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Hey guys,

here are now the March 24 news :)

HPCrazy Guitar Academy


First one feature here on this website. The search function which helps you to find the exact tutorial you are looking for. I get contacted often that users don't get any search results looking for the title of a specific tutorial. The trick is that you have to put the search term between " ... " so as an example "The Tutorial I am Looking For"

now lets get started with the news :

The most recent changments are there to empower the community here in the academy. The latest feature are the referral links where you can make a few bucks by recommending this website to others :

you can read more about the features which shall help to empower the community here :

now lets move on to the new tutorials which have been added in Feb :


Pro Rock N Roll Guitar : Here I teach you all you need to know to play a professional rock n roll guitar. I talk from my experience of playing 3 years in professional rock n roll bands.

Some Bottleneck Blues Guitar : Here I show you some bottleneck blues guitar played with a cool and swampy drop D blues guitar sound.

Peter Gunn : Here I show you the guitar part of the theme of " Peter Gunn " composed by Henri Mancini and which got more popular by the Blues Brothers version. I also show you the theme and give you some ideas for improvisation.


This month we are talking about about modes and first steps to use them on rock guitar :

Classical Cinematic Rock Guitar Riff : Here I show you some ideas on how to play a classical cinematic rock guitar riff. The first version uses the arpeggio's of the chords played with sweep and palm muting technique which in fact is a bit demanding. The 2nd version uses easy power chords with a modern cinematic touch.

Rock Guitar - Starting With Modes : Here I teach you how to start with modes on rock guitar with a simple chord progression : Am / Am / F / G


This month I have added 3 great new jazz songs which are easy to play and are very popular :


Personal Notes and Blog Entries :

I did a longer research by the beginning of the month to check out what the young generation of guitar players is doing in these days and here you find my notes about my longer research in my personal blog :

I also finished my longer research and evaluation of my social media strategies with some findings. Being in this buisness since 1999 this changment is quit dramatic but fit to the developments which have been taking place in the past few years.

along with my new social media strategy I started to give some life to my secondary YouTube channel. There I will only upload performance video's or video's about music, music production or creativity. It would be great to reach 1K subscribers - still 360 missing till that goal. But I will not make that channel about traffic or number of subscribers.


and last but not least don't miss my upcoming livestreaming or real concerts coming in March. March is the month of the lunar eclipse so it will be great :

So that's all news so far. Don't forget - if you love this website please support it by sharing the information, becoming a premium member or just be an active member of this community.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Admin

Hey guys,

here are the April 24 news :)

HPCrazy Guitar Academy

There is a new course with a final award out. This one is for all of you guys who want to get rid of there timing problems.

I started a new topic " Best Use " where you can learn the features here on this website in order to get the maximum benefit from this community here. The first entry teaches how to set the notification of your followed content right and how to follow content here.

Building up the community : I strongly recommend to become an active member of this community here. We have Jeff W, Slo Bones, Volker, Greg, Randy who are being activ members of the community.

Jeff is really checking out many old tutorials which I completly forgot and shows you guys what is worth checking out.
Slo Bones is sharing some cool information in his blog about his BBQ Smokehouse where Larry McCray had an awesome performance. Check out this blog entry here.
Volker is the first one who publicly admitted that he went through the Rhythm Course - check his comment here
Greg and Randy are long time supporters of this community always following " liking " the content which I regulary upload. You can " like " any post or content here in this community.

Now lets move on to the new tutorials :


Here I show you some bottleneck blues guitar played with a cool and swampy drop D blues guitar sound.

Here I show you a cool straight minor blues guitar riff and give you some ideas for sound shaping and improvisation with modes.


This month I was talking a lot about timing. So here are 2 great tutorials for you guys.


Here I give the basic exercises which are need if you are serious about getting into jazz guitar and improvising with modes. II V I in G major.

Here I give you an introduction into melodic minor which is mostly used in the jazz or classical genre. I love the spooky sound of it. To follow this tutorial you need to already understand the modes a bit.


Here I give you some tips and tricks to play a cool and solid 70's funk guitar.

