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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Concepts and new creative paths


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It is quite a while since my last blog entry.  the reason for that is that I was very busy in many projects and some are there any time to write blog entries in the past 12 months.  Due to the corona crisis and the lockdown there was now time to reconsider and overthink many things in my work and so I want to present my thoughts and results here.

HPCrazy Guitar Academy

Having a meening in my work as a composer and musician was always important for me so I was thinking how can I  my thoughts and philosophy into my work as a musician.  Some people might search too far and I came to the finding that with my HPCrazy guitar Academy I am already doing in it big contribution to many fans of guitar playing.  I've monitored my statistics in the past months and I had between 70000 to 100000 unique viewers per month on my HPCrazy guitar Channel on YouTube.  So it was not such a brainer just anymore to put all efforts to develop the HPCrazy Guitar Academy to the next step. Somehow the lockdown was a good opportunity for me because it because it  gave me the time to do the necessary steps to which were needed to get on the next professional level of the HPCrazy Guitar Academy.  So now this journey has started at many members has already joined the academy and more will come and I will put my effort into this work since this is the way for the future. 

Weblinks : 

YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/hpcrazycom

HPCrazy Guitar Academy - https://hpcrazy.com/club.html



 As a musician you have two main topics in your work education and performance or  creation. In the past I've divided my activities as a composer and performing artists in many different project names and concepts but one thing was always in common and that was the expression of music with colors.  I have created a name for this and this is Farbmusik. On that web page I've overworked all text and concepts and rewrote and redesigned them and now everything is ready for new creations.  Color and music as always being a maine expression in my artistic work and this will continue and therefore I've upgraded the YouTube channel to an artist official YouTube artist channel and now the work there will start as well.

Weblinks :

Farbmusik Homepage - https://farbmusik.com/index.html

432 Hz Piano Mediation - https://farbmusik.com/eng/432hz.html

Meditation Club - https://farbmusik.com/eng/farbmusikmeditation.html

YouTube Artist Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/farbmusik


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6 hours ago, Sara said:

Great news!  Farbmusik is also great, especially your recent live concert on the YouTube channel.  Looking forward to seeing how it all develops.  ?


Thanks Sara - did you see that concert live ? ? I am planing to do live farbmusik concerts to astrological constellations - like eclipses or fullmoons.

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2 hours ago, Andrea Joy said:

Wundervoll was du geschaffen hast und weiterhin für Alle anbietest!

? Vielen Dank HP!


LG Andrea




Bitte gerne Andrea ?

Was sind das für Zahlen ? ?

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