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Found 8 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Playing different scales, modes and the orientation on the fretboard is a major topic for all guitar players and from my point of view there are 2 ways to approach this problem. 1. You can learn hunderts of patterns which you find in many pattern books you find on the market. Here you find a good collection of different patterns : https://www.guitar.ch/en/guitars/scales/scales.html 2. You understand what is the essence of a scale, how it's built and how you derive from the basic pentatonic patterns to the major and minor scales and modes. The file which you can download here helps you to go the 2nd way. The key is that most guitar players come the minor pentatonic pattern 1 + 4 and there you can start the journey. Derive Minor & Major Scales from basic pentatonic positions 1. Learn the positions 1 + 4 of the minor pentatonic and learn the intervals by heart - these are 1 b3 4 5 b7. The root note is marked red on the graphics. 2. Learn the posistions 1 + 4 of the major pentatonics. The trick is - they are exactly the same patterns on the fretboard - you just need to move the pattern down 3 frets, redefine the root note ( marked red ) and learn the new intervals 1 2 3 5 6 by heart. 3. Minor Scale - check the intervals. The new notes are marked red here : 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7. The grid of the pattern of the minor pentatonic remains - just add the 2 new notes. 4. Major Scale - check the intervals. The new notes are marked red here : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The grid of the pattern of the minor pentatonic remains - just add the 2 new notes. Additional 2 minor scales ( Harmonic & Melodic Minor ) 1. Harmonic Minor Scale - check the intervals and compare it with the minor scale. The new note compared with the minor scale is marked red. 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 7 2. Melodic Minor Scale - this one is not used often but good to know. It's a mix between minor and major scales. You can derive it either from the minor scale where you have to change 2 notes ( marked red ) 1 2 b3 4 5 6 7 or from the major scale where you have to change 1 note ( marked red ) 1 2 b3 4 5 6 7
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Here you find a selection of exercises to build your automatisms with all minor pentatonic patterns 1 - 5 in the A minor pentatonic. These exercises come along with this tutorial here :
  3. View File Guitar Bootcamp - Minor Pentatonic Here you find a selection of exercises to build your automatisms with all minor pentatonic patterns 1 - 5 in the A minor pentatonic. These exercises come along with this tutorial here : Submitter admin Submitted 04/17/2023 Category Theory & Exercises
  4. View File Easy Scale Building Playing different scales, modes and the orientation on the fretboard is a major topic for all guitar players and from my point of view there are 2 ways to approach this problem. 1. You can learn hunderts of patterns which you find in many pattern books you find on the market. Here you find a good collection of different patterns : https://www.guitar.ch/en/guitars/scales/scales.html 2. You understand what is the essence of a scale, how it's built and how you derive from the basic pentatonic patterns to the major and minor scales and modes. The file which you can download here helps you to go the 2nd way. The key is that most guitar players come the minor pentatonic pattern 1 + 4 and there you can start the journey. Derive Minor & Major Scales from basic pentatonic positions 1. Learn the positions 1 + 4 of the minor pentatonic and learn the intervals by heart - these are 1 b3 4 5 b7. The root note is marked red on the graphics. 2. Learn the posistions 1 + 4 of the major pentatonics. The trick is - they are exactly the same patterns on the fretboard - you just need to move the pattern down 3 frets, redefine the root note ( marked red ) and learn the new intervals 1 2 3 5 6 by heart. 3. Minor Scale - check the intervals. The new notes are marked red here : 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7. The grid of the pattern of the minor pentatonic remains - just add the 2 new notes. 4. Major Scale - check the intervals. The new notes are marked red here : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The grid of the pattern of the minor pentatonic remains - just add the 2 new notes. Additional 2 minor scales ( Harmonic & Melodic Minor ) 1. Harmonic Minor Scale - check the intervals and compare it with the minor scale. The new note compared with the minor scale is marked red. 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 7 2. Melodic Minor Scale - this one is not used often but good to know. It's a mix between minor and major scales. You can derive it either from the minor scale where you have to change 2 notes ( marked red ) 1 2 b3 4 5 6 7 or from the major scale where you have to change 1 note ( marked red ) 1 2 b3 4 5 6 7 Submitter admin Submitted 04/07/2023 Category Theory & Exercises  
  5. Here you can learn a very simple method how you can use and connect all minor pentatonic positions in a solo. The backing track I have used can be downloaded here : https://itunes.apple.com/album/funk-rock-am-95-feat-hanspeter-kruesi/668781969?i=668782011 Here you can get the graphics for all 5 minor pentatonic patterns : minor pentatonic pattern 1-5.pdf
  6. Version 1.1.0


    Here you find all patterns in minor and major pentatonics. The positions are marked with numbers which represent the intervals which are played. As a beginner only focus on learning the position of the 1 which represents the root note. In this case it's the A since the patterns are either in A minor or A major. It is also strongly recommended to learn the pentatonic only on one string. There please also use the 1 as an orientation point. When you compare the minor with the major pentatonic patterns you might notice that they are the same only the root note has changed. The good news is that once you can play the minor pentatonic patterns you can switch to the major pentatonic patterns just by replacing the root note.
  7. View File Minor & Major Pentatonic Patterns Here you find all patterns in minor and major pentatonics. The positions are marked with numbers which represent the intervals which are played. As a beginner only focus on learning the position of the 1 which represents the root note. In this case it's the A since the patterns are either in A minor or A major. It is also strongly recommended to learn the pentatonic only on one string. There please also use the 1 as an orientation point. When you compare the minor with the major pentatonic patterns you might notice that they are the same only the root note has changed. The good news is that once you can play the minor pentatonic patterns you can switch to the major pentatonic patterns just by replacing the root note. Submitter admin Submitted 10/24/2021 Category HPCrazy Guitar Academy  
  8. Hey folks, here I wrote an article about the minor and the major pentatonic with some short explainations and displaying the 5 positions of them. The good news is that if you already know the minor pentatonic you can play the major one as well. You just need to adapt the root note. The patterns are staying the same - check it out here in this article which I wrote. the pentatonics.pdf If you have any questions or comments - post them here and discuss this with other students or I help you out.
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