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Steve-O last won the day on February 18 2022

Steve-O had the most liked content!

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    Tampa Fl.- USA
  • Interests
    Road biking, guitar, wife (LOL), ranked 3rd (KIDDING), WORKING OUT, AND GUITAR, ROAD BIKING

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  1. Hello… we live in Tampa Fl. USA, age 73, playing 60 years. 


    1. admin


      Wow you are playing 50 years - thats great :riffer:

    2. Steve-O


      rock on hp…you know I’ve said this before. But truly after taking so many lessons live and on line. I think you hit the sweet spot better than anyone out there. There is one course called Active Melody, (he is a brilliant player), but never stops talking and after two years I’d accomplished like one song that was at best marginal. You Music choices are. (At least to my ear) exactly what I enjoy and wish to hear more of. Just straight forward rock and blues.. Great Job and thanks JP.

      Regards, Steve

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