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Hey guys,

since this new system is starting to run a bit you might want to share your story how you came across to the HPCrazy Students Club and you might want to get to know other students and start to exchange with other students here. Feel free to talk about you and your guitar playing or whatever you like to talk about. :riffer:

Lets define the hashtag where you can find other members of the HPCrazy Students Club in social media streams : #hpcrazystudentsclub

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I was hoping someone else would tell their story first, but maybe others will also write intros too if I start things off?  ?

Hi, I’m an English-born American living in Japan.  I recently (since the end of February) decided to take up playing guitar again after having stopped for more than a decade.  The photo I chose for my profile is a photo of my first guitar - I bought it when I was 15 years old with money from my first summer job.

I’m grateful I found HP’s channel; I like his enthusiasm and how he manages to sneak just enough challenge in the lessons so I don’t get overwhelmed but still feel I’m improving.  Being a painter, I am also obsessed with colour and I like how HP uses colours in his music.

Where are you from?  What is your history with the guitar?  What guitar technique are you working on at the moment?  What is the current technique you can’t get the hang of and need to improve?  For me, I’m really enjoying playing the Aeolian mode that I learned in the “Empty Bottle Blues” lesson and one technique I'm finding the most challenging is the “john lee hooker” lick from the “Blues Lick in E”.

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I live in the US. Have lived abroad in England and Germany. Started playing guitar when I was fifteen years old. Got away from playing  for many years. Was lucky to find a Blues guitar player from Cleveland and now finally able to enjoy playing and practicing Blues guitar.

I enjoy the Hpcrazy tutorials and finally committed to joining the student section to learn more.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Hey Folks, thanks for sharing your stories how you came  across the way here.

On 5/18/2019 at 3:02 AM, Sara said:

Being a painter, I am also obsessed with colour and I like how HP uses colours in his music. 

Yes colors are  a main part in my view of music. :thumbs:


On 5/18/2019 at 3:02 AM, Sara said:

The photo I chose for my profile is a photo of my first guitar - I bought it when I was 15 years old with money from my first summer job

Thats a nice pink guitar :riffer:

On 5/20/2019 at 9:08 PM, Guy Boudia said:

I enjoy the Hpcrazy tutorials and finally committed to joining the student section to learn more.

Hey Guy it's nice to have you hear as a member of the HPCrazy Students Club.

BTW - Sara was asking herself in an other post if it is ok to write and post here in this member area. And  the anwser is YES YES YES - it's one of the main idea's of this section that member can interact which eachother - specially the students to share there progress and there difficulties on there guitar journey. I myself don't have so much free time left to be very active in these discussions but of course I support them. ?

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi everyone, I'm a 63 year old male, living in Wales/UK with Lyn, my beautiful wife of 38 years. I took early retirement in 2017, after 45 years in the motor industry, the last 20 as a home based Automotive Engineer involved with mechanical insurance warranty claims.

It was lovely Lyn who suggested I add learning the guitar to my "bucket list" back in 2015 ... when, whilst carrying out some routine Spring cleaning, we came across my elderly Eros Jumbo acoustic guitar, bought for me by my mother when I was 14, some 45 years earlier in 1970. I strummed a few chords/notes, which led to her making the "bucket list" suggestion.

Four years on and the guitar family has increased to 13 (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) ... most of the additions purchased via Thomann of Germany. I believe it is possibly the engineer in me, because my early guitar years involved the purchase and major modification of the majority of these instruments ... the most involved being the conversion of a Epiphone Les Paul Studio (Image attached) over to the Jimmy Page pick up configuration, including the installation of Seymour Duncan pick-ups, and a Wilkinson roller bridge. 

I discovered HPCrazy about mid 2017, and my initial attempt at learning/replicating a lesson was the "Silent Night" lesson later that year (the video of which I submitted on another guitar site of which I am a member)

I joined the HPCrazy student ranks in January of this year, and purchased the full annual subscription several days ago. I thoroughly enjoy Hanspeters' lessons, and the humour that goes with them .... we are so lucky to have such a talented tutor, and look forward to up and coming lessons/tutorials from "The Professor".



