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Practice / Study

Practice is, pretty much, the result of what you study. We Study then put into practice the various themes and movements in what ever it is we study. In this case, it is music. Even deeper in relevance, we are studying guitar. This paper will be in many parts. Posting all of them at the same time would be, well, like something I would do.

:) So if it does you good Great. If you disagree then we can only perfect this paper and that is the purpose of it all isn't it? So If you disagree we will change where everyone sees fit. In essence, it will bring you to one end... Practice, Study and Play! So far I have this broken down into almost 20 posts. We shall see how it goes... :) With HP's help we will be able to really dial this in for everyone to benefit.

Practicing the Guitar!

So ya wanna play guitar? Or, you wanna get better. Wanna Shred, wanna play each note, PERFECT, down to the last beat. There is only one we to do this. Practice! In this forum, we have a teacher that brings the study to us and this brings us to practice what he is teaching. In this paper Practice and Study are the same thing.



If you have never played an instrument then you are pretty much a Beginner. Other than that how, do you tell what level you are? Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced?

What makes you a Beginner, this is kind of self explanatory... New to the instrument, new to music, or have a little knowledge. This is where it all begins and where the "Foundation" is set. (there will be much on foundation).

Intermediate/Advanced? HP help us out here. What constitutes these levels?

Getting into what to practice at what level comes next

By the way. I left out Professional because I've known intermediate at best, playing for money. This is what a Professional is. A person that works for money. So we'll just leave that out. What ever level you are you can play for money...


This is the first of many for practicing plans... We are all different but there is one foundation to follow in order to achieve the next level. You will have to practice practice practice.... The Study is in between...

Next will be Beginner level practice plan possibilities. When this is all said and done, there will be a download-able "novel" for all to use as a plan for growth..



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