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Due to the corona crisis and the big shifts in our free societies I have decided to become active in philosophical and political ways. With a lot of worries I see what is going on in many countries in this world related to the corona crisis. I think all of us are worried and many of us look into an unsecure future. I don't want to get too political since it does not really make sense. I noticed that our society has splited up into 2 main groups. Each of them does not seem to understand each other anymore because each group is driven by fear. One group by the fear to loose there freedom and the other group by the fear of the virus.  Desicions driven by fear hardly give us good results - so the very first step to get out of this destructiv circle is to let fear go. How do we do that ? By talking about the fears, by gathering information and last but not least by connection to yourself to find peace. Music is a great way to find inner peace - either by playing yourself or by listening to music. I will make my contribution with music here.

I also gathered a lot of information and I can encourage you all to do so as well. There are many sources of information. Which one can be trusted ? The best way is to gather as many as possible and you make your own desicion which one sounds right to you. The bad choice is to only listen to one opinion.

So lets us all stick together and try to get thru this and hopfully we will get our freedom back and we can help eachother.

I was thinking a long time if I would take this topic into my work but it has an influence on all of us so thats ok. ?

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I think politics should not be discussed here - one of the main problems at least in Europe is that people dont listen to eachother anymore in political discussion and that creates a rift into our society. I think here should be how to harmonize and find strengh and peace thru music.

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Had a good talk with a friend today about the current situation and how to act upon it and so I came to the finding that indeed I concentrate back on my main target and that " change the world with music " ? ... basicly what I already been doing till now. Just want to start to create more new music. It's just a matter of time managment. Always so busy. ?

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