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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


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Status Replies posted by Steve-O

  1. Hello… we live in Tampa Fl. USA, age 73, playing 60 years. 


    1. Steve-O


      rock on hp…you know I’ve said this before. But truly after taking so many lessons live and on line. I think you hit the sweet spot better than anyone out there. There is one course called Active Melody, (he is a brilliant player), but never stops talking and after two years I’d accomplished like one song that was at best marginal. You Music choices are. (At least to my ear) exactly what I enjoy and wish to hear more of. Just straight forward rock and blues.. Great Job and thanks JP.

      Regards, Steve

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Where are the member lessons please???? Cannot find


    1. Steve-O


      HK, Without question you have by miles the best tutorials available. Your choice of instructional pieces is spot on. But your personality and presentation makes the difference. 

      We were early in the Kenneth Cole Shoe business in Switzerland and plan to get back to Interlaken soon hopefully this year, hope we can meet. And yes I figured you have explored all the backing track methods. The cost of this technology is astronomical. You Chose wisely.

      Best Regards,

      Steve Shirley, 

      3908 Northampton Way,

      Tampa Fl. (If you are even in this area.) Regards,…Be Well

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Where are the member lessons please???? Cannot find


    1. Steve-O


      Thank you HK.. appreciate the assist. Great lessons. May  i suggest at your leisure (LOL) to look at “guitar tricks.com” and see how they’ve easily attached the backing track to the lesson. It’s idiot proof as anyone can hit the backing track and instantly (no downloads), have the track playing.

      You have probably 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Where are the member lessons please???? Cannot find


    1. Steve-O


      Got it ..thanks so much..now how to find backing tracks..i get a music wave picture.. (I must be an idiot) now i can’t figure how to get the backing tracks to play.. (this site is wonderful but hard to figure out. Any help on get tracks to play? Thanks again -that was last question. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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