Cool Blog Entries

Today I was in a rehearsal with a possible new rock band I am joining. I did not take my gear with me since they said I can use the amp they have during the rehersal. And I must say this amplifiert totally blew me off the ramp. So much pressure, warmth and sustain in the tone by just pluging in the guitar to the amp without any effects...

read more here :

I currently doing a lot of research and testing on amp, cabinet and microphon setting in order to get the perfect guitar sound for any occasion.

Read more here.....

Guitar Night

I am currently suspending the guitar nights due to my load of work I have to do. I made first steps to start to get into the local music buisness again and at the moment I need to learn a lot of repertoire on guitar and piano. I will talk more about this in the near future but I have joined a cover rock band and I am rebuilding my piano agency again and therefore I am in a phase where I have to learn some classical piano which is extremly time consuming. But specialy the classical studies will have an impact of upcoming musical developments so it's worth it even the workload is too much at the moment.

I'll be back with the guitar night on June 2nd. That's astrological a great day for me to restart them again. What I can already tell is that I am redefining my guitar style with the new guitar, new idea's and also under the impression of the young guitar generation which is really on a great new level which inspired me to push my limits a bit.

New Free Meditation Music

Under the influence of my classical studies you find a new piano song in 432 Hz great for meditation. It's free for everybody who joined the Farbmusik Mediation Club by clicking on the " Join " button.

Thats all at the moment.

If you love this community here please support it with a premium membership even if you are not a regular user of this community. This helps to keep the service up and to enlarge the possibilites. There are still a lot of ideas in the drawer which I did not realize till now....

Here you can upgrade your account if you are not a premium member till now. If you need any assistance please don't hesitate to contact me.




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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Admin

Hey guys,

here are now the may 24 updates :

First of all - it has been an extrem busy month for me where I needed to learn a lot of repertoire on piano and guitar for some upcoming performances here in Switerland. The amount of diversity can not be bigger. On piano I needed to work on Mozart, Schuhmann, Beethoven, List and on guitar I joined a 80's & 90's cover rockband " Thell " for a few performances. I learned a lot of songs in detail which will soon come along such as this " Eye of the Tiger " tutorial :

There are 2 updates in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy :

1 : Updated site guidelines - No refunds policy
2 : There is a new department available here in the Academy. My teaching method is more intuitiv then many others. I felt it makes sense to get beginners used to my method from the very beginning so that they can get into the intermediate level where most tutorials are located at the moment.




Guitar Beginners

If you are a Guitar Beginner - then this is the part which brings you step by step with a various set of exercises to an intermediate guitar playing level. The first 6 - 12 months are hard for any guitar beginner because there are many things which have to be repeated all the time till one is able to perform them on the guitar. These exercises are meant to keep you motivated even if you need to repeat many things over and over again.



Here's the entire department : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/forum/1-guitar-beginners/

and here the first tutorial.

I want to introduce 3 other active members of the community here. They are all personal friends of mine. Medikon is from Germany, Edguardo from Argentinia and Peter from Switzerland. I once presented the guitar Peter buildt here in this community.

Peter Abt - check out the guitar he buildt.

Now lets move on to the new tutorials of this month :


Bo Diddley Blues Guitar :

Here I show you the signature rhythm / groove of Bo Diddley which to take his words " The Rhythm That Shook The World " and give you some great idea's to play guitar along to the great rhythm.

THE Slow Blues Guitar Riff :

Here I show you THE slow blues guitar riff played with a drop D tuning.


Timing once more is crucial theme in rock guitar so you should not miss these 2 tutorials about timing and presicion :


and here is the other one :

and here is a cool hypnotic rock guitar riff. I am testing difference styles on my tiktok account and as it seems this type of style and genre works really good even I I only have like 130 followers. :)


Easy Minor Smooth Jazz Licks :

Here I show you some nice and tasty minor smooth jazz guitar licks over the progression
Fm7 / Fm7 / Db7 / C7

Autumn Leaves Chords :

Here I show you some very useful exercises for jazz guitar improvisation. The tips and tricks are adapted to the chords of the first part of the tune " Autumn Leaves " which is a very common chord progression in jazz.

