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  1. In the past few months my stats of the piano meditation 432Hz music really skyrocketed on amazon music. It started like in June 2021 and now I have over 600000 Stream per month with that one CD which I recorded like in 2012 I think. I released it on 2 brands. Farbmusik and Colour Music, which is basicly the same thing just in english. But as we can see here the Farbmusik brand has made it to the top and I am really happy about this development because Farbmusik was always my personal expression of music and also my unique brand. Since this one CD is so popular lets have a closer look to it and how it got created. This is the one which is so succesful : https://orcd.co/8rjxm2e I remember it was recorded in only one hour. I had a fight with my girlfriend at that time shortly before a piano concert and to calm myself down I sat at the piano tuned on 432Hz and pressed the record button and played for one hour and thats was all. Now this is far my most succesful CD. As all other songs which got really popular - all of them were recorded in less then one hour. If you like this kind of piano music you also find more CD's on 432Hz here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html The good thing about this - in difficult times for artists this secures me a stable income which helps me to continue my work as an independant artist since this now pays my rent.
  2. Piano Meditation 432Hz - Taurus Full Moon / Eclipse The Taurus Full Moon - Eclipse of Nov 19 21 marks a time of things ending or things beginning. The energies of the Taurus Full Moon / Eclipse are square to Jupiter. So this may indicate a time when one may be in tension with material goods. One can tend to exaggerations or also see his sense too much in these things. With the color violet I try to create a bit of a balance to the spiritual world to counteract this. Join this concert to meditate about things you wish to acomplish and things you wish to let go. The best moment to do that is during the concert to focus the energies. If you have any constelations on 27 degrees taurus in your astrological chart then you will feel these energies highlighted. If you love the Farbmusik Meditation Concerts you can support it with a donation. There is a lot of work needed to prepare such concert. I am checking the astrological constellations and meditate about the energies and I need to prepare the music which fits perfect to that specific moment that you can get the maximum benefit from the livestream. I am doing these concerts as livestreams because I want to reach people around the globe and help to harmonize and heal. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/index.php?/clients/donations/
  3. Now my first set of therapy music is ready. 7 colors to meditate : red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and violet. The pieces can be used with any form of color therapy or other therapy work. They are played and recorded in 432 Hz - it was a bit difficult to make the pieces available like this because the official music stores like Apple, Spotify and co. don't accept music of this kind anymore. Therefore the pieces are now exclusively available on my website. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/index.php?/files/category/1-healing-and-therapy-musik/ What does the 432 Hz tuning mean ? The standard tuning of instruments is the concert pitch A. This tone is vibrating at 440 Hz. This is an international standard and the further tuning of each instrument is adjusted based on the concert pitch. With the 432 Hz tuning the concert pitch A is tuned to 432 Hz instead of 440. The other tones of an instrument are then adjusted accordingly. What is the difference between 432 Hz and 440 Hz tuning ? Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, as well as other anthroposophists such as Maria Renold or Kathleen Schlesinger have done research on the 432Hz tuning and came to the conclusion that this tuning has an effect on the physical as well as mental well-being of people. Steiner established this connection before Winfried Otto Schuman, the founder of the Schumann Resonance, showed with the term earth resonance frequency that sounds can have a direct influence on the vibration of the earth. According to the findings of Steiner and other researchers, the 432 -tuning should have the following effects: Better physical relaxation Better mental relaxation Lightening of the mood More direct emotional influence Better contact with your own feelings Easier development and healing processes Feel music more than just listening to it These properties only correspond to empirical values and are not directly scientifically verifiable. Strictly speaking, one must therefore speak of an empirical science. However, many sources speak of the healing and relaxing effect of 432Hz music. Already Pythagoras defined the term sphere sounds and sphere harmony in connection with the vibrations of the planets. Nikolas Tesla also dealt with oscillation frequencies and fundamental vibrations in the universe. But similar to astrology, for example, these correlations can probably be established, but only in the sense of an experiential science. It is not possible to prove them physically, but through observation, experience and application, results are obtained which, through the sum of the experiences made, provide evidence of a connection. We represent the principle of quantum consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. This approach seems to be very aloof and far-fetched at first, but is again embedded in