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  1. Version 1.0.0

    This is a orange healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of harmony, peace, warmth and joy. It is played in the key of Eb major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Orange " : Joy, warmth, aktivity, sensuality, tibetian monk, harmony, art, beauty. Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me. ---------------------------- Dies ist ein oranges heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll in Harmone, Frieden und Warmherzigkeit zu kommen. Es wird in der Tonart Eb Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Orange einhergehen. Freude, Wärme, Lebendigkeit, Sinnlichkeit, tibetischer Mönch, Harmonie, Kunst, Schönheit. Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte : Email
  2. View File Orange Healing Meditation Piano in 432 Hz This is a orange healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of harmony, peace, warmth and joy. It is played in the key of Eb major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Orange " : Joy, warmth, aktivity, sensuality, tibetian monk, harmony, art, beauty. Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me. ---------------------------- Dies ist ein oranges heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll in Harmone, Frieden und Warmherzigkeit zu kommen. Es wird in der Tonart Eb Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Orange einhergehen. Freude, Wärme, Lebendigkeit, Sinnlichkeit, tibetischer Mönch, Harmonie, Kunst, Schönheit. Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte : Email Submitter admin Submitted 07/01/2021 Category Healing and Therapy Musik  
  3. Piano Meditation - Neujahres Konzert 2021 / New Years Concert 2021 This is the new years concert which i mostly improvised to all spectrals colors. It's a tradition of mine to make a new years concert every year in my little church in Seegräben in Switzerland. https://www.kirche-seegraeben.ch/ Many years ago I lived in Seegräben which is a small pitoresk little village at the border of the Pfäffikersee. This was a time which I made a lot of progress in spititual music composing. What is spiritual music composing ? It's a way of meditativ being and living and waiting for moments where music appears. The principle is that music always has been there and you just need to open up to hear it. This way I dreamt about music and in the morning I had a finished piece of music in mind which I recorded or put into my repertoire of I don't know maybe over 1000 pieces of music which I composed till now. I was sitting many times in this little church in Seegräben alone in the dark - and there was a piano. The piano is an old but organic instrument - slightly out of tune but it was always a deeply inspired spiritual experience with intuition, music and colors. The goal of Farbmusik was to create a music which can heal people and thats how it came. Thats the reason I go back to this church every year to make my Neujahres Konzert over many years. This year it was not possible due to the corona crisis. The concert was cancelled 2 weeks before it could take place and so I decided to do the concert as a livestream. And here it is 🙂 If you love the concert - please make a donation of your choice. In my little church I always worked like and so it shall stay this principle. If people love the music then they are willing to give something back what they got from the music. http://www.farbmusik.com/spende.html
  4. Mit Farbe durch den Winter Tomorrow the first concert of the series " Mit Farbe durch den Winter " will take place. It is a pure live streaming concert concept and is intended to be a counterbalance to the other somewhat difficult circumstances we all face. Tomorrow I will improvise meditative colors on the piano. The same as at my color music concerts, for which some of you have already been there. The feedback at these rather small concerts was always that it could give those who were there moments of reflection, moments of connection and a form of emotional wholeness. That's something that some people could certainly use at the moment and concerts can only take place under very difficult conditions. So it's quite simple - then the concerts take place as a live stream from my studio. The picture doesn't give as much as in a church, but the sound is in studio quality which is much more important. It is planned to do this weekly until the end of the year - similar to Advent Sunday and then I'll see what the feedback of the maybe only few people who want to listen to such a concert is like. Here's now the first of the series - will be broadcasted on sunday 6:30 PM Zürich time.
  5. This song was an order by a customer during the corona crisisand the lockdown to get some peace and relaxation. Took me quite a while to now finally proceed to release this song as well on the Farbmusik YouTube channel since I needed to reorder many things in my work. A few words to this song. It's the color yellow - yellow has a healing power and can put away darkness the best way. I can choosen the 432 Hz tuning to give it more healing power. The customer wished to have a string orchestra added. I love this way of piano music and it's a plan of mine to continue this work even my time is so limited due to the extended service in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. But for sure I will take this kind of music to a next level.
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