Highlight of the Month

I strongly recommend this tutorial here. If you want to jam a cool song together with your other guitar buddies then this one is easy, relaxing and sounds really cool :

These were now the updates here in the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. I have some additional cool stuff planed with will come soon - also I will finally start to produce more music again. In these times as an independant artist you need to find a position where AI is taking over the market. I did some research to see what AI can do and now I have my strategy. I also did a lot of research of social media and YT channels to see what the big community is doing out there to find my position. I also did a lot of research on creating guitar sounds which will soon be displayed in a new department called " Sound Lab " - you can already view a german version of the presation page here : https://gitarrist.ch/gitarren-sound-lab.html

also check my recent blog entry about compression settings for a smooth guitar sound here :

That's now all for this month - remember if you love this community here please also share your guitar world to others and support this community with an on-going Premium Membership.


Thanks for your support :)


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  • 1 month later...
  • Admin

Hey guys,

here is now the June 24 newletter :

The good news is that the really busy times where I was distracted with many other things are more or less over. So I finally could pick up the ideas and strategies again which I was planning for this website. There are still quit a few ideas and projects which are in the pipline and will be revealed in the upcoming months. But now lets get started with the current news and updates :

Guitar Beginners

The 2nd lesson for total guitar beginners which takes you step by step through the total guitar beginners phase is now available. If you already passed this level but know friends who want to start to play guitar - you can share this information with them.

Best Use Practice

The 2nd entry on the Best Use practice is now available. Here you find all information on how to use the clubs in an optimal way.

and here is a new free club download available for those who joined the Farbmusik Meditation Club

now lets go to the new tutorials which are available :


There have been 2 tutorials added where you learn step by step to make combinations of chords and solo in blues guitar by using the " so-called " play-rest method. If you never done it before I strongly recommend that you check out these 2 tutorials :


Mystic Rock Ballad Guitar Licks : Here I show you some ideas how to create a mystic melodic rock ballad guitar solo with some nice licks. The backing track is from Whitesnakes " Is this Love "

Long Way To Go ( Dead Daisies ) : Here I show you the main parts of the song " Long Way To Go " by Dead Daisies. I show you the main riffs and analyze the composition technique.

Runnaway ( Bon Jovi )


Footprints ( Wayne Shorter ) : Here I show you how to play the theme and the chords of Wayne Shorters tune " Footprints " which is a minor blues in 3/4. Beside that I give you tips which modes to use on the improvisation and some tricks on how to improvise in 3/4.

Basic Phrasing Exercises : Here I show you the basic phrasing exercises which are crucial to have a cool and laid back swing phrasing. These exercises seem to be very basic but you have to do all of them with your foot on 2 & 4. This is the most crucial thing when you want to have a really cool jazz guitar phrasing.

together which this tutorial I did a spontanious recording which I really liked and it defines my new jazz guitar style which I have been working on since months.

New Blog Entry

Improvisation vs playing written music is an ongoing topic when it comes to learn music or learning to play guitar. You can compare it to the way jazz or blues musician see music and the way classical educated musicians express music. So which one is the right or better one ? ...

Read More Here :

Live Streaming Guitar Concert : Sunday June 2nd - 20:00 Live on YouTube.

I have been working on redefining my guitar playing and guitar sounds for many months now. Now it's time to show the first results. Next Sunday, matching the Sun - Venus conjunction on my Radix Sun (astrologers know what that means) 🙂 I will once again do an online concert to take a first step in a new musical direction. Unlike the color music concert, I'm streaming from the studio and so the picture and sound should be transmitted in studio quality. I honestly don't know exactly what I'll be playing yet - but it will be more colorful, jazzy, melodic and versatile. I will no longer try to cover only the blues and blues rock genre, although I still like it very much.

So these were the most important updates from the month of May. If you love this site please share this information to others which you think might be interested. I more and more pull back my engagment on social media platforms since as a single user you are exposed to swift changes where you have no influence as a content creator which is really frustrating. Here you can read how it works on TikTok as an example :

Live Performances

I have been testing over months on different concepts of my live performances and at my last Farbmusik concert I came to the finaly setting how I want to continue this unique concept and the audience really loves it. I am glad to have a few people supporting this work which I am doing as a complet independant artist. More will come in the near future when it comes to " Farbmusik " which is my personal concept. If you want to watch the last concert you find it here :

That's all so far - if you love the work I am doing for the community please share the information or support it with a premium membership or a donation.



