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Extra Content for Premium Members & Award System


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Hey guys,

I am thinking about making an extra section only for premium members - like extra lessons extra long lessons or further explainations. This will be a section only accessable for premium members and I will post like one or 2 extra videos there. Since it's for you guys out there - let me know your thoughts about this. What extra should such lesson need to have ?

One thing which is already on my mind to provide the courses which can be done to prepare for the Awards in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. Awards would be :


Solid Beginner

Great Blues Player
Great Rock Player
Semi Professional
HPCrazy Guitar Diploma


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  • admin changed the title to Extra Content for Premium Members & Award System
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I would like to learn more about how to begin improvising a solo over chord progressions in rock and blues.  Do you use sets of licks pieced together to form a solo?  How do you follow the chord changes to make it sound right?  Basically what goes on in the mind of a experienced player when they are improvising.  What are the steps to take to begin improvising?

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4 hours ago, Kevin Simmons said:

How do you follow the chord changes to make it sound right?

Thats a good topic which can be learnt in a course here - I thinkt that makes total sense because there might also be questions showing up which can be posted here..... and you can not learn this in one tutorial - like on YouTube. It's a longer process and one needs to build up experience in that. 🙂

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Thank you for asking our ideas.  Actually, I am really very happy with everything I am getting already from my membership and the amazing lessons you have posted so far this year.  Here are a few things that might be fun to add if you have time.

1. Alternative ways to solo on lessons that are posted on your YouTube channel - for example, showing some arpeggios or licks you can add to a simpler pentatonic blues lesson.

2. Extra extended jam/solo session on songs (like you do at the end of the regular lesson) for inspiration - maybe adding mp3s of your version of some of the songs we are learning for premium members - that would be really awesome.

3. History or interesting facts about songs you post or gear you use - vlog style

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  • Premium
On 2/14/2021 at 8:44 PM, admin said:

Hey guys,

I am thinking about making an extra section only for premium members - like extra lessons extra long lessons or further explainations. This will be a section only accessable for premium members and I will post like one or 2 extra videos there. Since it's for you guys out there - let me know your thoughts about this. What extra should such lesson need to have ?

One thing which is already on my mind to provide the courses which can be done to prepare for the Awards in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. Awards would be :



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  • Admin
9 hours ago, Sara said:

Thank you for asking our ideas.  Actually, I am really very happy with everything I am getting already from my membership and the amazing lessons you have posted so far this year.  Here are a few things that might be fun to add if you have time.

1. Alternative ways to solo on lessons that are posted on your YouTube channel - for example, showing some arpeggios or licks you can add to a simpler pentatonic blues lesson.

2. Extra extended jam/solo session on songs (like you do at the end of the regular lesson) for inspiration - maybe adding mp3s of your version of some of the songs we are learning for premium members - that would be really awesome.

3. History or interesting facts about songs you post or gear you use - vlog style

Hey Sara,

thanks for your extended ideas. These would also be good adds - as I said I am thinking about new things to add. I must not nessessarly be premium content could also be more insight and more things to know in depth. I take you suggestions into considerations.

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11 hours ago, Sara said:

Thank you for asking our ideas.  Actually, I am really very happy with everything I am getting already from my membership and the amazing lessons you have posted so far this year.  Here are a few things that might be fun to add if you have time.

1. Alternative ways to solo on lessons that are posted on your YouTube channel - for example, showing some arpeggios or licks you can add to a simpler pentatonic blues lesson.

2. Extra extended jam/solo session on songs (like you do at the end of the regular lesson) for inspiration - maybe adding mp3s of your version of some of the songs we are learning for premium members - that would be really awesome.

3. History or interesting facts about songs you post or gear you use - vlog style

A call and response lesson would be cool. HP plays the call and then we respond with our own licks. That would be fun!

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6 hours ago, admin said:

Hey Sara,

thanks for your extended ideas. These would also be good adds - as I said I am thinking about new things to add. I must not nessessarly be premium content could also be more insight and more things to know in depth. I take you suggestions into considerations.

Sounds good!  Thank you for all the effort you put into producing content for the guitar academy.  🙂

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3 hours ago, Michael Bates said:

A call and response lesson would be cool. HP plays the call and then we respond with our own licks. That would be fun!

