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Everything posted by medikon

  1. Hello Greg, that's a good thought. I've also asked myself this question. How would a hearing aid affect my daily practice on the guitar? Especially as I have to play a lot with headphones so as not to disturb the neighbors and my wife. I'll probably take them out when I'm practicing with headphones, because they are already a kind of hearing aid. I'm looking forward to your experiences. Thanks in advance, Roland
  2. The topic is very exciting for me and I am also looking forward to further episodes. Again and again I have doubts about my guitar (besides my limited technical skills) and especially about my various modeling settings. I use a Line 6 HX Stomp. This is just one of many modeling devices on the market. But all these devices have one thing in common. The possibilities are overwhelming. And last but not least, I personally lack the right understanding of the crucial sequence of effects. So obviously the only correct way is to proceed step by step. Greetings, Roland
  3. Hey Hanspeter, thank you for this tutorial! I have a possibly odd question. But it made me crazy for a while, because i suggested that my guitar would be out of tune. So I reall worked hard on the tuning device. And i tested the turnaround on higher strings as well.... But finally it just seems to me, that the turnaround (Ab, A, Bb up to B7) sounds in my ears a bit better or maybe just a bit more natural, when i play after the A the next note not as Bb, but as a 1/4 bended A. Is there any theoretical explanation for this, or is the reason just an old man's bad hearing in this case? I hope my question isn't totally stupid Have a nice evening and thank you!
  4. Great tutorial Hanspeter! Another step towards understanding chords, chord extensions, alternative chords and chord inversions Or if someone prefers, just use the fingerings of these cool chord shapes. Thank you very much.
  5. Great, thank you Hanspeter! This short blues tutorial points to something, which I really miss quite often. Express emotions instead just playing around on licks & scales Let's talk the blues
  6. Hello Hanspeter, thank you for the tutorial! Seems actually to be linked to the wrong download... (Double Stop Madness) Maybe some error on my browser side? Greets, Roland
  7. I really like your new homepage! This is excellent work and finally Google is starting to reward the quality of your work with keyword rankings. Good News! By the way: The personal links are a great idea. Kind Regards, Roland
  8. This is a very helpful blues guitar tutorial. Thank you Hanspeter! As always, well explained and easy to follow. The pentatonic positions up the fretboard and down again in one bar over 4 triplets using the blues scale. Very cool!
  9. What a great tutorial! After the first few practice sessions it really starts to groove. A great song that's fun to play. As always, you've broken it down perfectly for us. The PDF and the backing track are a great help. I can only recommend everyone to have access to the downloads as a premium member. That's small money for an extremely high value. Personally, I'm a little sad that there are no more gpro files available. But of course I fully understand that. Thanks for your great work Hanspeter!
  10. Hi Hanspeter! I asked for a little help with the fingering to this Arpeggio Skipping Exercise, but almost overlooked this great new tutorial. Many thanks for it Best regards, Roland
  11. This is one more step on my personal learning curve: Use Major Pentatonic and Mixolydian Mode for your Blues. Incorporate cool licks and mix everything into cool rhythm patterns. Now I'm going to have a word with my fingers so that they never forget that again. Thank you Hanspeter.
  12. Hello Hanspeter, could you maybe give some hints to the fingering...? "pay close attention to your fingering in combination with your picking technique" Thank you in advance and greets, Roland
  13. Fantastic tutorial, thank you Hanspeter! I will need some time, to get it in my fingers. But I'll try and try. It sounds absolutly cool
  14. The guitar techniques you teach us in your tutorials are extremely helpful. You make everything sound wonderfully simple. But it needs a lot of practice. So if anyone should ask: what do the tone knobs on electric guitar do? And how do you use a tone knob on an electric guitar? I would first suggest him to drop by the HPCrazy Guitar Academy and practice advanced guitar techniques Thank you for teaching us how to play guitar!
  15. eating is generally overrated... (and pasta and tomato sauce besides one of my favorite dishes) so, what you really need is a guitar like this Have fun!
  16. Hey Hanspeter, just great Thank you for this kind of very valuable blues guitar lessons Greetings, Roland
  17. Great Ideas... challenging movements Null Problemo?? Thank You for this!
  18. Hey Hanspeter, world class, this is definitly what I'd like to get in my fingers. This shall be part of my "thrill is gone" in the future. Or let's say... I hope so We will see.... greetings, Roland
  19. Great Tutorial.... yes, here comes the Blues Thank you Hanspeter and greetings, Roland
  20. Hi Hanspeter, that sounds great! Yes indeed, crispy Very valuable tips... both about the mixolidian sound and the rhythm (not easy). Extremely cool your "Crispy Blues Guitar Tutorial"! Thanks & greets
  21. Hi Andrea, if you are interested in the technical subject of mixing... this book is extremely exciting and educational (in my opinion): Mixing Secrets von Mike Senior Greets, Roland
  22. Hi Hanspeter, good to know this. I recently had a request from a client about a custom jingle or small song for a digital roadshow. Next time I can get right back to you with something like that. By the way: the high quality of your backing tracks is also noticed by others. A few days ago a musician said that to me. Greets, Roland
  23. Hello Hanspeter, thank you very much, i think this is one of the best blues tutorials out there. By the way... what amp modeling are you playing with? This distortion is really cool. Greets, Roland
  24. A special thank you for this great tutorial. Your Summertime has finally led me here. Just great. I will have to nibble on this for a while though. At some point I'd like to be able to play your chords fluently and improvise on them accordingly. Thanks for this version of Summertime! Kind Regards, Roland
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