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Admin

Hey guys,

here's now the July 24 newsletter.

The first big news is that I have completly redesigned this webpage and the entry page http://www.hanspeterkruesi.com beside that it now has a really cool and dynamic cooperate identity look gives you all information you need to know about updates, guitar courses, user guidelines, blog entries, events, referral links and many other things on one page. Check it out and share it if you love it.


And if you love this overall service you get please support it with a premium membership even if you are not a regular user of the academy.



Now lets go on to the current updates :

New Guitar Course : Smooth Jazz Basics

The first of many basic smooth jazz tutorials of the Smooth Jazz Basics course is here. I noticed that many of you guys love smooth jazz but a lot of you guys need more basic instructions and a helping hand to get you through the basics of smooth jazz.  This course is for you :

The topic is closed but if you have any questions or comments please either open up your own blog in the Premium Member Blogs or open up a new topic in the Students Club.

If you love the HPCrazy Guitar Academy please participate to build up a lively community. Tell the community and me your wishes and feedbacks. This is for the benefit of yourself and also of the community. I do react to feedbacks in the community since I am always glad to know which direction you guys would like to have.

Active members of this month :

Rossi - I will make a tutorial upon his request in July.
Greg - He was asking for a tutorial with jazz guitar comping

Medikon - a very nice and detailed feedback around this blues guitar tutorial :


and now lets move on to the updates :

New Department : Sound Lab


Professional tips and tricks for the optimization of your guitar equipment in combination with your individual playing technique. I have experience as a composer, producer and studio - and live musician how to handle your equipment in different situations, how to adjust and use compressors, distortion, EQ's or other effects and how to achieve a specific sound.

The new department starts with the most important tutorial Pure Sound :


Easy Chord & Solo Combinations : Many of you have requested tutorials where you can learn how to make combinations with chords and solo in blues guitar. Here is a very easy approach to it on blues in G.

Funk Blues Guitar Jam : Here I show you some advanced funk blues guitar chops which you can use in any funk blues guitar jam in the key of Dm.


3 Classic Rock Guitar Mega Chops : Here I show you 3 cool classic rock guitar mega chops. Even these licks are for advanced players they are still in the range of easy mega chops.

Hypnotic Blues Rock Guitar Riff : Here I show you a simple but very effective blues rock guitar riff played with a drop D tuning. I show you how to develop the simple riff into something really cool and hypnotic and also to add some really tasty licks in combination with the riff.

here you can listen to my version of this cool track. Premium Member can download the original track you are hearing in my video. This song will go to my next CD which I started to produce in these days.


Basic Smooth Jazz Guitar 1 : This is the first of many tutorials to come where you can take your step from an intermediate blues guitar player to a solid intermediate smooth jazz guitar player.

Jazz Guitar - Old Style Comping : Here I show you some basic movements of the old style comping technique for jazz guitar.

Music Theory

Theory about Chords ( Triads &  7th Chords ) : Here you find a brief introduction into the theory of chords. You learn how chords are buildt by stacking up triads of a scale. Chords with 2 stacks are triads and chords with 3 stacks result into 7th chords. You also learn what inversions are.



I have decided to start producing music again an highlighting my efforts in my main genre grid which I call " Farbmusik " . Different then the normal genre classification I will put music in the catagories " red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet ". All new music will have the tag which also marks the color. Here we have new music. The description of the new farbmusik will come in german and english.

Fly Dove Fly ( violet )

Here I have created a cinematic composition based on the style of Hans Zimmer, which will also be played live with some guitar effects. The key of F# minor is very emotional and expressive and matches the color "violet". I based the title on a scene from Kevin Costner's movie "Postman".

Vampires Want To Live Forever ( red )

Here is a cinematic piece in the style of Hans Zimmer and color music. A dramatic "red" with a concert piano and a cello which provides the necessary dramaturgy.

I will play all new songs live on the upcoming Farbmusik concerts. Don't miss the next one on July 21st - it will also be a livestreaming if you can not make it to the the small church in Seegräben Switzerland on that day.

and last but not least I have made up a website around therapy music which you find here on this website. It targets the local audience but if you are interested in it you can contact me.


