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Everything posted by Otman

    Thanks for this great lesson, HP. This piece has been on my TODO list for a while. Will make a start at learning the melody this weekend.
  1. Hey HP, I had given up on being able to play Smooth Jazz because my fingers are not fast enough to do those cool runs. But last night I saw someone showing how they had improved their speed by practicing for a month, using a metronome. I watched your Masterclass on Smooth Jazz and Legato. Any general thoughts or suggestions on how to improve speed for Smooth Jazz runs?
  2. Thank you for this lesson, HP. I had heard of the name Blue Bossa, but never connected it with the tune. This will have to be the next tune I learn. Happy New Year! Wishing you success, love, good health and happiness.
  3. Hey HP, Thanks for the lesson. This is a beautiful tune. This is a real finger exerciser!! Really fun challenge. Have you seen the version by Emmet Cohen and Cyrille Aimée? Check it out on YouTube. It is full of Joy de vive! She is full of energy. I think you will enjoy it. It is quite different from most versions.
  4. Pleasantly surprised to find this lesson here. I have been meaning to learn this piece for ages. Thanks, HP!
  5. I'm currently learning to play Autumn Leave Smooth Jazz, and working through HP's lesson.

    Also working on the Minor Pentatonic Patterns 1 - 5. 

    Watched the lesson on Technical Exercises. Need to watch it again. There was quite a bit of info there.

    Working on How to Sound like a Pro with 3 Licks. This is going to take a while. This is at intermediate level. I'm a beginner, but I like to look ahead and start early. My hands are too small and too slow at this stage. Will need to focus on exercises to improve speed.

    Need to focus on just a few things and not spread myself out too thin.

    1. admin


      Hey Otman, thanks for letting us know what you are working on. I think it's really good when you know the pentatonic patterns 1-5. So that's a great thing to work on - also work out the major pentatonic patterns 1 -5.

      Technical problems are very common on most beginners. Just take your time and practice technique regular and with disziplin - thats the fastest way to overcome the difficulties which appear for nearly everyone at the beginning.

    2. Otman


      Thanks HP, this morning I went through position 1 & 2, identifying the Root note positions. I have been watching your lesson on Easy Pentatonic Position Tricks and want to get the lesson under my skin. What I liked about it is the way you highlighted the importance of certain positions for moving from one position to another. 

    3. admin


      Hi Otman, yes that's the perfect tutorial to work through the pentatonic positions. Just practice them regulary.

  6. Thanks HP, It's on my to learn list. I'm really enjoying your lessons. I'm going to make a video of my learning process and progress. Will share once I have something.
  7. Hey HP, This is a great exercise! I'm going to learn this as part of learning the 5 pentatonic positions.
  8. Hey Hanspeter, I came across your personal note a few weeks ago and was touched by your message. I have been following your channel on and off over the years and have always enjoyed your tutorials. You are one of my favourite guitar teachers. I really appreciate you sharing your personal message. When you are the last surviving member of your family, it would make you think about your priorities. Please keep doing what you are doing and keep producing great music and teaching resources. I am with you in believing that music can contribute to making the world a better place. This weekend I came across an Autumn Leaves tutorial and decided that it was time to learn to play this piece that I’ve been wanting to learn for a long time. This morning I found your tutorial and decided to watch it and found it was exactly the style that I wanted to learn, a mixture of jazz and blues. i didn’t know know that your have a guitar meditation channel. I also use my guitar practice as my meditation practice. Today I joined your guitar student club partly to support you and your efforts and to learn more about becoming a better guitarist. I little bit about me. I live in Canberra, Australia. Last year I turned 70. I started to learn ukulele and guitar just before last Christmas. At the beginning of the year I became more interested in the guitar, blues and jazz. So in some ways I’m only an 8 month old guitarist. I studied Sound and Sculpture at the Sydney College of the Arts but became a systems developer and business analyst to support the family. Now that the kids have grown up and moved out, I’ve decided, like you, to focus on what I enjoy, which is to do with music and creativity and sharing knowledge. Keep teaching and producing good music. Best Wishes Ot
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