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Updates in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy


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  • Admin

I have now renamed the " Students Club " Tab in the HPCrazy Students Club to " Topics " - thats more understandable for everybody now I think. Thats the place where all students can add there own topics which they like to share or to discuss.

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I have reordered the HPCrazy Guitar Academy and made all topics and departments of the Academy more visible. Also now the private Lessons section is featured with the Skype / Zoom Lessons and the Private Video Download lesson.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Members

Good Mmorning HP...I wrote it allready.. and said HOW it is for ME.

I'm pleased and thankful for all the lessons you allready DID - means: I wlll watch the new videos - but don`t have time and capacity to study everything I consume.
When I think back to the past...  I went to musicschool and librarys to find the knowledge - but nowadays I see me totally on the other side - with overflowing possabillities. I wish i was 16 years again 😀 and begin to play the guitar today. NO Im allready happy to enjoy new insights and for the days where I feel healthyenough so that I can play.

Allaround...at least something more to answer your questions.

1. I began with Nylon Strings but prefer Electric or Acoustic Guitar lessons.

2. I'm interseted in: How exatly do you set your reverse delay for smoothjazz.

3. Shure I will support the academy as a premium member and hope everybody who is watching the videos is willing  to effort at least 5,3,2,1 or more €uros

Come on peoples - some more feedback into the forum would be easy!

Whrere are you all? Are there any players from Germany Bochum/Essen/Gelesenkirchen/Herne?

Greets Andrea









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  • Admin
1 hour ago, Andrea Joy said:

2. I'm interseted in: How exatly do you set your reverse delay for smoothjazz.

I can do that in todays tutorial 🙂

1 hour ago, Andrea Joy said:

Come on peoples - some more feedback into the forum would be easy!

I know people are not so engaged but with the new award system it might make more fun and engage more. Thanks for your inputs here. 🙂

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  • Admin

I renewed the landing page of the HPCrazy Guitar Academy found here http://www.hpcrazy.com/club.html

and this part is totaly new - re-written :

HPCrazy Guitar Academy

The HPCrazy Online Guitar Academy is a complete online education system for all guitar lovers. Depending on what you want, you can choose any kind of education programm. You can just check tutorials from time to time and just learn on the fly. There are different categories where you find anything you like and the tutorials are designed, so that most playing levels get a great benefit out of them. If you have any questions you can ask your questions directly in the post where you find the tutorial. There I will give you general support.

If you have a more personal question and you really need professional support you can go to the support section and open a support ticket. Select “ Guitar Support “ - I charge 20US$ for this service.

If you want to go one step further, you can get private guitar lessons for a specific problem or if you really want to get serious with your guitar playing you can start regular private lessons where I will be your personal coach over a longer time and we have weekly lessons.

If you want to take the real guitar challenge and want to study guitar and fully check out your limits then we can work out a schedule for you, which serves your goals. This would be a combination with regular private online lessons and theory and I will test your abilities and your progress regularly. If you are really serious about this you have the opportunity to finish your studies with the HPCrazy Master Degree.

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  • Admin

I have added a new section now - this is for theory and technical exercises - will be an add for all those who really want to study music and therefore theory is needed. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/index.php?/forum/83-theory-exercises/

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  • 1 month later...
  • Admin

I have changed the default settings of the notifications for registered members now that you get notifications about content you are following, PM's and also reactions of others to your posts or topics and your achievments. If you want to change the default settings in your personal account you can do this here :


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  • 3 months later...
  • Admin

I have done quite some work in the background. Thanks to our member @medikon who gave me the right tips to make a proper SEO optimiziation. This will now hopefully drive more traffic here to the HPCrazy Guitar Academy and to let this community grow more. The more interaction here among the members the better. The exchange with other students is also an important part of the learning process on guitar.

If you want to contribute something and you own a website you can also add a link here to the HPCrazy Guitar Academy or just share it to any guitar community you think would be interested.

Thanks again for the help. 🙂

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  • 3 months later...
  • Admin

There has been a bug with Premium Membership renewals for members which wanted to switch from monthly to one year subscriptions and the system blocked an account. This is now finally taken care of and please let me know if you have any troubles in renewals or changing the subscription package.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Admin

There's a new feature available for premium members here in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. The " Guitar Support "

It's available for all premium members - if you have any problem on guitar which you want to talk in private - go to the support section https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/support/

click on open a new support ticket : New Request

select " Guitar Support "


  • Guitar Support

    If you have any question or problem on guitar which you think you need  an extended prossional support  then the Guitar Support is the right thing for you.

    Fees and procedure

    1. I charge 5 US$ for this service and for that money you purchase 10 - 15 minutes of my time. This special service is only available for premium members.
    2. To open a support ticket please make the payment. Once your payment is approved you can open your support ticket and ask your question.
    3. If you want to add a video - please add a link to your video with a maximum length of 2 min.

    I am glad when I can help to solve your problem on guitar.


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  • 2 months later...
  • Admin

Hey guys,

there was a restriction on the search function for free members which leaded to a slow and limited search function. This has been set to normal settings now. All members can use that function unlimited.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Admin

I had a few technical problems today with the update of the software of the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. All should be fine now - but if any unusual problems occur please let me know. :rolleyes:

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