own creativity which should not be influeced by others but for some reason it was the time to really check what the world and the guitar world in specific is doing out there. It was the right time because I noticed 2 things. There are in fact some really great young players out there which challenge the entire professional guitar scene. They pushed guitar playing to a really new level which is exciting and inspiring for me. And there are a lot of other great players out there who present themselves pretty well on the social media platforms.

    On the other hand - I have been in internet buisness and internet strategies since 1999 and I always had the right intuition in which direction the future goes. One thing is clear. The big times of social media plattforms is over. Facebook as an example has become a platform which in not trendy and not hip anymore. And the entire platform is way too complicated, user-unfriendly and slow. Instagram is part of facebook - so this is the same story and it's really hard to get new followers there. There is no strategie which really works in an economic way. I made some really good succes on Tik Tok with no followers : https://www.tiktok.com/@hpcrazy73?_t=8ipMCnGL4Ft&_r=1

    The main problem is that you can spend hours and hours in social media strategies and you only get a very little payback for that and this does not work anymore - at least when you are an independant artist as I am. So the strategy has to get back to the core buisness and this is in fact CREATIVITY.

    And here comes an other problem. Spotify is now making a cut to all content which does not reach 1000 streams at the moment and gives all money from those streams to the artists which have reached more then 1000 streams. I guess the other platforms will follow or there will be new platforms which offer a fair service to artists and producers. With digital music distribution the best strategy would be to get your own fanbase and build up your brand to make yourself independent from any changements in user policies or royality payouts - but on the other hand you also need to be present on the trending platforms. So here the strategy must be to play your cards in both worlds at the moment and focus on your brand. The brand is what makes an independent artist truely independent - having an own platform is also a key feature in this whole strategy. Why having your own platform ? On a own platform you make yourself indepentent from alogerithms which cut off most of the creativity.

    The AI discussion in the musician and creative works world is really big at the moment. Can AI replace creative workers ? It is a challenge I must say but it's is also a great tool to save a lot of time which helps to fullfill the tasks in this " digital mess ".

    The solution at the end of the day is again the question what is artistic work all about ? It's about emotions and to transport emotions to people. Thats what it is all about - in any creative art. So the focus has to be on this - the creativity and to make yourself free from the bounderies of alogerithms and platforms but still using them as a tool. And that's the way to go - focus on the core, the emotions of music and the people who enjoy the result of all this.

    My brands which I will give all my energy are :

    HPCrazy Guitar Academy - Make this a source for all players out there who really love guitar playing want to learn guitar because they love guitar so much and don't go for flashy promises of learning guitar in 2 months.

    Farbmusik - This is my invention back from 2006. I restarted the concerts in 2022 and I will continue this work. Farbmusik is a new way of seeing music above the only 2 dimensional view of genres. The genres are the colors which are expressed with music. There I will start to work on new music now. I will send parts of it to the digital music distribution platforms but I will also share exclusive content only here on this platform.



  7. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    To get a good clean sound - set your amp on the " clean " amp - then you can work with the gain to have more or less punch in the sound and with the master and the output / volume you define the loudness. Put " Bass / Mid / Treble  " on a neutral middle position. That's it. You don't need any software.

    Thank you, will give that a try…….I have a tendency to over think this stuff…..:). Your response is much appreciated.

  8. On 5/23/2023 at 9:56 AM, admin said:

    Here I share all my knowledge about clean guitar sound settings in all genres.

    If you want a personal review on your playing technique and your sound settings please book a private online guitar lesson here :


    Excellent……enjoyed that lesson/review and I have a better understanding…exactly what I needed.  A couple of questions for you……

    1). What exactly does the “gain control” do as I do not understand its function.  I also have a “ output” adjustment not sure of its function either.  I have attached a photo of the amp controls.

    2). What software do you use.  From what I can see it appears quite complex.

    3). Is the sound projecting from the shelf speakers as part your set up?



  9.  Perhaps the best way is to show my present day practice session: (usually for two hours in the early morning)

    1). Warm up with your “Classical Arpeggio - Skipping Exercise” (not as smooth as it should be)

    2).  Jazz Blues Chord Progression; F7,Bb7,F7,Bb7,F7,D7(b9),Gm7,C7 and associated scales for each chord

    3).  Fly Me to the Moon - (see attached jazz version)

    Fly Me to the Moon.pdf


    PS., my sincere condolences on your recent losses


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