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Zodiac Piano Concerto


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For this concert I will develop some brand new  music with colors #farbmusik related to all zodiac signs. Here are now the first findings in german :



Widder ( Feuer )         Rot - B moll / Dynamik, Impuls
Stier ( Erde )        Grün - F Dur / Gemütlichkeit, Genuss
Zwilling ( Luft )        Gelb - Modal / Wechselnde Gedanken, Vielseitigkeit
Krebs ( Wasser )         Dunkel Blau - C Moll / Zögerlichkeit, Emotionalität

Löwe ( Feuer )         Rot - Db Dur / Grosse Gefühle, Selbstbewusstsein
Jungfrau (Erde )         Grün - Gb Dur / Subtilität, Fürsorglichkeit
Waage ( Luft )         Hell Blau - G Dur / Anmut, Ausgeglichenheit
Skorpion ( Wasser )    Dunkel Blau - F Moll / Transformation, Tiefe Gefühle

Schütze ( Feuer )         Rot - Db Dur / Neugier, Philosophie
Steinbock ( Erde )        Grün - D Dur /  Bodenständigkeit, Hartnäckigkeit
Wassermann ( Luft )     Blau - F Dur / Freiheit, Unkonventionalität
Fisch ( Wasser )        Dunkel  Blau - B Moll / Mystizismus, Auflösung


I will post the music which I am creating for this concert here so you can follow my thoughts and inspirations till the concert takes place in June.

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Here's now a first recording. It's " Gemini " and as you might hear there is not actual key. It starts from the key of G major, then moves to Eb lydian, then to Db lydian. Later it goes to B lydian and finally to Bb major and it is played in a ethernal walz feeling. The different keys and the changing modes represent the way Gemini is changing opinions, thoughts and is jumping to conclusions and then suddenly changing the mind again. 


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Here is now the final recording for Scorpio. I wanted to make it emotional, dramatic and transformativ in the color blue - violet. It's now in a 6/8 messure with 3 changing keys starting from F minor to F#minor ( melodic minor ) and finally Db minor. These 3 keys represent the different stages of transformation during a pluto tranist. It was technically the hardest song to play but it also needed to represent chaos and drama, so the tempo is pretty high. 


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