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Maceo Parker Funk Style - Guitar Lesson


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Here you can learn the funk music style of Maceo Parker. He was a popular funk musician back in the 90s and dedicated to funk music. The guitar work which I'm showing is basically on the cool 90 BPM level with some easy chords in D Minor and I am showing you three easy licks which make you sound like a real funk guitar pro.
Chords 2:02
The song I am showing is basically a minor blues in the key of D minor.
Dm7 / Dm7 / Dm7 / Dm7
G m7 / Gm7 / Dm7 / Dm7
Bb7 A7 / Ab7 G7 / Dm7 / A7#9
The chords which I'm showing you are not hard to play but the rhythm is the challenging part of it. pay close attention to my instructions how to place your 16 notes on the exact point where they need to be and then you're really precise and sound like a truly professional sounding funk guitar player. If you are new to this kind of rhythm just do the method which I'm showing you by counting 4 notes per beats and pointing out which exact note you want to hit and then you're on the perfect road to go for a perfect timing. in the video I am giving you the instructions how to do this. The end of the form is a role of so-called extended dominants which is basically a row of more than two dominants in one row and is a common technique in the genre. They are anticipated by a 16th note and I'm giving attentions instructions how you point them at those exact points.
3 easy pro licks for solo 7:17
For soloing this kind of music it is essential that you also have a precise timing. Playing fast runs or fast licks is not really the direction which leads to the goal. Better make some short tasty little guitar licks and place them precise on the rhythm. I am showing you three examples of how you can do that and give you instructions how to place them precise in the rhythm. Once you learned those three examples you can just make variations with different notes but keeping the same rhythm and then you can start to improvise in a easy and precise way.

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