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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find a beautiful version of a minor blues in the key of Em. These files are associated to this tutorial :
  2. Here I show you some really beautiful minor blues guitar chords. Here you can download the files associated to this tutorial :
  3. Here I recorded a spontaneous take after the videoshoot of the minor blues guitar tutorial. I wanted to get a puristic approach to minor blues and relating to Peter Greens style back from the 60's with a strong spring reverb effect and no additional effects. I have used a Vibra King amp with a 2*12 cabinet with an off-axis microphone setting, a large spring reverb with a mix level of 25% and a dunlop cry baby. I began the recording with finger picking and in the 3rd chorus I switched to normal pic technique. The great thing with puristic recordings is that these details in fact matter. But check it out yourself If you want to check the tutorial you'll find it here :
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find some tabs to play a puristic minor blues guitar by working only with guitar drum and bass and the guitar playing chords and solo at the same time. These files are associated to this tutorial :
  5. Here I teach you how to play great chords and solo together in a minor blues guitar setting. Timing is the most important thing to sound great and accurate. Here you can download the files associated to this tutorial : Here you can check out my version of this tune :
  6. Here I show you how to play the theme and the chords of Wayne Shorters tune " Footprints " which is a minor blues in 3/4. Beside that I give you tips which modes to use on the improvisation and some tricks on how to improvise in 3/4. Here you can download the files associated to this tutorial :
  7. If you are tired of playing the minor pentatonic or the minor blues scale to a minor blues then this guitar tutorial is for you. A first step with exercises into a new world of playing minor blues on guitar. Here you can download the files associated to this tutorial :
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find a simple minor blues in the key of Gm. With the exercises written down you can start to get a different vibe into your minor blues guitar solo and start working with modes and arpeggio's. These are some simple exercises which give you a first step into the world of modes. Theses files are associated to this tutorial :
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find 3 rounds of smooth jazz guitar licks over the progression Fm7 / Fm7 / Db7 / C7alt which is one of the typical minor blues or minor chord progressions which occur in any minor blues or minor chord progressions. It's basically the figure I / bVI7 / V7 which is very common so it's worth having a closer look at it. Attached you find the backing track in Fm, the audio of the licks with the backing track and the tabs of the licks and the associated modes which are the typical ones in such chord progression. These files are associated to this tutorial :
  10. Here I give you some advanced tips and tricks to play on a regular slow minor blues by following the chords and using modes. This way you can expand the possibilities of your expression and sound in minor blues. You find the files associated to this tutorial here :
  11. Many of you always requested tutorials where I talk about how to use chords and solo's at the same time. So here I talk about a simple minor blues guitar riff and how you can add different solo parts inside the riff and also how to use chord variations and how to create a whole story with this one riff and make it sound great and interesting for your audience. Here you can download the files associated to this tutorial here :
  12. Slow Jazzy Minor Blues Here you can learn how to play a cool slow jazzy minor blues by using extended chords - such as minor 9 chords and alternations. This is how the chords now look like : A-7 / A-7 / A-7 / A-7 Aalt / D-9 / D-9 / A-7 / A-7 / F9 F913 / E7alt / A-7 / E7alt Jazzy Slow Minor Blues.pdf slowy jazzy minor blues.mp3
  13. Dynamic Minor Blues Concept A minor blues is often a musical form with three chords and a dramatic shift in the music itself. In this case we have a little riff which is made out of two bars with A minor and in the second bar F and G. The trick to create an amazing minor blues is to have dynamic shifts in your playing and your expression on the guitar. You can compare it to storytelling. You want to make the story simple but interesting and it's the same in music. You have simple chords but you want to make it sound interesting. And that's exactly the point where this tutorial comes into perfect place. I am showing you how to make variations in sound, in playing and in expression of those three chords A minor, F and G which are used often in minor blues or other minor balade settings. One essential trick is your dynamic attack on the strings which gives you variations in your distorted sound. By adding vibrato to the chords you can make them sound more dramatic and more expressive. Different types of fingering of the cords of the attacking and of the expression is the main topic of this guitar tutorial and will help you to get your unique individual guitar sound in a minor blues. Dynamic Minor Blues Concept.pdf Dynamic Minor Blues Concept.gp dynamic minor blues concept.mp3
