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PRS Cheasapeake Bay Bridge Private Stock - Mrs Blue


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Dr. Pink is getting some company by Mrs Blue. This is a PRS Cheasapeake Bay Bridge Private Stock guitar and it will replace if all goes well my old Godin LGX which I have been playing for over 30 years now. In the past months I felt that the Godin LGX can not display the sound I want to create since I reached a new level of expression on guitar so I was starting to look for a new guitar and since mom left me a few bucks it would have been her wish to invest it properly. So I estimated a budget of 7K for a new guitar - but I didn't find any which really striked me as my old Godin LGX done 30 years ago. At that time that guitar was 3.5K and I only had 100 bucks in my pocket and I bought it and never regreted it.

2 weeks ago I received a newsletter from a guitar store were they sold this PRS Cheasapeake Bay Bridge for a reduced price of 12K and unfortunately I fell in love with this guitar. I tried to reduce my attraction for this guitar since it is way over my budget but now it's on the way to me. It will arrive from Leeds GB tomorrow. PRS delivered only 8 guitars to Europe and even those are different. I will get this one here. It's the only video and review which was available in the internet. But I was lucky this store gave me a really good discount but the the next few weeks there will only be pasta and tomato sauce on my dinner table to get some money back. :D

And the name will be : Mrs Blue


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  • admin changed the title to PRS Cheasapeake Bay Bridge Private Stock - Mrs Blue
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7 hours ago, admin said:

pasta and tomato sauce

eating is generally overrated... (and pasta and tomato sauce besides one of my favorite dishes)
so, what you really need is a guitar like this :riffer:

Have fun!

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2 hours ago, Randy said:

Very beautiful, you deserve it. Your mom would be proud of you and know that she will be watching and listening to you play Mrs. Blue.

Yes I know she would love it - she always supported my music. :)


27 minutes ago, medikon said:

eating is generally overrated... (and pasta and tomato sauce besides one of my favorite dishes)
so, what you really need is a guitar like this :riffer:

Have fun!

In fact I had spagetti and tomato sauce for lunch today - but there is a trick to make it taste better for a low price. Just add some fresh herbs to it. In this case some rosmarin and chives - both growing in my small garden.. well garden is a bit overrated.

I must say I was sweating when I ordered it :D - just to get an idea. I have only 1 chair and one table as furniture ( IKEA ) my grandmom bought it for 20 years ago. But when it comes to musical instruments it has to be the best of the best :ph34r::D

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Here the first pics - this guitar is in fact wonderful and I was not sure if I keep it but it will stay. Plays really easy but I will need a few days or weeks to completly adapt to it.

guitar 1.jpg


guitar 2.jpg


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I played it now for one hour and my summary of impressions is just a huge " WOW " !

This guitar is not only very beautiful, it is extremly professionaly handcrafted and the playability and the sound is just stunning. Normally every guitar has some spots where the tone is not so direct or strong. Mostly in high positions. Not this guitar - every tone has a fast and strong attack and the guitar is extremly balanced. All notes have the same strengh - even the highest notes. I plays so easy and because all notes are coming so direct and strong and the fretboard is so extremly well manifactured you can play whatever you want and it works.

Now comes the next problem or question - shall Dr. Pink make a step beside for Mrs. Blue ?

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2 hours ago, admin said:

I played it now for one hour and my summary of impressions is just a huge " WOW " !

This guitar is not only very beautiful, it is extremly professionaly handcrafted and the playability and the sound is just stunning. Normally every guitar has some spots where the tone is not so direct or strong. Mostly in high positions. Not this guitar - every tone has a fast and strong attack and the guitar is extremly balanced. All notes have the same strengh - even the highest notes. I plays so easy and because all notes are coming so direct and strong and the fretboard is so extremly well manifactured you can play whatever you want and it works.

Now comes the next problem or question - shall Dr. Pink make a step beside for Mrs. Blue ?


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45 minutes ago, Randy said:

I know I’m very anxious to hear it as I’m sure all your followers are too. Can’t wait!

it's on the way :D:riffer:

44 minutes ago, Randy said:

Obviously Rambo has good taste too.

He imediatly came to see what is new in the house and he didn't want to leave the guitarcase :D

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Hey Randy - yeah in fact Mrs Blue is full of life. I can not put in words how great this guitar is. And yes Dr Pink was with me since 2006 and my Godin LGX since 1995 - they are both part of my life. They will not go away. But the Godin LGX probably will not be played so often anymore. That guitar I must say was my main guitar - specialy on concerts and I was looking for a replacement for quite a while.

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Now I played my first guitar night with this guitar so now I can tell how this guitar feels and sounds in the situation of playing.

First of all. I thought the price of 12K was a bit the high collector price that they would have something which is really unique and expensive because nobody would be willing to pay such a high price for a new guitar which does not have the history of a Fender or Gibson from the early years. Of course the looks of the guitar is a piece of art. One can love it or somebody else would not like it. But is the sound also worth the really high price ? After the concert I must say - YES. This guitar is worth every cent payed. It is able to display even the smallest detail of playing and playing technique and giving the sound this really warm and emotional expression. Somebody who listened to the concert who is not a guitar player gave me the feedback, that it's like going from a very good soprano to a out-of-reality soprano. In fact it was my vision to create a guitar sound which is as unique and as developed like a professional singer who can display all kinds of expressions with the voice and this guitar is able to take this to the best level possible. Of course the playing technique has to match the possibilities of the guitar but this is extremly motivating to work hard to take it to the level of unlimited possibilities of emotional expression on the guitar.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I now recorded a first tutorial with this guitar - just to see how it works out. I checked the footage out a bit now and good news for the Dr. Pink fans. Dr. Pink will stay on the tutorials. Due to the different colors of the fretboard the autofocus on my professional camera has difficulties which makes total sense. Camera's often have difficulities with close - ups on fretboards when set to autofocus.


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  • 2 months later...
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I wanted to give an update here :

I was held back to get familiar with Mrs. Blue for a while since I needed a replacement of a screw on the tremolo system and it took quite a while till I got the original from PRS but since then I started to get to know this guitar. How does this work ? I go through sounds, pickup settings and playing techniques and see how the guitar reacts and can display the tone and what is needed in the playing technique to express the maximum bandwidth of the sound possibilities. The journey still did not end but what I can already say is that this guitar is beyond anything I ever experienced and it is really able to push creative possibilities to a whole new level and it is really fun and inspirational. I am still suffering from the hole in my cash pocket since the price was way beyond too but in fact this guitar was worth every cent I spent.

Here you can hear how great this guitar can sound. This is just the natural sound of the guitar with a tube preamp and an ambient reverb.


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