I like your idea.  BTW, there are parts of the latest Autumn Leaves backing track that are good for doing "call and response" practice with his piano lines if you are interested in practicing that.  🙂   

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1 hour ago, Sara said:

I like your idea.  BTW, there are parts of the latest Autumn Leaves backing track that are good for doing "call and response" practice with his piano lines if you are interested in practicing that.  🙂   

I will look into that Sara. Thank you :)

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I thought for a while about your question HP...  my conlusion: I'm fine with all the offerings you did allready and do in the future.

There is allready so much I could learn from ...and I just have not enough time  😬

If  I have a speacial question: I will post it in the forum and be happy for your answer... that would be fine 😀


My thoughts about premium content...

If you want to change something to more premium... all I can say ...use the Method of the "Active Melody Forum" ..will say:

Give  Lessons withe 2 Videos. 1 Video with good basic content for free and the 2. Video with more and deeper insight into the lesson for premium.


I'm a premium user (What cost so little!) and think everybody who is interested in guitar playin could efford the 5 € - to get your classy lessons!


LG Andrea

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17 minutes ago, Andrea Joy said:

Give  Lessons withe 2 Videos. 1 Video with good basic content for free and the 2. Video with more and deeper insight into the lesson for premium.

Thats something to think about - I would say 40 % yes. How long are the premiem videos in relation to the free video at Active Melody ?

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  • Admin
20 minutes ago, Andrea Joy said:

If  I have a speacial question: I will post it in the forum and be happy for your answer... that would be fine

Yes questions are no problem anyway. I want that the community also the free ones grow here. I have pull most of the  attention in the  past to the social media accounts but I stopped this now. It might take a while. So the must be a feature for the free members as well to engage them to join the community..... and that would be the interaction.... at least thats my current setting I have.

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6 minutes ago, admin said:

Thats something to think about - I would say 40 % yes. How long are the premiem videos in relation to the free video at Active Melody ?

It varys of the lesson. Some are short some long videos. The last I looked up was nearly 27min! The free content of the lesson explains the theme and s.th. more  - but not all.

I would need 6 lives to learn all whats interesting 😀.  Aber man kann ja nicht auf allen Hochzeiten tanzen. Mir reicht oft schon etwas Inspiration.

Du kannst ja mal selbst den YT Kanal ansschauen. Ich finde das Konzept wiegesagt gut.


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  • Admin

OK thanks for the information that helps 🙂

3 minutes ago, Andrea Joy said:

Du kannst ja mal selbst den YT Kanal ansschauen. Ich finde das Konzept wiegesagt gut.

Ich habe kaum Zeit mir anzuschauen was andere machen. 🙂

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To make a Video with good sound would be a challenge... never did that myself. Ok I was filmed sometimes or did a video with the smartphone.

I could learn many things with that. ...that would be my award. I can try.


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On 2/19/2021 at 5:00 PM, Andrea Joy said:

To make a Video with good sound would be a challenge... never did that myself. Ok I was filmed sometimes or did a video with the smartphone.

I could learn many things with that. ...that would be my award. I can try.


I'm thinking about buying one of the clips that attach my phone to the headstock of my guitar to see if that will do the trick. What do you think?

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1 hour ago, Michael Bates said:

I'm thinking about buying one of the clips that attach my phone to the headstock of my guitar to see if that will do the trick. What do you think?

Isn't that to heavy?

I will place me for the Amp in the music rehearsal space and put the smartphone on a chair. 

Did that before - that will work.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Premium
On 2/23/2021 at 10:58 AM, Michael Bates said:

I'm thinking about buying one of the clips that attach my phone to the headstock of my guitar to see if that will do the trick. What do you think?


My name is Charley... If I may interject... I had one of those clip on for the phone deals... if you get one.  do not buy the cheap ones.  I got one for 12 bucks... didn't work very well, kept slipping.  then I got a more expensive one, (I think it was 30 bucks.  Worked really well,  if you shoot under florescent  lights the strings look trippy... any way... not that heave, I actually didn't even notice it...

Rock On!

PS, the sound is not that great.  I usually record audio and do the editing in Resolve...

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Maybe some Theory?  I know I know,  dirty word. but I love it.  As the great Les Paul said,  The more you learn about Guitar/Music.  The more you realize you know nothing... The things one can do with guitar are limitless.  


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Yes I think theory is something which is still missing a bit. I thought I want to go for tutorials which really get students to understand and use the modes. And Les Paul was right. 🙂

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