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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Updates in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy


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  • Admin

You can now choose between 3 different appearances here in the Academy.

HPCrazy Guitar Academy ( Dark Theme )
HPCrazy Guitar Acadey ( Light Theme )

You find the selector " Themes " at the bottom of the page


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Admin

Now here is the latest news - the member status updates now appear here directly in the Guitar Students Club. You can post and reply to any of the status here.

In general the Guitar Students Club is now meant for you guys that you can start to communicate with eachothers.

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  • Admin

With the recent update comes now the possibility to switch from light design to dark design.

Here is how it looks :

dark 1.JPG

if you want to change to dark design scroll down to the buttom of the bage and there you find the " theme " selection. If you don't like it you can switch back to light design.

dark 2.JPG

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Admin

The complete Redeign of this page is now completed. Here are all new features :

1. HPCrazy Guitar Academy - comes now with new pics, new order and additional search tags.

2.Guitar Students Club - all status updates which are made are now featured on the top of the page when you enter the guitar students club. This is an easier way to diplay your thoughts about any topic to the small community here.

3. Light & Dark Theme - when you scroll down the page you find the button " Theme " - there you can selecet between 2 light themes and a dark theme. Sometimes when you switch between different themes you get an error message. Then just try once more then it works.

4. Foto's & Pics - Most of the foto's and pics around HPCrazy.com and the HPCrazy Guitar academy have been exchanged now to other foto's and pics.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • Admin

Hey guys,

I ran into a problem with my newsletter - my hosting provider does not accept so many emails sent by the newsletter system here. So I will stop the newsletter my email, but you can keep yourself updated here by just showing up here from time to time - and I still will write a newsletter which will be posted in the newsletter section.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Admin

I have been thinking for quite a while about the newsletter since it will not come as a free additional feature for me but I have decided to keep up the newsletter to give you guys some highlighted information on a monthly basis like before. If you want to get the newsletter please subscribe to it if you haven't till now and if you want to stop it go to your profile and there you can deactive the newsletter.

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I continued today with some SEO optimization - currently the academy gets most traffic from YouTube or recurring members. The goal is to get more traffic from organic search on google. Thanks to the help of https://www.medienkonzept.de I know what to do. It's quite a task and beside high quality content it's also important to know the technical requirements for a dynamic website such as this one here.



If you own a website and you have the ability to add a backlink to the acaemy to your website you can help the community with that - or you can just add the link to an other guitar community.

Thanks for your help in forward.



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I have updated the Site Guidelines today.


The biggest change is now on the issue if a member has not canceled an automatic subscriptions and claims to get a refund. I have had quite a few cases in the past weeks - and there is nothing I can do because if you select the automatic renewal on PayPal during your premium membership upgrade then this will be done in your paypal account and you have to cancel it yourself. The automatic renewal is set on " OFF " by default.

Here you can read all nessessary information :


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Admin

Today the HPCrazy Guitar Academy went through a major re-ordering process. After having the studio optimize only for online teaching and online students - everything got reordered that live - students also feel welcome and very comfortable there.

Here you can see how it looks like now.


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In the past 2 weeks there was a lot of maintenance works on the server going on. There were a few problems which we ran into due to the bigger amount of data and files and the number of users but now all should be fine again.

It's possible that there were a few short dropouts of this website in this timeframe. So if you ran into a problem due to that please contact me.

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iPhone notifications, web app and more


The longest awaited iPhone feature is almost here, native iOS notifications, and we couldn't wait to ensure it is enabled for your Invision Community.

Invision Community 4.7.9 is iPhone push notification ready for when Apple release their latest iOS update later this month. This means you'll finally get notifications on your phone, even when you do not have your browser open, to alert you of new content on followed items and more. A feature Android owners have enjoyed for a while.

With notifications, you can have an authentic native app experience with built-in Invision Community features such as the manifest editor.

The manifest editor allows you to edit your theme icons, colours and URL for when your members add your community to their phone's homepage. This manifest file helps mobile devices understand how to display your community site when launched from the home screen.

Your members can add your community to their home screen with the share button. Once it has been added, it looks and feels like a native app downloaded from the App Store.

With Apple finally allowing native notifications and Invision Community's mobile-ready UI coupled with the manifest editor, you can have a real app experience without needing a mobile app.

We intend to bring more functionality and ease of use to mobile devices over the coming releases.

We hope you're looking forward to iOS native push notifications as much as we are!


Here's now a cool new feature for iPhone users - also works on Android

It creates a home button on your mobile just like an app !

Edited by admin
Also works on android

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  • Admin

Tested the new Home Button feature on android. The popup comes automatically and then it adds a homebutton to your device - just like an app. It's awsome.

Check it out !

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Admin

As it seems - PDF downloads in Firefox don't work properly - at least on my machine. Please let me know if you have any problems with file downloads. In Chrome there is no problem with the downloads.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Admin

There are currently problems with the PayPal gateway when you want to order more then 1 product from the store. The support is working on the problem and it will be fixed approx. the beginning of next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Admin

Reordered the navigation again - now all important parts of the site are easy to find in the navigation - I also changed the donation page now :


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Admin

There is a new feature available on this website.

If you feel like you want to leave this website and you want your account and all your data deleted then you can request this. Please be aware, that I have to do all this manualy and it takes me a few minutes of my precious time so only choose this option if you really mean it.

Privacy is an important issue for me on this website. That's why I have choosen to keep any automatic registration with either an existing Facebook, Twitter or Google account deactivated. I don't really use your personal data. Only for the monthly newsletter and if you need support on an issue with your account - then I check if needed your personal data.

But anyway if you want to delete your account or get your personal data you can do that on this link here :


This leads you here :


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How to use the " SEARCH " function properly :

If you are looking for single keywords in the search function on this website just type in the words in the field and the search function brings you to all post with contains the words you typed in.

But if you are looking of an exact title with more then one word you have to put it between " "

Example : "house of the rising sun"

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