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Creativity and Meditation


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Creativity and Meditation

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What is the connection between meditation and creativity ? I want to share my thoughts and my way of living creativity. My way of seeing music, art, thoughts and life is, that everything is already there you just need to open up your mind to see or feel it and then start to create. There is a prominent example for that way of thinking. When Michelangelo, the famous italian artist was asked how he created his famous David statue he answered that the statue was always there he just needed to remove the unnecessary parts from the stone. It's the same with music. Music is something which has always been there you just need to be able to hear the music. One can not create something which has not been there - it's part of nature and part of everything. And how do you hear that music ? Here comes the meditation - by switching all other noises in your conscious. That can work with meditation or what I often did with long jogging tours. I can not tell how many songs I composed while I was jogging. The main technique to open yourself up for  music and switching off everything else which disturbs the creative process. It can also happen that you hear music while you are sleeping. I compose quite a few songs like this.

The picture you are seeing is taken at one of my favorite meditation spots out in nature on a hill.


Was ist die Verbindung zwischen Meditation und Kreativität? Ich möchte meine Gedanken und meine Art, Kreativität zu leben, mit Dir teilen. Meine Art, Musik, Kunst, Gedanken und das Leben zu sehen, ist, dass alles schon da ist, man muss nur seinen Geist öffnen, um es zu sehen oder zu fühlen und dann anfangen zu erschaffen. Es gibt ein prominentes Beispiel für diese Denkweise. Als Michelangelo, der berühmte italienische Künstler, gefragt wurde, wie er seine berühmte David-Statue erschaffen hat, antwortete er, dass die Statue schon immer da war, er musste nur die unnötigen Teile aus dem Stein entfernen. Genauso ist es mit der Musik. Musik ist etwas, das schon immer da war, man muss nur in der Lage sein, die Musik zu hören. Man kann nicht etwas erschaffen, was nicht schon da war - es ist Teil der Natur und Teil von allem. Und wie kann man diese Musik hören? Hier kommt die Meditation - indem Du alle anderen Geräusche in Deinem Bewusstsein ausschaltest. Das kann mit Meditation funktionieren oder was ich oft bei langen Joggingtouren gemacht habe. Ich kann nicht sagen, wie viele Lieder ich während des Joggens komponiert habe. Die wichtigste Technik ist, sich für die Musik zu öffnen und alles andere auszuschalten, was den kreativen Prozess stört. Es kann auch passieren, dass man Musik hört, während man schläft. Ich komponiere ziemlich viele Songs auf diese Weise.

Das Bild, das Sie sehen, ist an einem meiner Lieblingsmeditationsplätze in der Natur auf einem Hügel aufgenommen.

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It is interesting to learn more about your feelings on meditation and creativity.  I really like that quote about Michelangelo and I always felt his "unfinished sculptures" (image attached) were actually intentionally unfinished in order to demonstrate this idea.  I have tried to meditate but have always found it difficult (blaming things like the constant city noise, ect.) but maybe I should try again. 

I am starting to hear music in my dreams sometimes - that is very exciting.  Difficult to capture the ideas when they come but I try.  The problem that I find is that I have too many music recordings with ideas and not enough time to organize them or improve them - I have to be more selective perhaps and concentrate more on one thing but it is difficult to know which path to go down.


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Hey Sara,

thanks for letting me know that. I did not know that. I just heard about the story about the David statue and found that a good example to explain how creativity can work.

I read in a book about meditation in City noises and it should now disturb you if you don't have another solution. It's a matter of concentration I think - but I understand that. I am also pretty noise sensitive. 🙂

Thats great that you hear music that way. The right path would be to improve your musical abilities that you are able to translate the music you hear on your guitar or your recordings. As I always say in teaching - music is always here you just need to learn how to translate it. 🙂

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HP, yeah I think it explains creativity well.  Thank you for your inspiring words.  I feel I am improving with your lessons for sure - so sometimes I am able to translate some of what is in my head musically.  I am happy you are doing another Guitar Night - I wont be able to watch it live, but it will be something to look forward to tomorrow morning.  😀

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 If my intention is to calm down  I meditate for a while.

If I play music over a long time - more and more musical ideas are shown to me.

After some days of playin a lot - my soul and body  needs to calm down for a long time.

Thats the circle I`'m in.

If I play a lot I sometimes dream of little music phrases in the morning.

If I meditate a lot I become more and more still inside.

Where I wrap my mind around the well opens - for the possibilities that are here.


Greets Andrea


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Thats a wonderful description Andrea - thanks for letting us know. 🙂

I think this way of meditation and creativity works for everybody. I think I will make some more tutorials about techniques to play guitar and meditate at the same time to help those who still have difficulties on that. 🙂

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