Live as if you were to die tomorrow ... Learn as if you were to live forever.  (Mahatma Gandhi)



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Hey Phil,

thanks for sharing your story. Greetings  to your wife. Amazing that you have been together already 38 years. I never achieved a long relation so I really envy you. Thanks for joining the students club and becoming a premium member. :riffer:

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Thanks HP, it's completely my pleasure I assure you.

Lyn and I passed close to you last week, we spent several days in the Stresa area of Lake Maggiore, crossing the border at Basel. We've been that way several times, but crossed over the top of the Gotthard Pass for the first time this year, what spectacular views. The part of the coach trip itinerary that attracted me was a day at Lugano .... I was there exactly 50 years ago as part of a school trip, the same month they landed on the moon. Happy days!!

Take care for now!!!

Live as if you were to die tomorrow ... Learn as if you were to live forever.  (Mahatma Gandhi)



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Hey Phil, yeah that was really near. I live one hour from Basel away and a bit longer from the Gotthard. The Gotthard Pass is for sure a place one has to see. I often go to mountains to seek some inspriation. If you come to Zürich let me know. :riffer:

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Hi Phil,  I got an annual full subscription to HP's Students Club in May and it has been great - my guitar playing has improved a lot.    I think you'll be very pleased with it.

13 guitars?  Wow.  I only have one guitar.  Nice conversion on the Epiphone Studio Les Paul - it looks great and must sound even nicer.


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Thanks Sara ... I agree, the site is brilliant, and I'm seeing benefits already.

Sadly, my wife is not as impressed as you are with my 13 guitars (I hope it's not an unlucky 13!! LOL!!). Yes, the Les Paul looks and plays great, although the flagship of my collection is the one I use as my profile picture ... a 2015 Gibson Les Paul Less+ (Image attached), which apart from dismantling for shielding purposes remains quite standard.

Thanks for your reply ... take care for now!!


I hope you don't mind, but I've added you to my "Followed" list.


Live as if you were to die tomorrow ... Learn as if you were to live forever.  (Mahatma Gandhi)



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one trick when it comes to wifes not liking the guitar playing of there husbands. Play accoustic guitar from times to times. That  is more liked and respected. I dont know why - but I noticed over the years when I heard the talks of students.

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  • 6 months later...
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Greetings everyone. I am an American living in the wild wild west of southern Arizona. I moved here from great lakes region; southwest Michigan to be exact. Not far from Kalamazoo; where they used to make Gibson guitars. I got my first guitar when my son was young and learning to play. We always encouraged his music. I got a stratocaster so I could mess around playing with him. I never really learned to play well, but it was something we did together and that was cool. We put him through lessons; always encouraging; but never pushing him. He is a grown man now and plays just for fun. When we moved, I didn't think I would play anymore so I sold my strat. Big mistake. After a couple years or so, I really wanted to play again. I bought a used Gibson SG, fixed it up a  bit to suit me, got a Supro Blues king 12 amp, and I'm making some noise. So glad to find HPcrazy. That noise is beginning to sound like music. My main music interest is blues/rock. Not necessarily in that order. I really like all kinds of music, if it is done well. I don't practice as often as one should, but I play when spare time matches up with me feeling like doing it. Thanks to people like HP, being kind enough to help, I am making progress. I am in no hurry, and having fun with it. My goal is just to have something to learn; to challenge myself. I always loved music. Making my own is very cool. It is also a great escape from what is happening in the world today with that evil virus. Stay as safe as you can out there and don't be afraid. I'm imagining a song; "The corona virus blues' ; I'll be working on that.   

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Hey Larry, 

nice having you hear on the Students club and thanks for sharing your story. A Gibson SG is a fine guitar and works well for blues. I think in these crazy times music is a good tool to find balance again and thats one of my current goals in creating video's for you out there. I like that project - maybe other students want to participate this project and we all together create this blues.

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