You find a first bundle of therapy music here :


and more to come. News will be anounced in the Farbmusik Meditation Club which comes with a new design :

You might be interested to download the last free meditation file - join the club and download it here :

So that was now all news from the last 4 weeks. A lot of work has be done. You can guess I am serious about what I am doing. :)

If you love this website please help to grow the community and support my work either with a premium membership, a donation or by using the services I am offering for you guys. You can bet that independant artists have to work hard in these days and be really creative to face all the challenges with AI and the big players who dominate the music market.

Thanks for your support


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  • 1 month later...
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Hey guys,

here are now the August 24 news :

First some general strategic news which was the center of the main work in the past weeks. I have redesigned a few of my many websites in order to put up my new online strategy which makes this website the center of all content which gets created and then this goes out to all other website automaticly which are landing pages for certain keywords such as " gitarren unterricht anfänger " as you can see here : https://gitarrist.ch/gitarrenunterricht-anfaenger.html

All content which is marked with " guitar beginner " will be displayed automaticly there. Therefor I also made up my mind about music and AI and the future of music and I decided to push my brand " Farbmusik " more in front where there are no genres. Music is devided in categories of colors. All music which is marked with " gruen " as an example will be displayed automaticly on this page https://farbmusik.com/gruen.html . There is also an english page available here https://farbmusik.com/eng/green.html . The community tag for farbmusik in general is #farbmusik .

This stategy is now a major shift in my online strategies. Was in fact a lot of work and a lot of analysis of the current online situation with AI and fast changing community guidelines to the disadvantage of Users. I want to remind you that the community guidelines on this website are short, transparent and for the benefit of all Users. You can read the current version of them here. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/guidelines/

The goal of these changments is to get a healthy independant and sustainable system running for all fans of guitar playing, guitar music and also farbmusik. If you love the work here please support it with a premium membership even if you are not a regular user or don't have so much time for practicing guitar at the moment. https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/subscriptions/

I am not planing to change them much anymore. Short, transparent and fair. And so " Fair Use " is the motto of this community here. I also want to remind you to the referral system which is installed. You can use it for your personal benefit if you want to make a few bucks which you can redeem for any service on this website. You can read all about this service here :

I have also a tiktok account for a while and the algorithm is making crazy jumps there but nevertheless I am approaching 1K followers which will make it eligible for monetization then. This account will be a " performance - only" channel - the eduction channel will stay on YouTube. You find the tiktok acount when you search for " hpcrazy " - it's the " hpcrazy73 " account.


and now lets go on to the news in the Guitar Academy.


Minor Blues Chords & Solo : Here I teach you how to play great chords and solo together in a minor blues guitar setting. Timing is the most important thing to sound great and accurate.

Mixolydian Country Blues Licks 1 : Here I show you a first selection of mixolydian country blues guitar licks on blues in E. This is for intermediate players - you need to be able to play 16th notes on 90 bpm to fulfill the task. It's a first step to play such licks and lines over the entire fretboard.


This month was more for the advanced players with the following tutorial :

Rock Guitar - Building Speed 1 : This is the first of more tutorials which will take you from an intermediate rock guitar player who can make a solid rock guitar solo to an advanced rock guitar player who can use modes, scales, patterns and arpeggios in the soloing and it's a first introduction into economy picking.

Rock Guitar - Crazy Dorian Mega Chops : Here I show you some crazy dorian mega chops in high speed which you can use on any dorian rock guitar setting. It's fun and I try to make the task as easy as possible.


Basic Smooth Jazz Guitar 2 : This is now the 2nd tutorial of the " Basic Smooth Jazz Guitar " course. Here I talk about building up some speed with runs using the blues and bebop scale and mixing the scales and modes with each other in a simple way.

Wes Montgomery Jazz Guitar Basics : Here I show you the basics of the octave technique which was invented by Wes Montgomery in combination with a turnaround in F : F7 / D7 / Gm7 / C7

more tutorials from new series :

Guitar Beginners - Starting with Basic Chords : Here you can start with the basic chords on guitar. I show you the main basic chords and 2 simple songs were you can already start to make music. One of them is " Hey Joe " by Jimi Hendrix. The single note line of " Hey Joe " is also a great exercise to start moving the fingers on the fretboard with some fun.

Guitar Sound Lab - Delay : Here I talk about all the essential things you need to know to use the delay effect in the " usual " ways.

