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  1. Version 1.0.0

    This is a orange healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of harmony, peace, warmth and joy. It is played in the key of Eb major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Orange " : Joy, warmth, aktivity, sensuality, tibetian monk, harmony, art, beauty. Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me. ---------------------------- Dies ist ein oranges heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll in Harmone, Frieden und Warmherzigkeit zu kommen. Es wird in der Tonart Eb Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Orange einhergehen. Freude, Wärme, Lebendigkeit, Sinnlichkeit, tibetischer Mönch, Harmonie, Kunst, Schönheit. Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte : Email
  2. View File Orange Healing Meditation Piano in 432 Hz This is a orange healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of harmony, peace, warmth and joy. It is played in the key of Eb major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Orange " : Joy, warmth, aktivity, sensuality, tibetian monk, harmony, art, beauty. Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me. ---------------------------- Dies ist ein oranges heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll in Harmone, Frieden und Warmherzigkeit zu kommen. Es wird in der Tonart Eb Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Orange einhergehen. Freude, Wärme, Lebendigkeit, Sinnlichkeit, tibetischer Mönch, Harmonie, Kunst, Schönheit. Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte : Email Submitter admin Submitted 07/01/2021 Category Healing and Therapy Musik  
  3. Soon a new CD of mine will be released - It is meditation & healing music improvised on the piano. There are 7 colors on the CD and each piece is 10 minutes long so you have enough time to dive into the colors. This CD will be a first trance of therapy music, which in connection with my new project " star therapy " - a concept developed by me with astrological crisis management with the help of the therapy music developed by me ( color music / color music ) - this music is also integrated into the now monthly full moon livestreaming concerts. At each full moon or as now on the coming Wednesday lunar eclipse a current topic is implemented accordingly musically / therapeutically with the current star constellations - for the benefit of those who want to participate. This is my contribution to the currently changed normality - music has always been the language which I master best.
  4. This is Yellow Healing Meditation Piano 432 HZ - meditativ played music in 432 Hz in the color yellow to support your inner and outer healing. Let me know about your experience with this music if you try to meditate with it. Any feedback is welcome. ?
  5. This is a method of meditation where I strengthen my immune system. I've been doing this kind of visualization technique which I am showing you here for a long time in my life and for me it always worked as a great add to normal health routines. The technique is very simple. It works with a visualization of your own silhouette by closing your eyes I'm concentrating on your breath. Try to visualize your silhouette and send light through it. Sunlight is pretty much the color which works best for this but you can choose the one with you like most. concentrate on your breath and the visualization. If you see any dark spots or darker areas in your silhouette try to make them lighter by sending light through it by your thoughts and visualizing technique. Sometimes it needs some concentration to make those aereas lighter and sometimes it takes several attempts of this meditation and visualization technique to permanently make those spots lighter or completely disappear. The music with your hearing in this video is the color yellow and should help you and support you in this visualization technique. I have been several years on research and personal experience on this technique in combination with the music and for me it always worked. I found that now is the time to share my knowledge to everybody who is interested but please don't take this as a all over technique which work for everything and use it as an additional tool in your health routine. Make your own experience on this technique and and try how it works best for you. What I can contribute is that the music you're hearing is part of my research which I did in colors. The music gives an extra emotional boost to the meditation technique and shall help you to get deeper into meditation and deeper into your emotions which should support any kind of meditation or visualization techniques. Try it out yourself and see if it helps you if yes I'm glad that I could help. Here you can listen to the song without my comments :
  6. This is a song which I composed for the purpose of creating a healing effect for a near and dear person but it might work for anybody who needs yellow. I developed a method to heal mentaly over the years. It is very simple and anyone can do it. You just need to visalize your body, your silhouette - now if you can visualize it, seek for dark spots. Now meditate to put light into it and try to make them disappear. Sometimes you need to take a few attempts when the spots come back. This song here helps to visualize the light which you can use for this purpose. The 2nd part is to get your emotions flow freely - and this music is created to make them flow easier. For sure this is not a replacment for medical treatment but it can support your body and your health and might help that you don't need medical treatment anymore.
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