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Here members of the HPCrazy Students Club can talk about anything which comes to there mind. :metalhead:

I start now :

Hey guys - cool we passed the 200 members mark here in the club. Our little community is slowly growing. Lets interact with eachother more to get this community feeling more together. ?

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4 hours ago, Michael Bates said:

When is this going to happen HP?

Well this depends on all of us - to interact with eachother. I was just rolling the ball into the game ?

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Hi, I will try to start a conversation here.  I am curious if people here in the HPC Guitar Academy community have some guitar practice tips. 

Are there some ideas you have discovered to make it more fun or effective?

I have one.  After realizing I have a lot of trouble memorizing scales on the guitar, particularly remembering the intervals, I started using a keyboard (i just use the tiny one on my iPod) to work them out there first and then play them on the guitar right after.  I do this with guitar licks too.  It is easier to see the intervals on a keyboard I think and it is also easier to see which notes you are using.  I started playing the piano as a kid so I have a bit of an advantage with this approach I guess, but perhaps someone else could find it helpful.

I hope others have some ideas too.  Thank you, HP, for getting the ball rolling.

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On 4/23/2020 at 7:37 AM, Sara said:

Hi, I will try to start a conversation here.  I am curious if people here in the HPC Guitar Academy community have some guitar practice tips. 

Are there some ideas you have discovered to make it more fun or effective?

I have one.  After realizing I have a lot of trouble memorizing scales on the guitar, particularly remembering the intervals, I started using a keyboard (i just use the tiny one on my iPod) to work them out there first and then play them on the guitar right after.  I do this with guitar licks too.  It is easier to see the intervals on a keyboard I think and it is also easier to see which notes you are using.  I started playing the piano as a kid so I have a bit of an advantage with this approach I guess, but perhaps someone else could find it helpful.

I hope others have some ideas too.  Thank you, HP, for getting the ball rolling.

The Minor Pentatonic Scale - Anyone Can Play Guitar

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This is one thing that has helped me know the fretboard on Sara. However, this is just one thing that I work at. My focus has been on learning phrasing and putting it into practice with some jam tracks. The lesson HP did on the Rolling Stones song Miss You has a run that is right from this extended scale. That proved to me that I have been on the right track. 

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2 hours ago, Michael Bates said:

The Minor Pentatonic Scale - Anyone Can Play Guitar

Hi Michael, thanks for your reply. 

I think your tip is a great idea.  Which extended scale is this, btw?  Did you make the diagram yourself or is it from a website/book?   Highlighting the root note with another color seems very helpful - thanks for reminding me to do that.

Yeah, I think it is really awesome when you see results from the less fun theory or technique exercises like your experience with the licks from Miss You.  I am also trying to learn phrasing too and when I feel a little progress with my first baby steps into soloing, it is a great feeling.

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Hey Sara, I found this on the internet. I was very surprised I could copy and paste it. However, I use this as an example of how to play the pentatonic scales with out knowing all the boxes. (HP don't be mad) Lol. But within this extended run in A you are using all the boxes without knowing them, because you are playing them all. Now in that Miss You run. there is an added blue note on the G string between the E and D notes. It's E D# slide to D all on the G string. The next note is a third played on the D string which is a C note on the 10th fret. Then to the A note root on the D string which on the 7th fret. Then play the G note on the 5th fret. Then what is really cool hammer or slide (still on the D string) to  the 5th fret to end with the A root note! I hope that makes sense. You probably already knew all this. However, this has been keeping me going when I'm all locked up at home. I could never explain this stuff before. 

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18 hours ago, Sara said:

Seems like you are definitely taking advantage of the lockdown in a good way.  I hope this community continues to grow and exchange more.

I think this crisis is also a chance - one can take advantage of the lockdown. Doing useful things to develope further


I worked a lot to improve the HPCrazy Guitar Academy to a complete online guitar academy. And really cool things will come soon - looking forward to the live broadcasting were we can interact more with eachother and start to grow this little guitar community. ? Everybody can contribute to the exchange - I am just rolling the ball and offer the opportunities. Glad you started to interact.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey folks,

due to the corona crisis I have wrote a few words  for the donation system here and the guitar community - lets stick together : Check it out here https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/index.php?/clients/donations/2-support-the-hpcrazy-guitar-academy/

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I have now finished a longer phase of testing different livestreaming and video chat settings and I am now ready to start to do cool livestreamings with guitar talks and I can now also offer high quality skype or zoom lessons. I think about webinars as well - but first see what will be next. For sure I will do a live guitar talk on the HPCrazy YouTube channel very soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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On 4/23/2020 at 1:37 PM, Sara said:

After realizing I have a lot of trouble memorizing scales on the guitar, particularly remembering the intervals, I started using a keyboard (i just use the tiny one on my iPod) to work them out there first and then play them on the guitar right after. 

This is a common topic since the guitar is not a visual instrument. On the keyboard it is way easier to memorize scales and intervals. The best thing is to know the pentatonic really really by heart in all positions and knowing the intervals. From that on you can develop your scale skills further since all scales are related to the minor or major pentatonic. I think I will make a tutorial about this on monday. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Just wanted to give a note that the HPCrazy Academy got some nice support from private sponsors so that it got the amount of 900 US$ together now. Thats for all that support till now. ? 

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And the Academy got an other donation of 50 US$ - we are now near to 1000 US$ since we started this in April. Thanks for all that support - it's well apprechiated and all money goes to keep the academy running. ? 

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