Guitar Secrets - THE Guitar Journey : Here I talk about my experience of the guitar journey out of over 30 years of learning, playing, teaching and being in music all my life.


and now lets move on to music :)

I have composed 2 new songs in a cinematic Hans Zimmer Style. For those who don't know his name. He is the most featured composer in many movies like : Gladiator, Dune, Interstellar and many others... check him out. I love that style and I did some of my features with colors ( Farbmusik ) and those songs get played at the live concerts now by playing the guitar live. I have been working the entire year on creating a really expressive and warm guitar sound with my new guitar and I am finally there - you can hear it when you what my liveshow which are broadcasted live each time. The event is still small and am building up the whole thing but slowly the music is there where it should be and the liveaudience always loves the music and the colors.

So here the 2 new songs :

The Traveller : Here is a cinematic composition with the bass and the piano leading the melody through the piece. In a way, it is a piano concerto with cinematic elements. It is based on the style of Hans Zimmer. The piece represents the color " dark blue "

Pandora : Here is a green piece which is supposed to reflect the wonderful atmosphere and the wonderful green of the fictitious planet “Pandora” from the movie Avatar. In the composition you can hear a piano playing the main melody, followed by an English horn and a cello. All mixed together to create this harmonious and wonderful green.

the next liveshow where you can watch is on Aug 19th live in the small church in Seegräben in Switzerland. Starts at 8PM Zürich time. Be there live or in the livestream :

That's now all for this month - thanks for your time and attention and your support. :)

Best HP

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Admin

Hey guys,

here are now the Sept. 24 news.

The summer is slowly over and everybody is getting back to work. I was taking things a bit easier in the past 4 weeks and made a few days off but still I was playing a lot on events and was playing concerts. But now lets move on to the latest news.


High Energy Shuffle Blues Guitar : Here I show you a cool high energy shuffle blues guitar riff. The riff itself is something you might already know but you need to know the tricks to play it on 150 or more bpm.

Blues Guitar - Double Stop Madness : Here I show you a few " out of the box " blues guitar double stops on blues in G.

Blues Guitar Talking : Here I give you some examples how Blues Guitar - Talking works.

Beautiful Minor Blues Guitar Chords : Here I show you some really beautiful minor blues guitar chords.


Rock Guitar - Building Speed 2 : Here I show you exercises to build up speed on a rock guitar. Here I talk about triplets, sextoles and economy picking on arpeggios.

Steady Classic Rock Guitar Riff : Here I show you a cool steady classic rock guitar riff.

7 String Rock Guitar Riff :


there is a new course available !


Night & Day ( Cole Porter )

a new add in the Basic Smooth Jazz Guitar Course :


In general I am highlighting the courses more in the near future. There are already quite a lot courses available. They are either displayed on the frontpage https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/

or you find the direct link to the full collection here :



Now lets move on to the creative parts :

First of all I have a tiktok account where I upload only creative content and I am soon reaching the monetization level which will mean that that channel will probable get more exposure. The content I am uploading there are 95% performance video's which I record directly after a guitar tutorial first take. And honestly I am quit supprised that I soon have 1K followers. Still 150 missing. Please help me to reach 1K ASAP by subscribing to that channel.

You find it here :

@hpcrazy73 or over this directlink : https://www.tiktok.com/@hpcrazy73


Here is a new dark blue piece in Hans Zimmer style. There is a modern sounding beat with cinematic elements and a group doing the claps. There is also a trance-like sound at the beginning, which opens the track. Then comes the string orchestra. The color music guitar takes on the role of a soprano, which floats with the melody over the whole sound bed.

I created the image of the video with AI (Photoshop) and animated it in Premiere to capture the drama of the piece in an image.

The Farbmusik concerts are starting to evolve with the new sound and new concept and the new guitar. The past 2 concerts have been great the more and more audience is coming to the local venue. I still broadcast the concerts live on YouTube. The next one is on Sept. 18th - again in the church in Seegräben ( Switzerland ) - if you are around in the region just show up there :) or watch it online here :

Thats all now about August.

If you love my work please support it either with a premium membership which give you access to all features here on the website :


or / and a donation


Thanks for your support and your time



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