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2011 Blog


Looking back to 2011 the main events which happened were that on the one hand I really got my work on a very good level since I moved it into my studio in Egg. I was booked out with students the most time and my guitarlessons on guitartricks.com have been very popular since I changed my teaching style to a new system. I had many concerts with my farbmusik which were good visited and I can not outline it enough I am very proud of my 4 hours soloconcert on Feb 4th in the Prediger church in Zürich were I play all colors each on guitar and piano with a break of 10 minutes after each color. Looking back its like my live - work has been finished in this one concert. I have practiced so many years to have this level on guitar and piano to make such a concert possible. For my a soloconcert was always the highest thing a musician could reach If you ever play only one solo - piece on a concert you know what I mean. It took all my concentration, my knowledge, experience as a musician over all those years and my entire concentration to make this " march to the southpole alone " possible. :)


Here's a picture from the last " violet " sequence. Pretty much of the spectators where there for the whole 4 hours and they loved it. They told me that they never experienced such a concert before, in its perfection, deepness and emotional impact.




The second thing main thing which took my attention in 2011 were my health problems with my hands pretty short after my personal highlight of this concert. These problems slowed me down very much and guided me through the rest of 2011. The good news is that I still can play without limitations, the bad news is that I still suffer from this problem and nobody really can tell me what it is and how long I will be able to play without pain. From my personal experience from the past I know that it has a reason for this. Many years ago I needed to stop playing the piano because of a problem with my right hand. There I changed to guitar and I never regreted it. Now I decided to take any effort which is needed to go out and play live again. Over years I did not focus on live - playing again, I made a few concerts from time to time and my main focus was teaching, online teaching and composing for TV and Movies. Now its more the time to make concerts, start new projects with other musicians - just to be creative. I already started with the first steps by sorting out old things and removing things which will be in my way - check the new foto's on http://www.gitarrist.ch ... more will follow.





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Your teaching has been an inspiration to me...I cannot begin to tell you how you make everyone feel the internet lesson is just for "them". Very personable. I did not pick up a guitar for 33 years, and now I am feeling great. Thanks to you.


You should be proud of your accomplishments...Your gifted and a Swiss Treasure....thank you,,,and take care of your hands......


Respectfully, Lew

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Hi Lew,


thanks for your feedback - this really gives me motivation to carry the online teaching on. I heard such kind of feedback many times, that my online lessons feel like they are made just for the special student. I dont know what the secret is :) but I guess it is because I really like all my students even the ones I never have seen in person.


My hands are much better then when the problem started and I think I found the weak point over the X-mas days now. I need to do very regular sports and keep disziplin with things I eat and need to practice guitar regular and relaxed. I think with a lot of disziplin I can be able to heal it completly.





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The secret is Humility and being your self HP we all look for mentor's in this world to follow, who inspire us not by words but by their actions. you don't have to sell yourself to anyone, It is who HP is in each video presentation that we look at and truthfully in order to enter the kingdom, you must have the heart of a child and you do have this, mine was taken away at an early age, But then I was given the chance back to love life and completely my life was renewed by realizing I am nothing without all you friends in this world. Being a cancer survivor makes you realize how important you are to others in this world, but getting your life back and living simple makes life so worthy of stopping and smelling the rose's in the garden.

Keep up the great teaching don't get behind we look for new exciting ventures in every video we watch.

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Hi Thomas,


thanks for your words. You name it " you need to have the heart of a child * then you see things right and this is the key to so many things.


I am glad you survived cancer. This is a real challenge but has a chance to get real insight into important things in life. Stevo here in the school had it and survived.





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