an experiential scientific framework. Interesting in this context is that Russian researchers, who have scientifically studied the properties of water, have proven that water and the structure of water can be changed by music, but also by the emotions and thoughts of people. Research has even shown that in the case of emotions and thoughts, the structure of water changes when the person who sent the thoughts and emotions was several thousand kilometres away. Since the human being consists of up to 75% water, it is obvious that the properties of water can be transferred to humans. Thoughts, emotions and focus have an influence on the near and far environment. Therefore the approach of quantum consciousness, i.e. the conscious emission and focusing of thoughts, emotions, images and colours is the relevant approach in the creation of colour music in general as well as in specific senses. We represent the principle of quantum consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. Russian researchers who have scientifically studied the properties of water have proven that water and the structure of water can be changed by music, but also emotions and thoughts. Research has even shown that in the case of emotions and thoughts the structure of water changed when the person who sent the thoughts and emotions was several 1000 km away. Since humans consist of up to 75% water, it is obvious that the properties of water can be transferred to humans. Therefore, the approach of quantum consciousness, the conscious emission of thoughts, emotions, images and colours in the creation of music is the approach that makes colour music and also 432 Hz meditation music what it is. Quantum consciousness in the 432 Hz music Consciousness creates reality : The principle of quantum consciousness also flows into the 432 Hz meditation music. How is this to be understood? By recording the music in a meditative state of relaxation, harmony and through appropriate colour visualisations, the music created in this way is inoculated with these qualities. The 432Hz tuning creates a harmonious framework in which the music and the inoculated properties can flow better. Therefore it is also important that the meditation music is recorded or played in a meditative state, with deep meditative breath. It is also important that a meditation CD or a meditation concert is played without interruption. This way the flow of colours and the flow of thoughts and feelings becomes freer and more harmonious. 432 Hz Piano Tuning With the 432 Hz piano tuning, the concert pitch A is tuned to 432 Hz and the entire piano is tuned according to the well-tempered tuning. There are still differences in the well-tempered tuning, which can vary slightly depending on the pianist or piano tuner, but this is the principle of the 432 Hz piano tuning. A piano tuned to 432 Hz sounds rounder, more harmonious and meditatively played piano on this tuning should facilitate and promote meditation and the harmonious flow of emotions. The crucial point, however, is that a piano tuned to 432 Hz is also played meditatively with the principles of Quantum Consciousness.
  4. Version 1.0.0

    This is a yellow healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of sun, light, peace, warmth and illuminance. It is played in the key of G major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Yellow " : Sun, Light, Peace, Warmth and Illuminance Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me. ---------------------------- Dies ist ein gelbes heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll das Sonnenlicht, Frieden, Wärme und Erleuchtung zu spüren. Es wird in der Tonart G Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Gelb einhergehen. Sonnenlicht, Frieden, Wärme und Erleuchtung Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte : Email
  5. Version 1.0.0

    This is a green healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of joy, freedom, hope, nature, growth, calmative, fresh & new, earth. It is played in the key of D major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Green " : Joy, freedom, hope, nature, growth, calmative, fresh & new, earth Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me. ---------------------------- Dies ist ein grünes heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll die Freude, Freiheit, Hoffnung, Natur, Wachstum, das Beruhigende, Frische & Neue und die Erde zu spüren. Es wird in der Tonart D Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Grün einhergehen. Freude, Freiheit, Hoffnung, Natur, Wachstum, das Beruhigende, Frische & Neue und die Erde Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte : Email
  6. View File Green Healing Meditation Piano in 432 Hz This is a green healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of joy, freedom, hope, nature, growth, calmative, fresh & new, earth. It is played in the key of D major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Green " : Joy, freedom, hope, nature, growth, calmative, fresh & new, earth Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me. ---------------------------- Dies ist ein grünes heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll die Freude, Freiheit, Hoffnung, Natur, Wachstum, das Beruhigende, Frische & Neue und die Erde zu spüren. Es wird in der Tonart D Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Grün einhergehen. Freude, Freiheit, Hoffnung, Natur, Wachstum, das Beruhigende, Frische & Neue und die Erde Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte : Email Submitter admin Submitted 08/28/2021 Category Healing and Therapy Musik  