  14. The Sky Is Crying ( Gary B.B. Coleman ) - Guitar Lesson Here you can learn the minor blues " The Sky Is Crying " as played by Gary B.B. Coleman. I talk about the chords and the rhythm guitar which is played in his recording. I also analyze his playing style and talk about it then show you how he is doing his signature style and then show you 2 licks which are always used in minor blues and then talk about playing a minor blues in general. The Sky Is Crying ( Gary B.B Coleman ).pdf The Sky Is Crying ( Gary B.B. Colman ).gp the sky is crying.mp3
  15. Here I show you a cool straight minor blues guitar riff and give you some ideas for sound shaping and improvisation with modes. Here you find the files associated to thit tutorial :
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find the tabs and the backing track to a great straight minor blues in the key of Gm. These files are associated to this tutorial :
  17. Creative Minor Blues - Guitar Lesson In this guitar lesson I talk about creativity on the guitar in minor blues. The guitar minor blues is probably the most demanding genre on lead guitar because it is so slow and you have a lot of time to make wrong notes, wrong moves - basically just too many notes. So simplicity is the key to success in this genre. In this tutorial I show you a simple theme and how to develop it from scratch and how to really develop your own creativity and your own expression with very simple tricks and motives. This type of minor blues I am showing you goes in the ballpark of Gary Moore, Rose Tattoo and Rory Gallagher. creative minor blues.pdf creative minor blues.gp creative minor blues.mp3
  18. Smoking Minor Blues Guitar Licks - Tutorial You want to play a smoking minor blues guitar solo ? Then this tutorial is for you. Here I show you an example of the minor blues " The Trill Has Gone " by B.B. King how to build up a cool and sophisticated minor blues solo by knowing the licks and how to make variations on them. Here you can download the files associated to this tutorial here :
  19. Here I talk about my view and experience about tone control in a specific minor blues guitar setting. It's not about licks - but at the end of the tutorial I show you the 3 main licks which you can use in minor blues guitar. This tutorial is a " MUST HAVE " if you are into minor blues guitar. Here you can download the files associated to this tutorial : If you need any further assistance please book a private online guitar lesson here : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/store/category/1-private-online-guitar-lessons/
  20. Here I talk about smooth minor blues jazz guitar in the key of F minor. This progression is very simple it's only Fm7 / Fm7 / Db9 / C7#9 . First I show you the chords, then I talk about the modes which can be used in the improvisation and then I work through some advanced ideas on how to use those modes and play a solo with a motivic approach. Here you find the files attached to this tutorial here : Here you find the technical exercises I am talking about at the end of the tutorial : If you need any further professional help please book a private online guitar lesson here : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/store/category/1-private-online-guitar-lessons/
  21. Midnight Blues ( Gary Moore )- Guitar Lesson Here you can learn the midnight blues by Gary Moore. I show you the rhythm guitar in detail and give you some ideas how to play a nice guitar solo on a minor blues in the key of Cm. Midnight Blues ( Gary Moore ).pdf Midnight Blues ( Gary Moore ).gp midnight blues garry moore.mp3
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find some really cool examples of a minor blues riff in the key of Am in combination with some fill-ins. There are 2 backing tracks added. One is only drums and bass and the 2nd one has an organ added if you don't feel confortable with the puristic trio formation. These files are associated to this tutorial :
  23. Version 2.0.0


    Here you find a great minor blues backing track in the key of Am. In the tabs you find the chords and the advanced modes which you can use in this minor blues. These files are associated to this tutorial here :
  24. Version 1.1.0


    Equinox ( John Coltrane ) - Tabs & Backing Track Here you find the tabs of the melody and the chords of the standard " Equinox " by John Coltrane. The backing track is pretty much adapted to the original recording with the John Coltrane band. These files are associated to this tutorial here :
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Smoking Minor Blues Guitar Licks : Tabs & Backing Track Here you fine one full written chorus of a minor blues in the key of Bm. The backing track is B.B. Kings " The Thrill is gone ". These files are associated to this tutorial here :
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