  7. I just wanted to share my current streaming numbers of my Farbmusik Piano Meditation Music played on a 432Hz tuned piano. Check the current stats I am posting here. The numbers are really exploding up to 15K streams daily. The the main country which this is happening is Mexiko and USA is ranked 2nd. Why Mexico loves my music so much I don't know but it's cool. If you want to know more about the deeper philosophy of my meditation music in 432 Hz you can read here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html and the really popular CD is this one here : https://orcd.co/8rjxm2e
  8. View File Yellow Healing Meditation Piano in 432 Hz This is a yellow healing meditation piano song in 432 Hz which shall help you to activate your feeling of sun, light, peace, warmth and illuminance. It is played in the key of G major which is a very harmonic key and with a 432 Hz tuned piano. More information about the 432 Hz tuning can be found here : https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html This song is played specially for your meditation to active all kinds of functions which come along with the color " Yellow " : Sun, Light, Peace, Warmth and Illuminance Close your eyes and start to concentrate on your breath. Breathe in your thoughts, hopes, wishes and all good which is in your imagination and breath out all negative which hinders you to fulfill it. Make your breath slow and out and have a stable sitting or lying position that you can fully concentrate on your breathing. This song is meant for general purpose - if you wish to have a personal improvised song please contact me. ---------------------------- Dies ist ein gelbes heilendes Meditations-Klavierlied in 432 Hz, das Ihnen helfen soll das Sonnenlicht, Frieden, Wärme und Erleuchtung zu spüren. Es wird in der Tonart G Dur gespielt, die eine sehr harmonische und friedliche Tonart ist. Mehr Informationen über die 432 Hz-Stimmung finden Sie hier : https://farbmusik.com/432hz.html Dieses Lied wird speziell für Ihre Meditation gespielt, um alle Arten von Funktionen zu aktivieren, die mit der Farbe Gelb einhergehen. Sonnenlicht, Frieden, Wärme und Erleuchtung Schließen Sie die Augen und beginnen Sie, sich auf Ihren Atem zu konzentrieren. Atmen Sie Ihre Gedanken, Hoffnungen, Wünsche und alles Gute, das in Ihrer Vorstellung ist, ein und atmen Sie alles Negative, das Sie daran hindert, es zu erfüllen, aus. Lassen Sie Ihren Atem langsam ausatmen und nehmen Sie eine stabile Sitz- oder Liegeposition ein, damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Atmung konzentrieren können. Dies ist ein allgemeines Meditations / Heilungs Stück. Wenn Sie ein persönliches Stück auf Ihre Eigenschaften angepasst haben möchten kontaktieren Sie mich bitte : Email Submitter admin Submitted 07/21/2021 Category Healing and Therapy Musik  
  9. until
    Piano Meditation 432Hz - Steinbock Vollmond Der Vollmond in Steinbock bringt Realismus, Bodenständigkeit aber auch Regeln oder Vorschriften ins Quadrat ( Spannungsaspekt ) zu Neptun dem Planeten der Spiritualität, der Intuition oder des künstlerischen Ausdrucks. Es ist vielleicht ein Tag wo Realismus und der Drang zur meditativen Inspiration, Intuition und des Losgelöstseins im Spannungsaspekt stehen. Ich werde mit der Musik versuchen diese Spannung in Harmonie zu bringen. Die Musik wird entsprechend mit den Farben Grün, Indigo und Violett sein. Spenden an http://www.farbmusik.com/spende.html Livestreaming Link ------------------------------------------------------ Piano Meditation 432Hz - Fullmoon in Capricorn The Full Moon in Capricorn brings realism, down-to-earthness but also rules or regulations into square ( tension aspect ) to Neptune the planet of spirituality, intuition or artistic expression. It may be a day where realism and the urge for meditative inspiration, intuition and detachment are in tension aspect. I will try to bring this tension into harmony with the music. The music will be accordingly with the colors green, indigo and violet. Donation Link Livestreaming Link
  10. until
    Piano Meditation 432Hz - Mondfinsternis Schütze Mondfinsternise sind Ereignise welche lang anhaltende Prozesse in Bewegung bringen können. Oft werden in der Zeit um eine Mondfinsternise Dinge zu einem Ende oder zu einem Anfang gebracht. Mit dem Mond ist dieser Bereich eher im Emotionalen, der Mutter und der Familie zu suchen. Diese Mondfinsternis in Schütze ist mit viel Idealismus, Freiheitskampf und Feuer aufgeladen, da sie im Quadrat zum Jupiter auf 2 Grad Fische steht. Jupiter ist der Herrscher von Schütze. Die Musik wird entsprechend mit Rot, Dunkelblau, Violett und Grün sein. ( Schütze Rot, Fische Dunkelblau / Violett, Grün Jungfrau ) Spenden an http://www.farbmusik.com/spende.html LIVESTREAMING LINK ------------------------------------------------------ Piano Meditation 432Hz - Lunar Eclipse Sagittarius Lunar eclipses are events that can set long lasting processes in motion. Often during the time around a lunar eclipse things are brought to an end or a beginning. With the Moon, this area is more likely to be in the emotional, the mother and the family. This Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is charged with a lot of idealism, freedom fighting and fire as it is square to Jupiter at 2 degrees Pisces. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius. Music will be accordingly with red, dark blue, purple and green. ( Sagittarius Red, Pisces Dark Blue / Violet, Green Virgo ) Doantions here : http://www.farbmusik.com/spende.html LIVESTREAMING LINK
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